Are Romance languages some kind of Germano-Latin?
It's alright. I think native English speakers have problems with countries that are plural. LOL
Herbist : « Tacitus' descriptions of the Germanic character are at times favorable in contrast to the opinions of the Romans of his day. He holds the strict monogamy and chastity of Germanic marriage customs worthy of the highest praise, in contrast to what he saw as the vice and immorality rampant in Roman society of his day (ch. 18), and he admires their open hospitality, their simplicity, and their bravery in battle. »
Tu ne t'es jamais interrogé sur les opinions de Tacite ? Ni sur ce qui lui a été donné de connaître ?
Tu ne t'es jamais interrogé sur les opinions de Tacite ? Ni sur ce qui lui a été donné de connaître ?
The post above is not mine. Please, can an administrator ban this guy's IP?!
To the impostor above: Your English is terrible!
Let me help you...
You could have said, "it is a bit of an informal term...", or even "it is a bit informal...", but "It is a bit informal term" simply does not work. Again, you should have said, "but everybody WILL understand...".
If you were fluent in English you might have been able to get away with impersonating me, but since you are so illiterate no one is taking you seriously. Please don't cry about it. Just get a life and move on...
To the impostor above: Your English is terrible!
Let me help you...
You could have said, "it is a bit of an informal term...", or even "it is a bit informal...", but "It is a bit informal term" simply does not work. Again, you should have said, "but everybody WILL understand...".
If you were fluent in English you might have been able to get away with impersonating me, but since you are so illiterate no one is taking you seriously. Please don't cry about it. Just get a life and move on...
LOL..."As I said BEFORE". You left out 'before' you idiotic twit. I'm English/American, not Flemish moron.
So if you're the real JLK, please tell me, the supposedly the impostor, what 'JLK' stands for.
No, they're my initials impostor. My name is John Lloyd-Kirk.
LOL, "John Loves Kelly". Couldn't you do any better than that?
LOL, "John Loves Kelly". Couldn't you do any better than that?