I'd like to post this quote, attributed to Sun Tzu and popularized in "The Godfather II", on my blog. Would you all be so kind as to translate it into the language you speak, or maybe even post a saying in your language that expresses similar sentiments?
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
In italian it should be something like this:
Adula i tuoi amici, ma ancor di più i tuoi nemici
Adula i tuoi amici, ma ancor di più i tuoi nemici
In German it's something like
"Lass deine Freunde nah an dich heran, aber deine Feinde noch viel näher"
"Lass deine Freunde nah an dich heran, aber deine Feinde noch viel näher"
En español podría ser algo como:
"Mantén cerca a tus amigos y a tus enemigos aún más".
"Mantén cerca a tus amigos y a tus enemigos aún más".