In other words you think language can get replaced by telepathic communication?
Do you believe that language coud be useless one day
It is certainly feasible in the technical sense, but humanity is unlikely to survive long enough for such acheivements, at least on large scale. I think it will soon however be introduced for deaf people for comunicating etc.
If it sounds silly to you, it is actually not. People already have designed machines to "read the mind", ie robotic arms by connecting electric circuits to nerves. It's only a temporal matter until it can be made more complex for reading words, which can be encrypted and transfered by transmitter to a reciever in another person's mind, and conveyed to him in a reverse process.
However I don't think it will happen, because there is no need. Maybe only for disabled and deaf people it will happen.
However I don't think it will happen, because there is no need. Maybe only for disabled and deaf people it will happen.
And it would anyway still rely on language, for the machine to make the message in a form understandable by the human.
<< you think language can get replaced by telepathic communication? >>
Das ist möglich im Jenseits
Das ist möglich im Jenseits
<i>And it would anyway still rely on language, for the machine to make the message in a form understandable by the human.</i>
Not necessarily. It could transfer thoughts directly. I'm sure you've thought of something without thinking out the words to express it before.
Not necessarily. It could transfer thoughts directly. I'm sure you've thought of something without thinking out the words to express it before.
<<If it sounds silly to you, it is actually not. People already have designed machines to "read the mind", ie robotic arms by connecting electric circuits to nerves. It's only a temporal matter until it can be made more complex for reading words, which can be encrypted and transfered by transmitter to a reciever in another person's mind, and conveyed to him in a reverse process.>>
Your argumentation is imho very misleading in its generality. "Reading the mind" is not the same as connecting (in some way) electric circuits to some nerve or nerves. You may, in some way, connect a prosthesis to muscels of the rest of an arm to control the motion of the prosthesis by the impulses unconsciously sent to the muscles. But that's not reading the mind. In the brain, there are billions of nerves which all work in parallel and which may affect multiple things in your body or mind.
<<However I don't think it will happen, because there is no need. Maybe only for disabled and deaf people it will happen. >>
There would be very much need, indeed. Think about secret services, public survaillance, soul-searching, justice, etc. Hope this never comes true!
Your argumentation is imho very misleading in its generality. "Reading the mind" is not the same as connecting (in some way) electric circuits to some nerve or nerves. You may, in some way, connect a prosthesis to muscels of the rest of an arm to control the motion of the prosthesis by the impulses unconsciously sent to the muscles. But that's not reading the mind. In the brain, there are billions of nerves which all work in parallel and which may affect multiple things in your body or mind.
<<However I don't think it will happen, because there is no need. Maybe only for disabled and deaf people it will happen. >>
There would be very much need, indeed. Think about secret services, public survaillance, soul-searching, justice, etc. Hope this never comes true!
En realidad esto nunca sucederá debido a que en 2010 los "Ellos" llegarán a la Tierra con todo su ejército de Cascarudos para arrasar nuestro planeta. Lo sé todo porque me lo contó un extraño hombre del futuro...
People have been around a long time. If telepathic communication were possible, wouldn't we already see it in use by now?
Of course humans aren't naturally telepathic, but it could be done technologically. Take the Borg on Star Trek for example.
"En realidad esto nunca sucederá debido a que en 2010 los "Ellos" llegarán a la Tierra con todo su ejército de Cascarudos para arrasar nuestro planeta. Lo sé todo porque me lo contó un extraño hombre del futuro... "
Hola guestito, qué edad tienes? Doce, trece anos? Debes de ser un nene por lo que escribes
Hola guestito, qué edad tienes? Doce, trece anos? Debes de ser un nene por lo que escribes
Messi : « In other words you think language can get replaced by telepathic communication? ».
Non, car la parole (ou le geste) consiste non seulement à véhiculer du contenu mais aussi à faire passer une construction sur ce contenu. En d'autres termes, l'expression linguistique est une plomberie particulière : les tubes & conduits sont aussi importants que les fluides & liquides qu'ils acheminent. Avec la télépathie, où serait la forme associée au fond ? S'il s'agissait d'un aperçu de la pensée d'autrui, d'un copier-coller en temps réel de l'affect et de l'intellect de l'individu accessible aux tiers par un simple clic mental, où serait la nature humaine ?
Non, car la parole (ou le geste) consiste non seulement à véhiculer du contenu mais aussi à faire passer une construction sur ce contenu. En d'autres termes, l'expression linguistique est une plomberie particulière : les tubes & conduits sont aussi importants que les fluides & liquides qu'ils acheminent. Avec la télépathie, où serait la forme associée au fond ? S'il s'agissait d'un aperçu de la pensée d'autrui, d'un copier-coller en temps réel de l'affect et de l'intellect de l'individu accessible aux tiers par un simple clic mental, où serait la nature humaine ?
"Of course humans aren't naturally telepathic, but it could be done technologically."
— Oui, mais une communication serait seulement possible entre personnes pensant dans la même langue.
Car penser, c'est concevoir.
Concevoir, c'est formuler.
Formuler, c'est utiliser les ressources d'un code linguistique donné!
Hors de ce code il n'y a pas vraiment de pensée; il n'y a que des états de conscience élémentaires.
— Oui, mais une communication serait seulement possible entre personnes pensant dans la même langue.
Car penser, c'est concevoir.
Concevoir, c'est formuler.
Formuler, c'est utiliser les ressources d'un code linguistique donné!
Hors de ce code il n'y a pas vraiment de pensée; il n'y a que des états de conscience élémentaires.