real antimoon polyglots

Gabriel   Mon Nov 26, 2007 7:31 am GMT

I'm not sure the guest above is a native speaker of Spanish or even a moderately advanced learner. One thing is certain, your original post was written in a more native-like Spanish than his/her supposed "correction".

Is is indeed "suelo escribir" and NOT "suelo de escribir"

Your use of "de todos modos" is perfectly appropriate and natural here and the "correction" provided changes your original meaning.

"Por causa de que" sounds a bit pretentious and unnatural. The original "porque" is much better.

"de modo que" would imply that what follows is a logical conclusion, and that is not the case here, you're simply adding information regarding what method you use.

"con soltura" can be used instead of "muy bien", but both work here.

"escribido" is definitely not standard Spanish. Your usage of "escribo" to indicate that you're still doing it and not yet done is perfectly natural.

If you wanted to indicate certainty you could have said "K.T. entiende español..." As it is, it suggests some degree of uncertainty. I would not use "podrá" here, unless we're all expecting K.T. to come forward and prove his abilities sometime in the future.

"Sin embargo" means "however" and does not work here. "también" is not ideal, your second choice, "además", is better. I would not say "soy envidioso" unless it's one of your permanent, defining characteristics. "Estoy envidioso" is better, although it doesn't sound very natural to me. I'd say then "me da envidia".

I guess it would be useful if those who volunteer to correct others made it clear whether they are native speakers or not.
Guest   Mon Nov 26, 2007 8:00 am GMT
"he escribido"

Nunca he oido este participio pasado y me suena muy incorrecto. No deberia ser, en espanol estandar, he escrito??
El que corrigio a Kef, si no estoy equivocado, podria ser Franco. El solia escribir textos en castellano con soltura pero hacia, muy a menudo, varios errores gramaticales.
Guest   Mon Nov 26, 2007 8:05 am GMT
¡Pero Franco era demasiado malvado como para corregir a persona alguna!
furrykef   Mon Nov 26, 2007 8:16 am GMT
Ahh... gracias a todos. Reanuden la discusión :)
Gues   Mon Nov 26, 2007 6:58 pm GMT
"Nunca he oido este participio pasado y me suena muy incorrecto."

It should be "Nunca he odio este participio pasado y me suena incorrecto".

Muy incorrecto is a redundancy and it is wrong.
Guest   Mon Nov 26, 2007 7:21 pm GMT
There can be degrees of correctness.
Guest   Mon Nov 26, 2007 7:26 pm GMT
Maybe, but there are not degrees of incorrectness, you can say that something is correct to some exent, but that something is very incorrect is bad expressed, at least it happens so in Spanish.
Guest   Mon Nov 26, 2007 8:02 pm GMT
your English is far from be perfect but English Speaking people are much more polite than some latinos are...No creo que sea una falta tan grave escribir me suena "muy" incorrecto, en particular si el que escribe no es un nativo. Me encantaria ver y oir como usted escribiria y hablaria mi lengua. En cambio escribir he "escribido" en lugar de he escrito es un error gramatical muy grave.
Guest   Mon Nov 26, 2007 9:37 pm GMT
I didn't want to sound unpolite but to correct the Spanish of those folks learning it . Where is the problem? Did I make fun of these mistakes? I think I didn't, because I make mistakes when I speak in English too, but I would never censure those who point out my mistakes. Anyway, if this wasn't a forum about learning languages, I would have not said that "my incorrecto" was wrong. Wether it is a big mistake or not, I don't care, but people should avoid "muy incorrecto", period. And believe me, I'm a native Spanish speaker so my opinion has a certain value. If you are a also a native Spanish speaker and don't even know that "muy incorrecto" is wrong, I don't have the blame. Because, being honest, there are some native speakers who make these kind of mistakes too, but it does not justify that learners are allowed to make them too.
Guest   Mon Nov 26, 2007 9:40 pm GMT
Do not belittle people because they are not native speakers. Would you want to be insulted for the mistakes you make in English?
Guest   Mon Nov 26, 2007 9:44 pm GMT
Once again, who is insulting those who make mistakes in Spanish? I simply said that "muy incorrecto" is wrong, if you don't like to be corrected because it hurts your proudness let me know and I will not point out your mistakes anymore, but honestly If I was you, I would kill to have native speakers who teach me to speak properly.
Guest   Mon Nov 26, 2007 10:13 pm GMT
Well, then you should know that people usually say "pride" rather than "proudness" and that you should use "were" in place of "was" in the phrase "if I was you".
Guest   Mon Nov 26, 2007 10:20 pm GMT
Thank you, but to be sincere I did know both things. :-)
Guest   Mon Nov 26, 2007 10:39 pm GMT
It's funny how Antimooners get all professional and technical apropos Spanish when somebody does a so-so translation.
Guest   Mon Nov 26, 2007 10:44 pm GMT
"Sin embargo / No obstante" mean = nevertheless / nonetheless
"Ademas" = however / moreover
"De modo que" = So that / In the way that
"Con soltura / Con fluidez" = with fluency
"Estoy envidioso / Me da envidia" = I'm jealous
"Me alegro / Me da gusto" = I'm glad