Alphabet: Russian v. Cyrillic etc.
Is the alphabet used by the Russians the Russian alphabet or the Cyrillic alphabet? If nothing else, we all know it is based off the Cyrillic alphabet, but would you refer to it as such or as the Russian alphabet?
Do you think it'd be referred to as the Cyrillic alphabet in general and the Russian alphabet only if you're distinguishing it from, say, the Macedonian alphabet or the Bulgarian alphabet?
We use the "Latin alphabet" in English, but when talking about ours as opposed to the Turkish alphabet, is that the only time you would want/need to differentiate?
<<Do you think it'd be referred to as the Cyrillic alphabet in general and the Russian alphabet only if you're distinguishing it from, say, the Macedonian alphabet or the Bulgarian alphabet? <<
In Sebria alphabet of Russian is usually refered as Russian Cyrillic because it has more symbols and its more complex than Serbian Cyrillic. Bulgarian Cyrillic shares some features with Russian while Macedonian script is identical as Serbian.
So, for example, these dialogs would be correct:
Question 1: What alphabet does the Russian language typically use?
Answer 1: The Cyrillic alphabet.
Question 2: That looks like the Macedonian alphabet.
Answer 2: Actually, it's the Russian alphabet.
Is that accurate?
Russian uses the cyrillic alphabet and adapts it for the Russian language. Just like English uses the Latin alphabet adapted for the English language, and like Czech also uses the Latin alphabet but adapted for Czech. Just like Japanese uses Chinese characters but adapted for Japanese language.
That's all it is.
<<So, for example, these dialogs would be correct:
Question 1: What alphabet does the Russian language typically use?
Answer 1: The Cyrillic alphabet.
Question 2: That looks like the Macedonian alphabet.
Answer 2: Actually, it's the Russian alphabet.
Is that accurate?<<
Macedonian Cyrillic is not identical as Serbian. Macedonian has the letter ќ.