Spanish & Occitan...
Which is more easier for someone who is a native to the Spanish language to learn
1. Occitan or
2. French or
3. Catana.....?
What is the lexical similarities beyween Spanish & Occitan...?
Occitan is in reality a set of dialects, and some of them are more easy to understand for native Spanish speakers. I would say that Valenciand and Catalan are the easiest ones for a Spanish speaker.
To answer the question: Catalan.
Why would anyone learn Occitan? Most of the people who know it learn it at school but don't use it in their daily life. A stark contrast to Catalan.
Provençal has more glamour than Catalan despite this dialect of Occitan is almost dead nowadays. Provençal is the language of the medieval trovadours.
<< Provençal has more glamour than Catalan despite this dialect of Occitan is almost dead nowadays. Provençal is the language of the medieval trovadours. >>
Keyword: medieval
Catalan is more influenced by Spanish than other Occitan dialects, so my answer is Occitan. Despite I've never heard Occitan, I've read the Occitan wikipedia and I find it less intelligible than the Catalan wikipedia. About French, this language is clearly more unintelligible for an Spanish speaker than Occitan-Catalan.