El español volverá a ser asignatura obligatoria en Filipinas
La presidenta de Filipinas, Gloria M. Arroyo, ha anunciado este lunes, durante la primera jornada de su visita de Estado a España, su compromiso de que el idioma español vuelva a ser una asignatura de estudio obligatorio en las escuelas de este país asiático.
That's a good thing. Tagalog is a pretty ugly language and it seems to lack any rules. I think people can add words in English at will and it is still considered "good" Tagalog. Spanish, being a Romance, is a complete language and will connect the Philippines back to a past that the U.S. tried to erase from the colective memory. Besides, English has lost its luster and it's becoming so passe an ordinary, even the dogs can bark in English.
Ademas, Espana, como una verdadera democracia, se ha convertido en un modelo a seguir. Espana trata a sus ciudadanos con total igualdad, sin distincion de razas y sexo.
Disculpen mi falta de acentos, estoy usando un ordenador que no los tiene :-(
Edmundo, this thread is repeated. It would be better if you keep posting on the other one.
But the Americans provided the Filipinos with education which uplifted their self esteem. Something the Spaniards deprived.
Now that the majority of the Filipinos are literate, the Hispanics want to make Spanish flourish again in these Islands. Look, if Spain really cared for the Filipinos then it should have done all it could to prevent the Philippines from becoming a US territory. Instead Spain sold the Philippines for just a mere $20 million.
The Filipinos learned nothing from SPain other than the Roman Catholic religion.
The Filipinos don't speak English as well as you may think. If US didn't invade Philipines they would speak and write in Spanish as most of people in Manila did, This city was not illiterate like the rest of the country. Don't believe that thanks to English they can write, or at any case they would use their native language. English is not that solid in Philipines so Spanish has many chances to succeed.