El español volverá a ser asignatura obligatoria en Filipinas
La presidenta de Filipinas, Gloria M. Arroyo, ha anunciado este lunes, durante la primera jornada de su visita de Estado a España, su compromiso de que el idioma español vuelva a ser una asignatura de estudio obligatorio en las escuelas de este país asiático.
Only this? What about making Spanish an official language again?
Why don't we choose Spanish as the only internatinal language instead of English or Esperanto. It's so easy! Let's learn and speak Spanish!
Thank you, Gloria Arroyo.
She is a big supporter of the Spanish language and all the Spanish speakers appreciate her efforts to reintroduce Spanish in Philipines.
It is a clever first step to make Spanish third official language of the country. If that is true Spanish will be a World language, spoken in all the Continents.
Why don't we choose Spanish as the only internatinal language instead of English or Esperanto. It's so easy! Let's learn and speak Spanish!
Ok, entonces deja de escribir en ingles.
So, is it only in the schools or will it also be an official language? Before she mentioned it being official.
I think that earlier information about Spanish becoming official again in Philipinesis wrong. Gloria Arroyo will reintroduce Spanish in schools, and after that who knows. If people show interest on Spanish maybe they will make Spanish official again.
Without the genders, complicated conjugation system, etc, English is definitely easier than Spanish.
Stupid Pinoys... As if having Tagalog + English + eventually another native language were not enough.
English is not easier for Tagalog speakers. Take into account that Tagalog carries hundreds of words which come from Spanish. Spanish is easier to pronounce for the Tagalog speakers and the grammar is not much more difficult than the English one. Verbs are more difficult, but I think that much easier phonetics compensates it.
God bless Lady Gloria. Thank you .
They are making things complicated for themselves..
Yes, I think that they should speak Spanish only. Things would be easier.
<< Yes, I think that they should speak Spanish only. Things would be easier. >>
Yes, and truth is, they don't.
I feel sorry for the Pinoys. They're trying so hard to be something different from they really are.
They don't speak Spanish and that is the reason why they want to reintroduce it. The reasons are:
1. Tagalog and other native languages are not suitable for modern societies. They feel that English or Spanish are need, not only as foreign languages but as a national language to be comfortable with so they can express many things that with Tagalog they couldn't .
2. Philipinnes has a tons of documents of historic relevance in Spanish and they can't study them because they can't speak Spanish. This is the same as if the Americans couldn't read the US Constitution and what George Washington, Jefferson and other fathers of the nation said.
3. English is still not accepted by many Philipinos as their national language. Even many of them don't master English, despite US pressed hard the Philipinos to study English (even using brute force). So they want to try with Spanish. Will Spanish succeed? Only time will tell, but Gloria Macapagal has made the first step in favour of Spanish.
<<Philipinnes has a tons of documents of historic relevance in Spanish and they can't study them because they can't speak Spanish.>>
How about having someone translate them into English or Tagalog so that they would be able to study them? Hasn't anybody ever thought of that?