I need your help...!

shaheen   Sun Oct 30, 2005 11:40 am GMT

I have a problem with my 'R' letter.
This is affecting me when trying to say the American 'R'.
In my language, –which is Arabic- the 'R' comes out from the front of the mouth but for some reason I can NOT say it properly.
I have no idea how to start with searching about it in gogle.
What do you call this problem? Or what do you call someone who has such a problem with his/her speech?

I can't say ‘rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr’ like how the Spanish would say it. It's only me in my family while others have no problem. WHY!!

To understand what I mean by ‘Spanish R’ visit this web-site:


choose Spanish language

Desperately need your help !?!?!?


thank you.
Guest   Sun Oct 30, 2005 12:27 pm GMT
Start out practicing by using the sound in only a few simple, common words. Keep those words in mind when speaking the target language so that you pronounce them accordingly, even if you have to do so carefully. Eventually, they should come out of your mouth automatically with less effort and you might be able to adapt the sound to other words.
Uriel   Sun Oct 30, 2005 3:56 pm GMT
Shaheen, I feel your pain -- I can't do a Spanish R either, and everyone around me thinks it's the easiest thing in the world!
abc   Mon Oct 31, 2005 1:05 pm GMT
Uriel, if you're American then I'm sure you can pronounce it right.. you just have to try harder. I say so because I know that you guys use the Arabic or Spanish 'R' A LOT without actually realizing it. pronounce any of the words "outta-water-university, city,a lotta, etc" fast, and the way you pronounce the 't' is how we pronouce the 'R'.
Guest   Mon Oct 31, 2005 1:20 pm GMT
But the 'flap t' is lightly tapped, unlike the 'r' which is rolled. They start out the same but the rolling is what some find difficult.
mark   Mon Oct 31, 2005 1:31 pm GMT
see the trick is that your tongue should not touch your hardpalate thats how american r is secondly when u try to say R just extend your palm and when sayin R put a slight fold in your palm and in ur tongue too point yourtongue tip towards soft palate the more its near the end of ur mouth andaway from hard palate the more perfect it would be.
Just dont touch upper portion of ur mouth in ny case.