Europeans' english
We often hear how 'all Europeans speak English', and get figures like 85% or something in the Netherlands, Finland, Denmark etc.. Well, I want to know, how well to people REALLY know English in these leading countries, for example, can they watch native English language movies (especially slang laden ones) without subtitles? Can they easily read English classics, like Dickens?
Since this is a language forum, your levels may be higher, but what is the level like for the people you live around? Ie, educated people who know English, but not language fanatics...
Аn increasing amount of Europeans are 'anti-English' and choose other languages instead of English.
Scandinavians are now almost a branch of the Anglosaxon culture, they speak English perfectly, almost like natives.. Perhaps the Dutch don't speak English as well but still much better than the rest of Europeans. I believe that English will become the mother tonge of all the Europeans in the long term.
I believe that English will become the mother tonge of all the Europeans in the long term.
Whattt??? AHHAH!!! Are you drunk???!!!
Yes, it will happen like during the Roman empire. Latin displaced all the aboriginal languages.
That's a joke. While msot people can speak English very well on a formal level, ie for business, or in a meeting, or for helping tourists, very few can understand movies without subtitles.
The empire will fall before it spreads its language.
In fact we are at the time of the Roman Empire.... smart answer