Just because the Flemish have a higher standard of living it does not mean that they control Brussels and they still remain far less educated than the Walloons. Never.
You can keep your textiles and other consumer goods with you. You're so proud of that JLK? But keep this in mind that Flanders is not industrialized as compared to Wallonia.
The less than 10% Dutch speakers in Brussels are fast becoming Francophones and the Walloons don't bother to learn Dutch even if it's advantageous.
You're on the way to becoming French speakers because your foundation to Standard Dutch is so weak because you resent it anyway and all of you speak a collection of dialects that have no literary base and just oral speeches so different from standard Dutch.
You can keep your textiles and other consumer goods with you. You're so proud of that JLK? But keep this in mind that Flanders is not industrialized as compared to Wallonia.
The less than 10% Dutch speakers in Brussels are fast becoming Francophones and the Walloons don't bother to learn Dutch even if it's advantageous.
You're on the way to becoming French speakers because your foundation to Standard Dutch is so weak because you resent it anyway and all of you speak a collection of dialects that have no literary base and just oral speeches so different from standard Dutch.