German or Italian???

wingyellow   Wednesday, September 10, 2003, 00:10 GMT
Chinese is the second largest. Then comes Japanese.
Henry   Wednesday, September 10, 2003, 00:31 GMT
Sagason gave us two choices. He didn't mention French. I like French, is quite beautiful really.
A.S.C.M.   Wednesday, September 10, 2003, 00:48 GMT
Long live and!

Thank you, Wingyellow, for pointing out the fact that the Chinese actually fought the Japanese during WWII whilst the French (at least most of the French, including the regular army) surrendered within a couple of days.
Tremmert   Thursday, September 11, 2003, 10:08 GMT
Tremmert   Thursday, September 11, 2003, 10:09 GMT
Quote from above link: 'Next to English, it is the most frequently used language in business, diplomacy, and tourism.'
Antonio   Thursday, September 11, 2003, 11:53 GMT

I doubt that. French is the second language in Diplomacy. German isn´t that heard in business, but it is true that german tourists are everywhere, so people may try some words in German ( locals ).
wingyellow   Thursday, September 11, 2003, 12:01 GMT
Actually, both German and French are useless in Asia, just like Chinese and Japanese are useless in Europe. But Asian will choose to learn French, since it is associated with fashion.

Except for Hugo and some great novelists, France does not have any great historic heroes! Most French are cowards who dare not protect their homeland!

My ancestors shed their blood so that I can live here. I despise the cowards and somehow their language.
Clark   Thursday, September 11, 2003, 16:30 GMT
Wingyellow, VA TE FAIRE FOUTRE and your stupid country, ethics, language, culture, and what have you!!!!!!!!!!
Clark   Thursday, September 11, 2003, 16:46 GMT
Don't teach your kids English either because they will be ridiculed. And they will be ridiculed because you will have taught them in that stupid Asian accent you have!
Alex   Thursday, September 11, 2003, 17:53 GMT
Ahhh.. History .... It is sometimes cruel and others unfair. But, Who can rise a hand, nation or individual, and say: I am Clean of any "sin"...

There are more proper words that can be used.

A language can not be categorized by such factors.

Julian   Thursday, September 11, 2003, 17:59 GMT
to wingyellow,

I suggest you brush up on French history before you go around making such statements.

The French were betrayed by the right wing, anti-Semitic faction of their government, who basically handed the keys to the kingdom over to the Germans when the French people were still putting up a fight. Thousands of French joined resistance movements in an effort to liberate their country. They risked their lives sabotaging the Germans and assisting the Allies; many were executed.

The Germans in turn, wiped out 344 communities, starved the population by blocking trade routes and feeding them meager rations, shot dissidents on the spot, and sent thousands of them to concentration camps. I would say that a lot of French blood was spilled trying to protect their homeland.

Some notable French heroes: Charlemagne, Joan of Arc, Napoleon, Henry IV, Louis XIV, Louis Pasteur, Rene Descartes, Victor Hugo, Charles de Gaulle.
wingyellow   Thursday, September 11, 2003, 18:32 GMT
First, being Asian is not a shame. Being poor is. I always say that speaking with a native accent is useless if you cannot use it too make money. My accent, though not native, does give me several extra hundreds buck a month in Hong Kong.

Second, Chinese people were betrayed too. It is the Communist who saved us. That is the truth, though I believe in Capitalism.

The whole French government went into exile in Britain. I mean it just took too short to lose. Who were more cruel, German or Japanese? At least German did not rape or burn people alive. And it still does not change the fact that France was defeated in WWII. They may not be cowards, but they are surely weak. If not for her allies, she may never have reclaimed the homeland. We Chinese owe a lot to the two A-bombs, but we fought all the way from beginning to the end and NEVER surrendered. Why? Because we had no allies to turn to. It was Mao, the greatest war strategist and the worst economist ever, who saved the Chinese from the Japanese.

French people did not have a Mao to organise them. They needed someone who did not speak French to help them. And I believe that their officials spoke English in exile while talking to their British counterpart. That's why their language did not deserve the superiority over German.

Any ethnic group who cannot protect themselves should not be considered superior in any sense. By not superior, I don't imply inferior.
Bayou Rover   Thursday, September 11, 2003, 20:37 GMT
To Wingyellow,
I am astonished how you can link languages with cowardliness in wars or such... I just can’t understand why you think it is all about money. Do you learn a language for money? Well, I don’t know about you but if I were you, I wouldn’t learn a damn. There is the excitement within, challenging yourself and many nice stuff you can do.

I believe there is no language superior to another. It is just a matter of statics and personal taste. I work and speak French almost all of my time, my job environment is bilingual but most commonly French, and I afford money more than I really need.

I don’t like history very much but this is nonsensical!
Je sens la fierté et l'honneur que j'ai les ancêtres français. Ils n'étaient pas des lâches, et je ne m'inquiète pas de vos avis idiots.
"esprit de corps", huh?
Alex   Thursday, September 11, 2003, 21:56 GMT
Wingyellow wrote:
<<Any ethnic group who cannot protect themselves should not be considered superior in any sense. By not superior, I don't imply inferior. >>
<<Most French are cowards who dare not protect their homeland!
My ancestors shed their blood so that I can live here. I despise the cowards and somehow their language. >>

I have a few questions about cowardice for you, Wingyellow:

In your race, Is it more important the Land and Money, than your children lives?

Why do you allow and support a government who KILLs your own sons?

Are you cowards for not protecting the life of your own sons?

Or cowards, for not looking for a better future, which allow you to decide if you wish to have more than One child and Freedom.

May be I miss it in my occidental concept of cowardice.

Because in your own words...

<<Most Chinese are cowards who dare not protect their Children lives!
My ancestors shed their blood so that I can live here. I despise the cowards and somehow their language. >>

<<Any ethnic group who cannot protect themselves of their own government should not be considered superior in any sense. By not superior, I don't imply inferior. >>

Would you mind to share with us, more of your oriental concept of cowardice about these simple questions?

Thank you.

I think that Life and freedom, do not have race or language.
French fought for their lives and freedom.

By the way...
How old are you?

And where are you from?
aaaahh yes, I remember... Hong Kong... A former British Colony...
Henry   Thursday, September 11, 2003, 22:52 GMT
I have never seen ( I know its just text) Clark so angry. Clark, calm down old chap, you are not French you are American after all.