The word toilet?

Rugger   Monday, October 06, 2003, 21:14 GMT
n 1: a plumbing fixture for defecation and urination [syn: toilet,
can, crapper, pot, potty, stool, throne]
?   Tuesday, October 07, 2003, 01:07 GMT
Jim, you obviously just enjoy to talk about gross stuff, that's gross.
What's so wrong with saying restroom, there's nothing wrong with it at all.
No one needs to know you're going to urinate or defecate, when you say restroom, you could mean you're going in there to look in the mirror, or wash your hands.
Jim   Tuesday, October 07, 2003, 01:55 GMT
Maybe I do enjoy it ... or maybe I don't find it to be so gross.

I know I'm never going to stop people from using the words "restroom" or "washroom". So, you go ahead and use them. I still think that they are silly words, though, and hope that they never become popular in Australia.

No one needs to know you're going to urinate or defecate, sure, just I don't use nonsense words to hide the fact. "Excuse me." does fine if ever I don't feel like saying "I'm off to do a shit." or "I've got to take a slash."

When people say "restroom" or "washroom" we all know exactly what their intentions are. We know those intentions just as well as if they were to have said "toilet". Sure, you could mean you're going in there to look in the mirror or wash your hands but probably not. My guess would be that you're in there to urinate or defecate, when you've said "restroom" or "washroom". Either way I don't mind because that's your business. I don't care what you get up to in there.

When I say "restroom", I mean I'm going in there for a rest, that's why I never say "restroom".
?   Tuesday, October 07, 2003, 02:38 GMT
Just Simply saying excuse me won't always work if you're at work or somewhere like that, just saying excuse me while you're working to your boss. Your boss will of course ask you where your going, but you wouldn't want to say what you were doing. Also if you just told a friend excuse me and walked away they wouldn't know what you meant. I say restroom? English has a lot of crazy words, for example, a starfish isn't a fish neither is a jellyfish, a hotdog is not made of dog meat, an eggplant is not a plant that produces eggs etc.
Simon   Tuesday, October 07, 2003, 13:09 GMT
Toilette is French for a small piece of canvas. In medieval times French people used to go to the toilet on a bit of canvas. This became known as Modern Art. Consequently the price of canvas skyrocketted so the French adopted the English practice of using a ceramic bowl.
?   Tuesday, October 07, 2003, 15:05 GMT
There are toilets in the restroom. say that the other way, there are toilets in the toilet means that someone flushed a toy toilet down the toilet.
?   Tuesday, October 07, 2003, 19:36 GMT
Jim, you don't like washroom and restroom?

What about saying men's room, ladies room, also some people call the ladies room the powder room?
...   Tuesday, October 07, 2003, 23:57 GMT
A.S.C.M.   Wednesday, October 08, 2003, 00:08 GMT
Simon wrote: "In medieval times French people used to go to the toilet on a bit of canvas. This became known as Modern Art."

How does one go to the toilet on a bit of canvas?
How is this Modern Art?
Jim   Wednesday, October 08, 2003, 00:45 GMT
If I'm at work an I need to go to the toilet, I just go. Perhaps I'm one of the lucky ones but I don't need to tell anyone. If, however, for some reason or other, my boss or anyone wanted to know, I'd just tell them and have no problem using the word "toilet".

If you just said "Excuse me." to a friend and walked, away they wouldn't know what you meant. Perhaps they wouldn't but isn't that the point? If I wanted them to know that I was going to excrete something from my body I'd tell them.

"English has a lot of crazy words," this is true but why use them when there are perfectly fine normal words for the job? ... Oh, and can you be sure that "a hotdog is not made of dog meat,"?
Jim   Wednesday, October 08, 2003, 01:50 GMT
"There are toilets in the toilet." means that there are devices called "toilets" in the room called "a toilet" but this is a very odd way of putting things. The notion that "someone flushed a toy toilet down the toilet." doesn't spring to my mind.

Yep, "men's room", "ladies' room" and "powder room" are all pretty silly terms if you ask me, especially "powder room" it's not as if it's full of powder, then on the other hand, there are those who snort cocaine in public toilets.

Though "men's", "gents'" and "ladies'" as short for "men's toilet", "gents' toilet" and "ladies' toilet" aren't so aburd.
Simon   Wednesday, October 08, 2003, 08:54 GMT
Re Canvas. Don't take everything I say seriously. I was joking.
?   Wednesday, October 08, 2003, 19:29 GMT
Jim, these are the problems with using the things that you would want to use, if you were in America, at work then suddenly said excuse me, they'd say hey, where are you going, OK you're leaving, well you're fired. If you told a friend ''excuse me'' they'd be like where are you going, you're leaving, well I guess I'll go home then. If you asked where's the toilet, in the restroom of course, why did you ask. The restroom doors were suddenly locked, you would say hey, I need to be able to get into the toilet, ewwww, gross, why do you want to go in that dirty toilet.
?   Wednesday, October 08, 2003, 19:36 GMT
I mean ughhhhhh, gross a lot of people misspell ughhhhhhhh, ewwwwwwww why do they do that?
Jay   Wednesday, October 08, 2003, 22:00 GMT
You could also say the "can" or the "john". No, I don't know where those came from. They're not exactly vulgar, but they're not polite, either.
I use "shithouse" when with my girlfriend for comic effect; she sometimes says "potty".