the French vs. the Franks

fabbrice   Saturday, March 05, 2005, 13:29 GMT
" If you knew it, you would understand Italians better, because it is a language in the middle "

In south France less than 10% of the population "knew" some occitan. most of those 10% know only some words and are unable to speak it, anyway they almost never have the occasion to do it.

By the way, occitan is not really intermediary with french and Italian. It is part of the same sub-group than french (western romance languages), while italian is part of the eastern romance languages. the closest language to occitan is catalan (catalan is considered to be derived from an occitan dialect)

"Although the French language has a Latin basis I don't think that it's lexicon is as high as 95% Latin. Wikipedia claims that perhaps as much as 15% of the vocabulary of French is of Germanic origin, higher than any other Romance language"

I don't deny that there is some influence of germanic in french. That doesn't mean that we should be excluded from the latin group.
Every latin language has non-latin influence, the arabic influence in spanish and portuguese language is huge, also a germanic influence can be seen in those langauges - so we should exclude them to the latin group!
The slavic influence in romanian is much more important than germanic in french (40% of romanian vocabulary from slavic) - So we should exclude them from the latin group too.
Italian, expecially the northern dialects have huge germanic and celtic influences - so let's exclude northe italians from the latin group !?...
Southern italian dialects have influences from greek, arab and norse... So let's exclude those regions from latin group !...

So what is the rest ? Rome region only ? Yes that were latin comes from... think about it.

I think the reason why some people want to exclude french from latin group is not due to rational linguistical and cultural reasons but just racists ones.
Because France is a country that is partly situated in northern Europe, people think that we should be like other north europeans. people confuse geography and culture!

"second point, very central, is that linguistic facts must be kept separate from anthropological facts. People can change languages. For example, the Bulgarians were originally a Hunnic (North Turkic) people from Central Asia. However, they gave up their native language within a few generations and adopted the language of their Slavic subjects. "

Your mistake is that you seem to think human groups as something almost "racial". When you seem to think that french were not "anthropoligically" latin but seem to say that we were "genetically" german... you confuse everything! being "latin", like being "germanic" or being "turkic" is not a race, but is a cultural-linguistic group. Being germanic doesn't mean being of north european type (even if most of germanic people are), and being latin is not either being necessary of "mediterranean type".
It is true that some people who were of germanic culture came into france long time ago, but, as long as they left their culture and language outside and adopted gallo-roman culture they became latin. theywere not germanic anymore. The same with north africans who settled in spain, their decendants are not arabs anymore because they don't speak arabic nor have arab culture but an arab culture. By the way, being "arab" has nothing to do with a race, but with having an arabic culture. north africans have not always been arab, but because the people from arabia brought them arab language and culture they became arabized and are now arabs...
Pitxu   Saturday, March 05, 2005, 13:32 GMT
Hello Fredrik

You wrote: "Might be different if you were from Eastern Bourgogne or Alsace."

I think you make a lot of confusions.
I'm alsatian and I can speak french, alsatian and german as well. Culturally, Alsace is a germanic region, and our regional language is germanic. It's sufficient for anyone to look at our cities' names to understand that: Kayserberg, Murbach, Pfaffenhoffen, Kientzheim, Guebwiller...etc.

Alasace is the only "germanic" region in France. The rest of the country is "latin". Burgundy has nothing to do with Germany or eastern Europe.

Alsace is french since 1648, and believe me we ARE proud of being french and we don't accept to be called german. The alsatians are certainly the most patriotic people in France, because we suffered a lot in the past from the germans. You can be sure that if you tell an alsatian that he's "german", he would think you're insulting him. In 1871, France was defeated by the Prussians (germans) and they annexed us. It was felt in alsace as the saddest day of our history, because we have always felt french. Moreover, the french national anthem "la Marseillaise" was composed in Strasbourg. I feel closer to a provençal or a parisian or a savoyard than a german or any other germanic people.

Finally, you don't seem to know our country very well. French is a romance language. When I was at school one day my french teacher told us: "Actually Latin is not dead! you're speaking it. So the italians, spanish Our language is just a kind of "modern latin".

Moreover, France is traditionnally a "roman catholic country" like most of the latin countries. France has been called: "la fille aînée de l'Eglise", that means "the elder daughter of the catholic church".

I hope you will not confuse the germans and the alsatians any more.
And don't forget that France is a latin country (except for Alsace).

bernard   Saturday, March 05, 2005, 14:14 GMT
Yes, alsace is a paradoxal region. it is surely the culturally most different region from maintream latin french culture, and in the same time far ahead the most patriotic one... A strange region. the only one with a germanic language.
!   Saturday, March 05, 2005, 14:51 GMT
Sander ,

French Flanders isn't a problem of Belgium you know ...More of a W-Flemish issue...

OK , since you are so hardheaded about it , I'll say Dutch instead of W-Flemish , but that's what it is though , W-Flemish !
W-Flemish and F-Flemish used to be together as one , you know !
We're still the same people , but we aren't ONE anymore , this pisses me off !
Sander   Saturday, March 05, 2005, 17:16 GMT

=>French Flanders isn't a problem of Belgium you know ...More of a W-Flemish issue...

OK , since you are so hardheaded about it , I'll say Dutch instead of W-Flemish , but that's what it is though , W-Flemish !
W-Flemish and F-Flemish used to be together as one , you know !
We're still the same people , but we aren't ONE anymore , this pisses me off !<=

No! I didnt mean that,I ment that we had the belgium discussion on another forum...People (mosly belgians) say theis on every forum no matter what the subject is so I though you could use your own forum.
!   Saturday, March 05, 2005, 18:52 GMT
Dave   Saturday, March 05, 2005, 20:06 GMT

Nicely done
Sander   Sunday, March 06, 2005, 15:19 GMT

!, isn't that just a news-site ???
Sander   Sunday, March 06, 2005, 15:22 GMT

=>OK , since you are so hardheaded about it , I'll say Dutch instead of W-Flemish , but that's what it is though , W-Flemish !<=

Sure you can say WF! Why not ?!
You convinced my that the 2 are different enough to name them apart (WF is still a part of dutch though :)
!   Sunday, March 06, 2005, 15:25 GMT
OK , I can relate to that ...
Though , I don't like to be compared with a Dutchman ( no offence ;) )

=> is my own website
+ That short movie , I made that myself :p:)
!   Sunday, March 06, 2005, 15:28 GMT
Sander   Sunday, March 06, 2005, 15:42 GMT
Though , I don't like to be compared with a Dutchman ( no offence ;) )

Thats okay I don't like being compared to a belgian let alone a West-
Flemmish one ( no offence....)

The Movie/foto thing was great,although I was waiting for the moment that a West-flemmish knight (aka Braveheart) would appear in the screen and started to sing "De Vlaamse leeuw".
!   Sunday, March 06, 2005, 16:09 GMT
I could add that if you like :):p
So you noticed the music I used was the themesong of Braveheart :p
Sander   Sunday, March 06, 2005, 17:51 GMT
Beautifull scenery though...
Fredrik from Norway   Sunday, March 06, 2005, 19:53 GMT
I have to say it is very funny and exhausting to see how people misunderstand me! I have never claimed that Alsatians were Germans. They are just people of Germanic (and probabaly Celtic, too) stock, speaking a Latin/Romance and a Germanic language and having a very Central European culture.

Your comparision between the Latin and Arab cultures would have been very fitting if all Latin peoples still could communicate with a "lingua franca", like the Arabs do with Standard Arabic.