Which language is more important, French or Spanish?

Gitano   Tue Feb 28, 2006 11:47 pm GMT
Same as me JR, im also a spanish speaker cuz i almost consider it my mother language since it seems so similar to Portuguese, but even though i like spanish a lot, and i like mis hermanos de españa.
*CarloS*   Wed Mar 01, 2006 2:18 am GMT
I just entered "Polyglot", a web page dedicated to the teaching of languages, and went to the chat room as "Visitor" (because I'm not registered). AND, I asked WHICH LANGUAGE WAS MORE IMPORTANT, FRENCH OR SPANISH...

Then, people told me that it depends where I live. So, I lied (lol), I said "Italy". Only two people answered, AND THEY BOTH SAID "SPANISH"! In fact, they said Spanish was "cool"!

I thought, they would say "French", since I said "Italy"... VERY INTERESTING.


European   Wed Mar 01, 2006 10:43 am GMT
I, and most of the Italian think that in Italy is more important French, probably they say Spanish, because they aren't Italian and because Italian and Spanish are very similar.( in fact I understand Spanish)
Austrian   Wed Mar 01, 2006 12:07 pm GMT
I think, in Italy, French is more important than Spanish.
Chinese   Wed Mar 01, 2006 12:10 pm GMT

In Italy, it seems that people like to show off their German fluency, and French is important too, and then the next is Spanish, it's my opinion.
European   Thu Mar 02, 2006 2:43 pm GMT
Yes, in Italy, German is very important, but only in north east. in the rest is French The most important foreign languages
JR   Fri Mar 03, 2006 12:46 am GMT
I would not know which was more important out of the two in Italy, I would probably say that French is more important than Spanish because of its geographical location, after all, if you live 20 miles from the France/Italy border, you'd want to be able to cross every now and then and not get lost. The same goes for German, but over the whole of Italy, I doubt that these two are very important.
AMERICAN   Fri Mar 03, 2006 12:55 pm GMT
English is the 1st language of America, maybe if everyone spent more time understanding that we would not waste time with all this non-sense. EX: If you Ship from one country to another a product you will notice a variety of directions in different language are included thats makes sense. However while in America when you are born you learn English and speak that fluently, after that learn whatever you want but that should be the law, sticktly enforced. When I go to Rome I do and speak as the Romans do. Everyone want to comes here but if you like your heritages much better than here simply go back.
Gringo   Fri Mar 03, 2006 2:58 pm GMT
««Portugal siempre fue una "colonia" de Inglaterra.»»

Same way Spain was always a "colony" of France?
Portugal had allies the same way Spain had its own allies. Portugal and England have the oldest alliance in the world, it was signed in 1373 and it is still in use.

««De no ser por ese pais hoy en dia la peninsula estaría unificada.»»

Yes, Spain would be unified with France or do you forget that
Napoleon made the Spanish kings abdicate and gave the Spanish throne to his brother Joseph.
The British faught the continental war in Spanish soil too. Portuguese troops faught side by side with the nationalistic Spaniards together with the British troops in Spanish soil. If Portugal and Britain did not decide to send Napoleon back to France the Spaniards would be French.

««Fueron "absorbidos" durante sesenta años»» Filipe I was the heir of the Portuguese throne if you can call that being "absorbidos".
Gringo   Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:33 pm GMT
««Que los britanicos y portugueses ayudesen es comprensible dado que no les interesaba que Napoleon tuviese mas poder.»»

Yes considering the Spanish had invaded Portugal together with Napoleon and signed the treaty of Fontainebleau dividing Portugal in three parts so Spaniards did not care at all in keeping Portugal. ( I do not think that the Spanish people would have agreed if they could give an opinion)

««Te recuerdo que el pueblo español se alzó en armas desde el primer momento. Te recuerdo también que la palabra "guerrilla" procede del español y de aquella epoca. »»

Yes, it was the people, not the politicians that did not agree with a French king.
Many more Spaniards would have died. And the guerrilla started because of the losses the Spanish army suffered. The Spanish guerrilla was the same as the Portuguese militia.
««De no haber tenido esa pequeña ayuda los franceses hubieran sido expulsados de igual manera aunque ello implicara añadir un par de añitos de guerrillas.»»
And many more dead Spaniards. Tell that to the families of the British and Portuguese solders that never made it back home.
“pequeña ayuda” yeah right!

««Pero si el primer rey de Portugal fue Alfonso I que era hijo de Enrique de Borgoña CONDE de Portugal, sometido a vasallaje al Rey de Leon y de la infanta Teresa de Leon.»»

Enrique de Borgoña CONDE de Portugal was the son in-law of the king of Leon.
Alfonso I was the grand son of Alfonso VI of Leon and cousin of King Alfonso VII the two cousins signed the treaty of Zamora.
Have you counted how many Portuguese kings married Spanish princesses and how many Spanish Kings married Portuguese princesses?
jannet   Sat Mar 04, 2006 9:47 pm GMT
para todos los americanos es importante saber el español y el ingles, estados unidos esta siendo habitado por muchos hispanos ,cada año se incrementa la cantidad de ellos, inclusive las mujeres hispanas tienen mas hijos, ellos seran bilingues, conoceran el ingles y el español, ahora es necesario para aquellos que solo hablan ingles que aprendan el español y asistan a sus clases lo mas pronto posible, para estar preparados para los proximos años, habran mas bilingues en ingles y español
estados unidos y canada son los unicos dos paises de america que predomina el ingles, pero America tiene mas paises que hablan español.
shirley   Sat Mar 04, 2006 9:57 pm GMT
el español se habla en casi el 90% de los paises del continente americano, el español se habla en Europa tambien.( España)
El frances en Francia y Canada( algunos lugares), menos porcentaje.
prefiero hablar ingles y español porque soy americana
augustin717   Sat Mar 18, 2006 7:40 pm GMT
Je choisirais certainement le francais, quoiqu'il y ait plus d'hispanophones que de francophones.
JR   Tue Mar 21, 2006 1:45 am GMT
Well Augustin, the question was which was more "important". If I lived in Egypt, I'd still choose to continue my French studies, even though Arabic would be more important there.
augustin717   Tue Mar 21, 2006 2:01 am GMT
Pour moi, c'est le francais que j'ai commence a apprendre des que je fus un petit gamin.
L'espagnol, je ne le sais pas, sauf ce que je peux deduire a cause de mes connaissances de roumain, latin et francais.