Do you read English magnazines? What r they?

Laura Braun   Wed Jun 25, 2008 5:44 am GMT
I don't know of this babel fish but I think maybe a fish that babels such as a person who would write some incomprehensible things and then write them some more even to the confounding of all who read without the spirit of YAWEH to guide them and how they would babel for even more sentences and the only thing that can stop such a babbeler would be a strong young egg covered virile unbathed brutal football holligan. In fact the ONLY way to stop such a babel fish would be to have the hooligan beat the babel fish to the ground and put his marching jack boot on her while he leers at her from behind meth-crazed eyes. She is in love. He is her hooligan devil and she will give herself to him. He will use her to satiate his needs, brutally of course. And only then will she shut up.... But I speak of some other creature called a babel fish and this is not autobiographical in nature for I am not wanting to lie beneath the heavy boot of a meth-crazed hooligan. It is not for me to want that even if the hooligan be especially brutal and egg covered and brutal. Or even if I repeat myself. No, it's not the acid this time. Perhaps a lower psilocybin dose next time and cut back on the Laudanum. Whiskey and meth and a brutal boot is what i need! Did I write that or just think it. My name is Legend for we are many.
The Live One   Wed Jun 25, 2008 11:59 am GMT
*spins head*
Laura Braun (the real one   Wed Jun 25, 2008 1:51 pm GMT
yeah, that's very stupid that you use my name to write about bable fish and so and so. To be sure that nobody will write instead of me I will say Good bye. So from this moment if someone's use my name that's not real me. OK.
Laura Braun (the real one   Wed Jun 25, 2008 1:58 pm GMT
I have no idea who faked me but that've very stupid . (that message with bable and abou tht is not mine at all) I'm out. GOODBYE
Laura Braun (the real one   Wed Jun 25, 2008 2:02 pm GMT
If there are still moderators at this site they could check the ip and to recognize that those posts both of them weren't mine. So I think that you should be considered that and to delete both posts. Thats' fair enough. MJD if you are somewhere close please you know me, do not let someone's to write instead of me.
Laura Braun   Wed Jun 25, 2008 2:07 pm GMT
Antimoon will still be the same after thousand years. I have been here since 2002. the same bitter experiance. Why moderators didn't put an accounts with IP that everyone will write under his name and that will be enough. Antimoon sucks at all.
Laura Braun   Wed Jun 25, 2008 2:17 pm GMT
I said Good Buy!
Guest   Wed Jun 25, 2008 2:37 pm GMT
I guess if antimoon practices a registration system, it will turn away many people joining the discussions and undermine the dynamism of the website.
Josh Lalonde *   Wed Jun 25, 2008 2:47 pm GMT
Antimoon will still be the same after thousand years. I have been here since 2002. the same bitter experiance. Why moderators didn't put an accounts with IP that everyone will write under his name and that will be enough. Antimoon sucks at all.

This forum will never have an account system. If you don't like this forum leave it. Plain and simple.
Laura Braun (the real one   Wed Jun 25, 2008 3:46 pm GMT
first you have to delete both posts which were not written by me , then I will leave. Plain and simple.
Guest   Wed Jun 25, 2008 3:46 pm GMT
Laura's intolerant, preachy uber-religious attitute engenders a backlash sometimes.
Laura Braun   Wed Jun 25, 2008 3:49 pm GMT
You know I was enough tolerant to shut up my mounth . If you know declaration of human right you will get to know that everyone is free to preach his own religious.
Laura Braun   Wed Jun 25, 2008 3:51 pm GMT
here is the declaration: Article 18:

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance
Guest   Wed Jun 25, 2008 4:09 pm GMT
Yes, Laura, you're absolutely right. But everyone is also free to vehemently disagree with you as well and if you're going to make a spectacle of yourself you'll have to be tough enough to put up with the backlash.

<<You know I was enough tolerant to shut up my mounth>>

When?? You don't have to shut your mouth. Keep posting, but be strong enough to put up with the backlash without running to the moderators for help. And meet some native speakers to improve your English. Part of the problem is your preaching in English is combined with the sentence structure of your native language and it comes out almost incomprehensible sometimes, but it's just understandable enough to know that you're preaching. So, to summarize,

Keep preaching
Learn to put up with the backlash
Learn where your mistakes are and try to fix them
Stop rambling. Don't use "and so and so..."
Don't say you're saying good bye and that any post after this one is not you and then post 5 more times. People will wonder if those are your posts because you said all future posts are not you.

Here's the first lesson: Native speakers will say, "I was tolerant enough to shut my mouth" Not, "I was enough tolerant to shut up my mouth."

If you've been here for 6 years and have always had the same bitter experience, maybe you're doing something wrong. Or maybe you like bitter experiences.
Guest   Wed Jun 25, 2008 7:09 pm GMT
Or better:
Stop preaching, churches are made for that
Learn to live with people, not to fight with them
Learn where your mistakes are and start fixing them
Stop rambling and start listening
Don't say good bye if you do not mean it