French or Spanish: which one do you recommend me?

Guest   Fri Aug 29, 2008 12:48 pm GMT
In Puerto Rico was a Referendum about Whether English should be the offical Language in Puerto Rico, but it was rejected by Puerto Ricans. The Puerto Rico has special Status in The Union. It is a Free Associated State. However, Puerto Ricans should know speaking English.

I paste here a part of a article who Speaks about the LAnguages in USA:

Statehood supporters say such concerns are unwarranted because Puerto Rico has made both Spanish and English official languages. But even though most well-educated Puerto Ricans speak English, and English is widely taught in the public schools, the island’s four million residents are still overwhelmingly Spanish-speaking according to the Census. And the default language of Puerto Rico’s day-to-day government operations is Spanish, not English.

Unless that changes and Puerto Rico agrees to conduct its government operations in English like all the other fifty states, admitting the Spanish-speaking island to the Union will have an immediate impact on the United States. Puerto Rico is likely to demand that the federal government operate in both English and Spanish to accommodate its congressional representatives and its Spanish-speaking citizenry. That will give rise to speeches and debates in Spanish on the floor of Congress, with simultaneous translation similar to what we now see at UN meetings.
Guest   Fri Aug 29, 2008 12:57 pm GMT
I like siesta because it helps me to perform better with my chick at night.
Guest   Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:25 pm GMT
Right but we're not talking about Puerto Rico now...
But it's true, choose the culture you like the most and don't be so technical (the "languages of the future" Spanish-English-Chinese), English will always be more important than the other ones and there will be a lot of unemployed people that studied those languages only because they were considered important while forgetting other areas of the world with other languages. Europe won't start speaking Chinese just because the Chinese are more 1 billion, there will be always need for translators in "small" languages.
K. T.   Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:05 am GMT
"there will be always need for translators in "small" languages."

This is a good point, but how much work will you get?
Guest   Sat Aug 30, 2008 3:11 am GMT
Soy un campeón porque hablo español.

- Rafael Nadal
Guest   Sat Aug 30, 2008 8:36 am GMT
"there will be always need for translators in "small" languages."

"This is a good point, but how much work will you get?"

Well you will always find your small piece of cake, this is also true with specializing in the other big langauges but doing it with the small ones gives you something special that few people have and also a different point of view.
Guest   Sat Aug 30, 2008 8:38 am GMT
Charles Quint disait : « Je parle

anglais aux marchands,
italien aux dames,
français aux hommes,
espagnol à Dieu et
allemand à mon cheval. »
Morticia   Sat Aug 30, 2008 8:52 am GMT
Soy un campeón porque hablo español.

- Rafael Nadal

Si hablara catalan sería un perdedor.
Guest   Sat Aug 30, 2008 9:40 am GMT
<< What ideas did the Spanish speaking world gave to the word?

Fiesta and Siesta >>

That's indolence!
Guest   Sat Aug 30, 2008 9:43 am GMT
Indolence is spending your time on this forum writing nonsense. Get a life.
Guest   Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:13 am GMT
<< Indolence is spending your time on this forum writing nonsense. Get a life. >>

Then why are you here? You're the one who's spendall the time in antimoon and Wikipedia uplaoding false information about the Spanish language and against other languages.
Guest   Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:15 am GMT
Creo que Nadal debe aprender catalán. Me parece mal que se niegue a hablar el idioma presuntamente oficial de su tierra natal. Pero bueno, al fin y al cabo, tiene que pasar su tiempo entrenándose, no tiene tiempo para el sentimentalismo.
Nadal   Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:59 am GMT
El español y el tenis son mi pasion.