Revival of Auvergne, occitan!

Duc del Poy del Velaye!   Sun Jul 10, 2005 6:47 pm GMT

Some languages have been officiallly recognized by the European Community. Tomorrow, some others will follow the same way! Long life to Auvergne! Domane, el frances serai murte per nostre!

Lou Duc del Poy en Velaye!
Gorges du Tarn   Mon Jul 11, 2005 10:26 am GMT
Désolé, je ne vois pas trop comment l'occitan serait en mesure de se refaire une santé aujoud'hui. D'abord, il ne s'agit malheureusement toujours pas d'une langue unifiée (de nombreux dialectes) et plus personne ne la parle, ni en Auvergne, ni en Provence ni en ce depuis bien longtemps.

Il est temps de voir les choses en face. Ce n'est plus aujourd'hui une langue maternelle, mais simplement une partie du patrimoine régional francais que l'on étudie avec nostalgie.

C'est triste pour les cultures régionales mais c'est ainsi.
Jean-Claude   Mon Jul 11, 2005 7:19 pm GMT
Tout à fait d'accord "gorges du Tarn", l'occitan est une langue morte, n'en déplaise à certaines personnes qui semblent vivre dans un autre siècle. C'est dommage que des langues disparaissent, mais quand elle ont disparu c'est trop tard... Nous devrions plutôt nous applique à ce que le Français ne subisse pas le même sort au profit de l'Anglais tant qu'il est encore temps.
Lou Duc del Poy en Velaye   Tue Jul 12, 2005 3:21 pm GMT
Well i am 23 and speak occitan with my all family, so i don't think it is dead. Your brain wash has been effective at school...
Easterner   Wed Jul 13, 2005 3:11 pm GMT
It is curious how posters from France differ on whether Occitan is thriving or is about to become extinct... Is the truth somewhere in between?Somebody mentioned in an earlier thread that speakers of Occitan use the language between themselves but normally they use French with foreigners whom they do not know well. This may explain why there are conflicting opinions as to the future of Occitan...

By the way, I have found an overview which seems to present a fairly accurate picture about Occitan. See:

Could somebody tell me if it is reliable?
Lou Duc del Poy en Velaye   Wed Jul 13, 2005 10:34 pm GMT
The reason is simple, some people do not speak and think it is the same for eveyone in France. But, this is wrong i am an example of that. I speak it with all the people who are able to speak it and use french when it is necessary. They are just afraid because some of us are for independance. With Europe, it will be the case soon. And we won't be any more french!
Sander   Wed Jul 13, 2005 10:38 pm GMT
Although I know extremely little about other oil languages other then French.

This wondered me:

=> They are just afraid because some of us are for independance. With Europe, it will be the case soon. And we won't be any more french!<=

Do you really think that France will allow this entire piece of land to become independant? (:/
Lou Duc del Poy en Velaye   Wed Jul 13, 2005 11:06 pm GMT
Of course they will, because within tge help of Spain we will be. They won't have the choice. And France will return to what it was in its past : a small country no more bigger than Belgium.

There are 2 ways :

- the 1 happened in Yugoslavia

- the independance with peace.

It will be the 1st one, because we are waiting for that in Auvergne and our cousins form Languedoc are the same.

Lyon also known as LUGDUNUM is the only capital we have in the south.
Sander   Wed Jul 13, 2005 11:15 pm GMT
=>There are 2 ways :
- the 1 happened in Yugoslavia
- the independance with peace.<=

I can assure you that the people in Yugoslavia have much more in difference than you and the other French.

And quite frankly...I think its sick to compare your little problem to the biggest genocide/war in Europe after the second world war.
c'est n'importe quoi !!   Thu Jul 14, 2005 7:31 am GMT
this discussion is hilarious !!!
the so-called "occitany" doesn't exist and never existed.. It is just a group of regions with very different cultures (very few in common between Le pays nissard, la Provence, l'Auvergne, L'aquitaine, le Limousin, etc... They just spoke different dialects liked together under the umbrella label "occitan".

The french people are absolutly not afraid of independance of the south of France !! Southeners are much much more french nationalists than northerners !... Maybe you'll can find some political activists who hate the french centralism and use "occitan" in a independentist way... But they are so few. There is much more indepentists movements in Northern France regions, like Britanny. There is even a Radical movement who wants the independance of Paris !
As a southerner myself, I know very well the south of France, where the people have generally more french attitudes than their northern counterparts. Even if occitan was widely spoken it will not be a problem for french unity, for the simple reason that being french doesn't means being northern french - "occitanic" cultures are as much french cultures that langue d'oil cultures. The history have made than one language has took over the other, but is the capital of France twas situated in the south the official language of France would have been occitan.

Ps : tu as l'air de bien mal connaître l'"occitanie", Lyon n'en fait pas partie !! les dialects Lyonnais sont connus sous l'appellation de "franco-provençal" et non pas occitan.
Gorges du Tarn   Thu Jul 14, 2005 10:44 am GMT
I'm shared between sadness and consternation by reading you "le duc du puy en Velay". I wonder how stupid you are.

"occitany" is a neologism to refer to a group of different southern France regions, with different dialects, cultures and traditions. I don't think that an auvergnat like you shares anything with a bordelais or even a marseillais.
Almost nobody is still able to speak one of the langues d'oc today. That's a fact you can't deny. YOU are an exception. As far as I am concerned, I was born in Montpellier from where my family originated. I've never heard anyone speaking one of the langues d'oc neither at the market, nor at school, nor in my family, nor in the streets. You may say that I wouldn't have heard any occitan speakers because they don't to talk to "foreigners" in occitan, but you know the problem is that I'm from the south then I'm not what you call "a foreigner", and that I have never heard parents speaking any other language than french to their children, in Montpellier.

You haven't understood what "being french" means and I feel sorry for you. You make me laugh a lot by saying that: "They won't have the choice. And France will return to what it was in its past : a small country no more bigger than Belgium. "
You're very funny. 99% of the southern french obviously consider themselves as french. They have no reason to want to separate from the north. How do you explain that the "Front National", the french nationalistic party, gets its best results in southern France?

By the way, none langue d'oc has ever been spoken in don't even know History.

Have a good Bastille Day and listen to La Marseillaise, our national anthem which was sung first by the marseillais patriots during the french revolution.

To all the foreigners who read this page, don't believe this guy. He represents nobody in southern France.
Sander   Thu Jul 14, 2005 10:59 am GMT
=>To all the foreigners who read this page, don't believe this guy. He represents nobody in southern France<=

I wasn't sure who to believe,you see ,said the following,

"Occitan, or langue d'oc is a Romance language characterized by its richness and variability, and by the mutual intelligibility of its dialects. It is spoken by about two million people in France, Italy, and Spain"

2 million people is a lot,but they are spread out over 3 countries,and it's quite possible,like with other dialects,that only old people still speak it.

But when 'Lou Duc del Poy en Velaye' said the idiotic things about independance or even a war (!) for independance ,all my doubt flew away.Its quite pathatic whe people start believing in their own lies.
Gorges du Tarn   Thu Jul 14, 2005 11:16 am GMT
I'm a bit skeptical concerning the existence of 2 millions speakers since I never heard one of them.

Maybe in the countryside, they are still occitan speakers but they mostly use french in their courant conversations. Maybe some of them speak french with some regional words inheritaded from the former langues d'oc.
Sander   Thu Jul 14, 2005 11:21 am GMT
Of course,these 2 million is based purely on interviews with people in that region.So if a person says he can speak occitan,even though he might only be able to say where he lives in l'oc,there is a good possibility that it wasn't checked.
greg   Thu Jul 14, 2005 6:08 pm GMT
Tout à fait d'accord avec Gorges du Tarn et Jean-Claude sur toute la ligne. Les propos de Lou Duc del Poy en Velaye sont regrettables à plus d'un titre : 1/ ils sont faux - 2/ ils sont le reflet d'une personnalité en souffrance.

De plus, les chiffres avancés par Wikipédia sont largement fantaisistes. J'ai passé 20 ans dans tous les coins du Sud de la France sans avoir entendu la moindre conversation dans l'un quelconque des des dialectes d'Oc, sauf une fois, à la campagne.

PS : je mets fin à mon boycott d'Antimoon (j'aime ce site) mais je boycotterai l'usage de la langue anglaise aussi longtemps que cette honteuse séparation entre celle-ci et le "reste" des langues ne sera pas abolie. J'écrirai donc en français (ou en allemand ou en espagnol) dans la section réservée à l'anglais même si cela doit me coûter une exclusion définitive. Il y a des principes sur lesquels on peut transiger, et d'autres non.