!SALVESE QUIEN PUEDA! in your language

Era   Tue Sep 02, 2008 6:16 pm GMT
<<No it isn't. "qui peut" is indicative.>>

Mea culpa !

I thought you was speaking about "Sauve" wich is a subjunctive.
"Qui peut" is indeed and indicative.
Gabriel   Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:20 pm GMT
<I thought you was speaking about "Sauve" wich is a subjunctive. >
Is it really? I thought it was the present imperative of sauver.
Luca   Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:23 pm GMT
"salvi" in italian is a present subjuntive so it should be the same also in spanish, portuguese and french...
Guest   Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:11 pm GMT
Portuguese is fucking confusing. I don't think i'll ever understand.

<<''Se salve quem puder'' >>

Why is it in the future?

Can you also say, "Se salve quem possa!" or "Se salve quem pode!"?...or what about "Se salve quem poder!"? What is correct?

<<Spanish and Portuguese kept the intrinsical complexity of Latin conjugations better. Italian and French are more creolized.>>

I don't think using subjuctive verb inflections alot makes a language more sophisticated, complex, or conservative with resepect to latin.

In the example above Portuguese uses a subjunctive tense that didn't even exist in latin; I think that just makes it eccentric.
zatsu   Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:52 am GMT
<<Why is it in the future?

Can you also say, "Se salve quem possa!" or "Se salve quem pode!"?...or what about "Se salve quem poder!"? What is correct? >>

"Salve-se quem puder!" is a famous saying meaning something like "Run for your lifes!"
It's in the future because it's implied "from now on, you're on your own, so whatever happens". . ., but there's no "you" or "I" on that sentence, it's everyone, someone. Therefore it's not conjugated in the present, but in the future and neutral.

The only correct forms here are "Salve-se quem puder" (EP), or "Se salve quem puder" (BP), all the other ones make no sense, especially the 3rd.

"Só se salva quem pode" is also a completely different thing, it only works on another context. You can notice the 1st verb is conjugated differently already...
Guest   Wed Sep 03, 2008 7:48 am GMT
Еvery man for himself!
Guest   Wed Sep 03, 2008 8:03 am GMT
Se salveaza cine poate!
Guest   Wed Sep 03, 2008 8:10 am GMT
Does the use of subjunctive means the Spics aren't sure at all they are going to save themselves?

Guest   Wed Sep 03, 2008 9:14 am GMT
<<Does the use of subjunctive means the Spics aren't sure at all they are going to save themselves?
Losers. >>
If you want we can speak like this

Save yourself if you can = Salvate si puedes.
Еvery man for himself! = Cada hombre para sí mismo.

But to speak like this is very silly for us.