French in England

Guest   Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:07 pm GMT
Most of the non English speakers are forced to study English in the Schools. why? Because USA and UK knew to sell their language.
Guest   Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:10 pm GMT
Military history of France
Leasnam   Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:47 pm GMT
<<If it succeded it would have been interesting to see two rival countries with actually the same language and culture. Maybe they would have merged into one unique (the) western European country. >>

Had Anglo-Norman (the language spoken by the aristocracy in England) become the accepted language of the masses, it would not be the same French language spoken in France, but a related language.

And it would contain many Anglo-Saxon words and Norse words as well mingled in.

England and USA would be speaking a oïl language: Anglorman, not French.
Guest   Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:23 am GMT
England and USA would be speaking a oïl language: Anglorman, not French

Due to the Chaos theory USA would be speaking Dutch, Spanish or German.
Visitor   Thu Mar 05, 2009 12:40 pm GMT
Spanish didn't have a chance to gain a foothold in England because the Armada was destroyed in the English Sea while French became the language of aristocracy after it was invaded by Nordic descendants from Normandy who were gallicized and imposed French culture in England.

Even though English prevailed but it was no longer the original speech prior to Norman invasion but a hybrid of Anglo-Saxon and French speech and simplified. Up to now French is still used in the legal system in England proving that French is still indispensable in England.
rep   Thu Mar 05, 2009 1:44 pm GMT
English is using in the legal system in France too.
joop van blaanc   Thu Mar 05, 2009 8:18 pm GMT
<<Due to the Chaos theory USA would be speaking Dutch, Spanish or German. >>

The USA may well end up speaking Spanish down the road a bit.
Massena   Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:05 pm GMT
O la miéu bella Nissa
Regina de li flou
Li tiéu viehi taulissa
Iéu canterai toujou
Canterai li mountagna,
lou tiéu tan ric decor,
Li tiéu verdi campagna;
lou tiéu gran soleu d’or.
Toujou je canterai
souta li tieu tournella
la tiéu mar d’azur
lou tiéu ciel pur;
e toujou griderai
en la miéu ritournella:
Viva, viva Nissa la Bella.
Guest   Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:34 pm GMT
<<The USA may well end up speaking Spanish down the road a bit. >>

I very much doubt it.

I'm just waiting around for the inevitable backlash. tick-tock tick-tock
Fray   Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:52 pm GMT
Backlash against what? The majority of immigrant families only became English-only speakers in the course of a few generations. It's unreasonable to expect it to happen within a few years.
Putricia   Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:06 pm GMT
What I said is that because of the butterfly effect if we could change an historical event, even a minor one, the curse of History would change in radical and unexpected ways. If the Normans imposed French on Great Britain maybe England would not be a big colonial power but rather a colony itself of France whereas USA would be a Dutch speaking nation. Also the Normans were not that gallicised as the frog said, because they didn't impose French to the native population, they finally mixed with the Anglosaxons and abandoned French as the Anglosaxons were nordic people like them and had more in common with them than with the Gallic French.
Leasnam   Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:20 pm GMT
<<Also the Normans were not that gallicised as the frog said, because they didn't impose French to the native population, they finally mixed with the Anglosaxons and abandoned French as the Anglosaxons were nordic people like them and had more in common with them than with the Gallic French. >>

Also, not all Normans who came to England were Gallo-Romance speakers. Many, especially in the lower registers and those from the coastal regions of Normandy, still held onto their ancestral Norse tongue.
There   Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:30 pm GMT
>> they finally mixed with the Anglosaxons and abandoned French as the Anglosaxons were nordic people like them and had more in common with them than with the Gallic French.

The Normans didn't abandon French, they continued to use it for over 300 years after the conquest.
Guest   Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:33 pm GMT
<<Backlash against what? The majority of immigrant families only became English-only speakers in the course of a few generations. It's unreasonable to expect it to happen within a few years. >>

Backlash against the fact that everywhere you turn, everything is being bi-posted or twi-spoken in English and in Spanish. It's to the point that we ourselves don't even know why we're doing this anymore. We're so brainwashed and convinced for some strange reason that it's the way it's supposed to be (i.e. we have to).

I mean, I can't go to the bathroom in Walmart anymore without seeing "Piso Mojado" and "papel higiénico" posted ...and God forbid you dial a toll free number and not hear a "Prime 2 para espanol". Why so much push and special favor for Spanish??? Do we as Americans feel so guilty that we have to do this to feel better about how Anglo-centric we are?--well, we don't. cuz we're not, well, I'm not.

Someday, someone is going to wake up out of this spell/trance and ask "why the heck are we doing everything bilingually?"
Guest   Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:43 pm GMT
<<The Normans didn't abandon French, they continued to use it for over 300 years after the conquest. >>

Well, yeah, but eventually they did forlet it. Their possessions in England eventually coming to be thought of as their at-home owndoms, while their continental possessions as those they had to constatnly squabble about with the King of France.