Which languages are dying in Europe?

Point/barre   Wed Mar 25, 2009 1:55 pm GMT
<< Arpitan is the language of Arpitania, not a French dialect. >>

C'est une langue dont la forme écrite et cultivée a toujours été le français.

<< Italian nation preserve minority languages so Arpitan is still alive in Italy. In France the language is dead because France uses politics of assimilation with minorities. >>

Encore une cloche qui répète ses slogans à la con...
Si l'arpitan a disparu de Suisse Romande, c'est à cause du centralisme français peut-être ?

<< France uses politics of assimilation with minorities. >>

NON, c'est l'Italie qui a poussé la moitié des Valdôtains à se réfugier en France et a encourager l'immigration de Siciliens et de Calabrais pour italianiser la région. Rien de comparable en matière de "politique d'assimilation des minorités" n'a jamais eu lieu en France.

Et si une minorité de Valdôtains parlent encore arpitan (environ 15% actuellement, en prochaine disparition) c'est parce que la mise hors la loi du francais sous le royaume d'Italie a incité les indigènes à se replier sur la forme dialectale de leur langue.

Guest   Wed Mar 25, 2009 2:10 pm GMT
Es absurdo que los fracurrios se quejen de que el arpitano languidece en Italia cuando los propios franceses ahogan con las dos manos auténticas joyas lingüísticas de su país como el Bretón, única lengua celta continental. Que os jodan hijos de puta.
Language policy   Wed Mar 25, 2009 2:13 pm GMT
<< Assimilation policies
A policy of assimilation is one that uses strong measures to accelerate the downsizing of one or more linguistic minority group(s).The ultimate goal of such policies is to foster national unity inside a state (based on the idea that a single language in the country will favor that end). The measures taken by States enforcing such policies may include banning the social use of a given language, the exclusion and social devalorization of a language group and in extreme cases repression by force and even genocide. [3]

These policies are to be distinguished from all other policies which it could be argued favor or lead to assimilation of members of minority groups as a result of non-intervention or insufficient measures of protection. In practice, all States enforce, implicitly, policies leading to assimilation with regards to immigrant groups and in numerous cases aboriginal groups and other national minorities.[4]

Jurisdictions having such a policy:

Burma - Indonesia - Iran - Iraq - Thailand - Vietnam - France>>

<<Language policy in France
After the first few minutes on the radio in the 1940s, the French government allowed in 1964 for the first time one and a half minutes of Breton on regional television. But even in 1972, president Georges Pompidou declared that "there is no place for the regional languages and cultures in a France that intends to mark Europe deeply."

In 1992 the constitution was amended to state explicitly that French is the language of the republic

In 1999 the Socialist government of Lionel Jospin signed the Council of Europe’s European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, but it was not ratified. The Constitutional Council of France declared that the implementation of the Charter would be unconstitutional since the Constitution states that the language of the Republic is French.

The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages is a European convention (ETS 148) adopted in 1992 under the auspices of the Council of Europe to protect and promote historical regional and minority languages in Europe, ratified and implemented by 17 States, but not by France (as of 2007[update]).

The charter contains 98 articles of which signatories must adopt a minimum of 35 (France signed 39).

The signing, and the failure to have it ratified, provoked a public debate in French society over the charter.

One argument[by whom?] against was the fear of the break-up of France "one and indivisible" leading to the threat of "babelism", "balkanization" and then ethnic separatism if the charter were to be implemented, and that therefore there should be only one language recognised in the French state: the French language. This was also linked to a wider debate about how power should be apportioned between the national and local governments.

Another was that in an era where a widely spoken language like French was threatened with becoming irrelevant in the global arena, especially in economic, technical and scientific contexts, officially supporting regional languages was a mere waste of government resources.

As an example of what proponents of ratification considered racist and scornful, here is a sample quote from an article in Charlie Hebdo, a well-known satirical journal:

The aborigines are going to be able to speak their patois, oh sorry, their language, without being laughed at. And even keep their accent, that is their beret and their clogs.
Likewise, President Jacques Chirac, putting an end to the debate, argued that it would threaten "the indivisibility of the Republic," "equality in front of the Law" and "the unity of the French people," since it may end by conferring "special rights to organised linguistic communities.">>
Guest   Wed Mar 25, 2009 2:21 pm GMT
<<The aborigines are going to be able to speak their patois, oh sorry, their language >>

French idiocy at its best. French is the only patois as it is the most abominable and corrupted version of Vulgar Latin among all the Romance languages.
point/barre   Wed Mar 25, 2009 2:42 pm GMT
Toujours les mêmes conneries.

Il n'y a pas d'exemples en France de cas d'assimilation forcée et de nettoyage ethnique comme il existe en Flandre ou en Italie.

Les Ritals feignent de regretter la brutalité des mesures d'éradication du Français appliquées en Vallée d'Aoste entre 1890 et 1945, mais ils se félicitent ouvertement du résultat (notamment, le fait que la proportion d'habitants du Val d'Aoste qui parlent français en famille est désormais inférieure à celle qui déclare utiliser le calabrais!).
Quest   Wed Mar 25, 2009 2:44 pm GMT
"Arpitan is the language of Arpitania, not a French dialect."

Quelle langue écrite utilisent les locuteurs de l'arpitan, alias francoprovençal?

Réponse là-dedans:

blanche   Wed Mar 25, 2009 3:38 pm GMT
français en famille est désormais inférieure à celle qui déclare utiliser le calabrais

Quelle betise!
sdake   Wed Mar 25, 2009 4:27 pm GMT
I reckon British English, it's being wiped out by American English
Get down...yes, there!   Thu Mar 26, 2009 2:04 am GMT
There is no British English or American English. There are only Gay English and Business English.
Alessandro   Thu Mar 26, 2009 3:38 pm GMT
Aosta Valley never spoke Français. Only in your fascist mind. You are like Mussolini. Official statistics say that Arpitan is now spoken by 58% of Aostan. In Savoy, that was "more Arpitan" than Aosta, Arpitan language is extinct. France is the only occidental state that forces people to assimilation, exactly like fascist Italy.
Guest   Thu Mar 26, 2009 7:41 pm GMT
Mussolini fue una gran persona que tenía las ideas claras.
Sanskrit   Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:58 pm GMT
Mussolini fue una gran persona que tenía las ideas claras

Mussolini fue un idiota tal como tu querido Franco
Quest   Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:57 pm GMT
"Aoste Valley never spoke Français."

Il faut savoir que depuis le 12e siècle jusque vers 1890, la SEULE langue écrite en Vallée d'Aoste était le français.

De plus, dès le 18e siècle cette province avait développé, à l'initiative des paroisses et des communautés rurales, des 'écoles de hameaux' où tous les enfants apprenaient à lire et à écrire — le français, évidemment. Même chose dans les vallées francophones (Canavais, val de Suse) et occitanes du Piémont.

Grâce à cela la Vallée d'Aoste était majoritairement alphabétisée (en français) à la fin du 19e siècle, alors que toutes les régions italiennes étaient largement illettrées.

Ces écoles (non subsidiées par l'Etat, mais par les citoyens) ont commencé à être fermées par l'occupant italien vers 1890, et sous Mussolini ont été carrément interdites.

Alors, quand j'entends un Rital nous servir le classique discours "Aosta Valley never spoke Français" (tous les Ritals ont été conditionnés pour croire dur comme fer à cette fable patriotique), j'ai envie de lui dire: VAFFA'NCULO DISGRAZIATO, FIGLIO DI PUTTANA, e fatti tante seghe zozzone.
no noun gender   Thu Mar 26, 2009 10:08 pm GMT
Il faut savoir que depuis le 12e siècle jusque vers 1890, la SEULE langue écrite en Vallée d'Aoste était le français.

Vraiment?? Je ne savais pas qu'on parlait la langue d'Oil en Vallée d'Aoste
Alessandra Mussolina   Thu Mar 26, 2009 10:23 pm GMT
Viva Italia, fuera los francese de Aosta. Patria o muerte.