English voice talents wanted
I am not sure if this post will be classified as ad and then be deleted. But I am looking for American accent speakers for a recording project.
The rate is US$20 per around 1000 words. All reading materials will be provided. You don't have to write anything. The conditions are:
1. American accent
2. You must have a partner of the opposite sex. We are looking for talents of both genders.
Totally, there will be 50,000 words for one project.
For interested party, please send email to my hotmail account. Just type my name, then type "@hotmail.com".
To Tom, I am Wingyellow. Do you remember me? I was the guy who asked you about English pronunciation years ago. If you are interested, you can get the offer first, but you must first get a girl who also speak in good American accent.
Shame - I'm English, and so's my girlfriend!
Wingyellow, WHICH American accent? There are many.
Caspian, British accent will do. Please send me your voice samples.
Jasper, any accents will do. Don't worry.
Why have you relaxed the initial strict conditions by deigning to "accept" a British accent when you specifically stated the necessity of having an American accent? And what's with the "partner of the opposite gender" thingy? What's that all about, pal? Why not just accept "applications" from contributors on the basis that they will be drawn from both genders as a matter of course anyway?
I will decline the offer to "apply". I don't think much of the pay rate either (pronounced "EYE-thuh").
Cheers from Great Britain.....and we promise we'll send your President back to you at the earliest available opportunity. He probably no more wants to stay here on this obscure and "irrelevant small group of islands smaller than the remote State of Oregon close to Europe" longer than he needs to. He and his missus may well learn some statesmanlike diplomacy and discretion while he's there though....with a wee bit of luck.
We don't need whinging Poms because we have Mel Gibson who can do the full array of poofy accents including those of the unintelligible Billy Colonny.
We require you to have a female partner to make you sure you won't read effeminately if you pull another hissy fit.
That sort of redneck American reply is about the most valid reason not to partake in this "venture" of yours.
I don't know why I am treated this way.
I am offering a real part time job that is easy, moderately well-paid and can be done at home. My boss said American accent, so I wrote American accent. When there was a friend who said that he and his girlfriend were English, I asked my boss immediately and he said British accent was also okay. So I duely changed the critiria.
What have I done wrong?
Then ask your boss why s/he stipulated such strange conditions. Is s/he insisting that female applicants are accompanied by their male partners to ensure that they don't undesirably "read butchly masculine" (or "masulinely butch" if you prefer).....in whatever accent they have?
BTW - you need to polish up your spelling skills unless your proof reading is as bad as mine usually is.
I can't believe I'm getting involved in all this, I really can't! I must be having some kind of brainstorm, but it is a wee bit quiet in the office right now - everybody must be down in London chucking eggs and tomatoes at the RBS and weird guys with weird accents in armed to the hilt heavily guarded black limousines with one way windows.
<<Then ask your boss why s/he stipulated such strange conditions. Is s/he insisting that female applicants are accompanied by their male partners to ensure that they don't undesirably "read butchly masculine" (or "masulinely butch" if you prefer).....in whatever accent they have?>>
Why is it strange? What would you prefer?
"you need to polish up your spelling skills unless your proof reading is as bad as mine usually is."
I chuckle at this statement, because it rings so true for me as well.
Reminds you of a "grown" little man who gets upset at the director who needs a physical part played by a big, burly bloke. The short man will use every victim card and PC tactic to make a big scene out of the non-situation.
Maybe if he wore lipstick and high heels he might get a female part instead.
One gentleman has already replied me. It is okay for our side. Once he has confirmed, then we will hire him and this offer will be closed. By the way, he speaks good British English.
The reason why my boss wanted American English had nothing to do with politics or race. He just said American accent and I duely reported it. Actually, he later told me that he just wanted native English accent. American, British, Canadian or Australian will do. So I changed the criteria.
The reason why we want the reader to have a partner is that the recording is about the conversation between two people. And we want partner of the opposite sex because the project is a listening workbook for schoolkid. If David talks to Peter, kids may have difficulties telling who is David and who is Peter. So we want to make it David and Mary. It really has nothing to do with discrimination or other things.
Other interested people can send me voice samples. I can put you on the waiting list. Even if you speak English with a foreign accent, you can still send us voice sample speaking your mother languages. We are looking for Japanese and Korean voice talents at this moment. Who knows? Maybe we need French, Spanish and other languages later.
Have a nice day. Everyone.
Although I visit antimoon almost in a daily basis, I rarely post a message or a reply. I do remember Wingyellow being a visitor. I also believe he is sincere.
I do not agree with the bullying some others are making upon him.
He has the right to express what the requirements are for the job he offers.
And also we have the right to answer or not, to his job proposal.
With common sense... I would expect to receive more details about the job, once I have sent a reply and expressed to Wingyellow what my interest and doubts are.
Mr. Wingyellow, welcome again to antimoon. Sorry for the rudeness of a few.