The vowel in ''car'' and ''cart''.

Bill   Tue Dec 13, 2005 3:02 am GMT
For me, the vowel in ''car'' sounds like ''ah'', while ''cart'' sounds more like ''uh'' as in ''shut''. Does anyone else have this pronunciation?
Guy   Tue Dec 13, 2005 3:27 am GMT
Not me. For me,
car [kA:@`]
cart [kA@`t]

note the vowel sound is a bit shorter for "cart".

If you pronounce cart with the same vowel as "shut", it would sound more like "cut".

Where are you from, Bill?
Travis   Tue Dec 13, 2005 4:39 am GMT
I have this pronunciation, and I myself am from Milwaukee, WI. What it is, in the general case, is

A -> @ / _r {- voiced, - sonorant}
Travis   Tue Dec 13, 2005 4:40 am GMT
I should have transcribed my specific pronunciations, which would be:

"car" : /kAr/ -> [k_hA:r\] to [k_ha:r\]
"cart" : /kArt/ -> [k_hV:r\?]
Travis   Tue Dec 13, 2005 4:42 am GMT
Ack, that should be [k_hVr\?] above.
Travis   Tue Dec 13, 2005 6:13 am GMT
That should also be:

A -> V / _r {- voiced, - sonorant}
Jim   Tue Dec 13, 2005 6:48 am GMT
Not me either: /k6:/ and /k6:t/ (X-SAMPA).
Felix the Cassowary   Tue Dec 13, 2005 11:18 am GMT
Freaky—I have the same pronunciation as Jim. You'd think we spoke the same dialect or something! O'course, I'd spell it as /ka:/ and /ka:t/, but I know that Jim means that too.
Kirk   Wed Dec 14, 2005 1:23 am GMT
Bill/Spaceflight, can you please stick to one name and location when introducing new topics? There's no reason to continually invent new personas when introducing these topics. Thanks.
Lazar   Wed Dec 14, 2005 1:25 am GMT
<<Bill/Spaceflight, can you please stick to one name and location when introducing new topics? There's no reason to continually invent new personas when introducing these topics. Thanks.>>

And while we're on it, I have my suspicions about Al and Joe as well...
Kirk   Wed Dec 14, 2005 2:15 am GMT
<<And while we're on it, I have my suspicions about Al and Joe as well...>>

Yes, Spaceflight/Dan/Bill/etc. is almost certainly behind them as well.
Jim   Wed Dec 14, 2005 4:15 am GMT

Yeah, strange isn't it?

/6:/ or /a:/ ... six o' one, half a dozen o' the other ... we've had that discussion

Lazar & Kirk,

I get the feeling that this Bill has list of names as long as my arm.
Kirk   Wed Dec 14, 2005 4:36 am GMT
<<Lazar & Kirk,

I get the feeling that this Bill has list of names as long as my arm.>>

Yes, he does. Yet he never seems to competently mask his distinctive writing style so after several posts from whatever new name he has for the month it becomes pretty obvious if you know what to look for. Also, on other forums he keeps on rehashing the same topics (the tired "linguistic survey" which pops up here every few months from him just popped up on another language forum, zompist bboard, from a newly registered user there not surprisingly named "Bill"). On Unilang (another language forum) he once confessed to his deeds due to persistent prompting on my part and said he was to start anew on the forum, yet he never apologized on the other forums where he'd done the same thing. He then also stopped posting on Unilang, as the thrill of talking about language is apparently lost for him when he's not pretending he's someone from Wales or Minnesota or wherever else (he claims he's really from Florida). We also had significant problems with him on lang cafe despite repeated and more than generous warnings.

Lesson learned? He was only sad he got caught on Unilang (since he never apologized for doing the same things elsewhere) and can't be trusted to reform anywhere. Once a troll, always a troll, apparently.

Spaceflight/Bill/Dan/Al/Joe, we're not stupid.
Kirk   Wed Dec 14, 2005 5:48 am GMT
If anyone wants proof of what I was talking about here's SpaceFlight's apology on Unilang for posting under different names:

At the time we thought that was the end of his tricks but that's clearly not the case. This is the post where he first 'fessed up, after I caught him claiming I "always" attacked him, when in fact I had only done so once towards the screenname he'd posted under so it became apparent he had several:

I don't mean to air old dirty laundry but since he's unfortunately still doing this stuff here, I'd like to show this troll that we're aware of what's going on. "Spaceflight" has also posted very similar posts here at antimoon under that very name, but he's apparently given up that name for a bit now, preferring Bill/Dan/Al/Joe/whatever else. Puh-leez.
Jim   Wed Dec 14, 2005 6:08 am GMT
Doent forget RFK hoo wunts speling too chaenj for dhu guud benufits it wuud leed too.