And judging from the examples you gave, I suspect you speak quite a lot of Afrikaans! ;)
And judging from the examples you gave, I suspect you speak quite a lot of Afrikaans! ;)
Dutch Tongue Twisters / tongbrekers
And judging from the examples you gave, I suspect you speak quite a lot of Afrikaans! ;)
And judging from the examples you gave, I suspect you speak quite a lot of Afrikaans! ;)
He Andre!
Ek praat en skryf 'n bietjie Afrikaans :) Afrikaanse grammer is rather easy,but I am having problems with that double negative of yours.
Are you learning Afrikaans now?
The double negative is very easy, once you get the hang of it
No,not learning rather trying,why would I learn a language to speak to people who already understand me?
Are you learning Afrikaans now?
The double negative is very easy, once you get the hang of it
>Nieuw verskynsel? Alles twee maal verstuur? <
hehe no my computer is a bit slow today, and I get impatient :) >Andre jy het nie baie antwoord gekryg op unilang forum.< André, jy het NIE baie antwoorde op unilang forum gekry NIE Actually, i did ;) private mail (private pos)
>Nieuw verskynsel? Alles twee maal verstuur? <
hehe no my computer is a bit slow today, and I get impatient :) >Andre jy het nie baie antwoord gekryg op unilang forum.< André, jy het NIE baie antwoorde op unilang forum gekry NIE Actually, i did ;) private mail (private pos)
*And judging from the examples you gave, I suspect you speak quite a lot of Afrikaans! ;)*
Well Im married to a Afrikaner LOL just trying to impress the mother-inlaw.. but thats not the main reason I just love the language... Andre nice to see a fellow South African :) *hi!* And judging from the messages you gave, I suspect you speak quite a lost of English! ;) |