Best language for singing?
Spanish is so boring! All those ending S are so unpleasant! Fortunately French dropped them out
I really dont like Spanish, so unpleasant! Brazilian portuguese is sweet, i do like it! French is so boring!
English is the best in my opinion, second Italian and third Brazilian Portuguese!
What does "best" refer to?
I'll make a comment though. Singing tends to be incomprehensible for me, or at least, I'll never understand lyrics 100%. I think the most comprehensible languages in song must be consonant-vowel syllable-based languages.
It doesn't matter what language. Make it my native language, my primary languages of english and spanish, I miss A LOT of words in songs. I ALWAYS have to look up lyrics if I care to know or look into the lyrics, even if it's english. English opera singing is incomprehensible. At my peak, I could understand spoken French very well, but forget about French songs. As I said, I'll have trouble with even ENGLISH!!
Personally, I think the big reason is because so many languages have consonants at the end of a syllable. This is a HUGE problem. Want to make the problem worse? Some languages (including english) can have 3 consonants together at the beginning of a word.
The singer may not pronounce the ending sound, leaving it up to context for you to figure out the word. I either cannot get it in time, or once I figure it out, I realize I've missed the following words. The song may come upon a long held note, and you're WAITING for that last consonant. If you weren't really paying close attention, it might throw off you and even once the final sounds is said I'll be like...wait, what was the word again?
HOWEVER, here I am, a newbie to Japanese, I've been learning, by myself, for only 2 months, and I know katakana and hiragana. Even though I don't know most of the words I hear in a song, I can still recognize easily ALL the syllables. You give me a Japanese song (assuming it's good Japanese and not weird, bad, lazy sounds), and I could probably write it all out in hiragana. Sure, I might miss some tsu's / double consonants, confuse tsu with su, and maybe miss long vs short vowels, but that's still pretty good. I can learn Japanese lyrics without knowing what the heck I'm saying, because all their syllables are either vowel, n, or consonant+vowel. You ALWAYS hear a complete syllable, and you're never waiting for the end of one, so it's easy to understand.
anyone agree?
PS: I found it funny that some people say Spanish is an ugly-sounding language. As a partly native speaker, and having grown up learning it and hearing it... I agree!! :D Same with German. They sound...harsh.
I prefer Spanish than Brazil portuguese and Italian. But the best language for the music is English.
The Portuguese language is realy bad for music.
In my opinion, the best languages for singing is English, Spanish and Italian. I don't like German, Portuguese and Japanese laguages for songs.
I'm fully native Portuguese speaker but it's extremely nasal and harsh. I prefer Spanish, it's more melodious.
Spanish melodious?? It's so harsh
The best language for sing is English and then Spanish (I like Spanish songs, but prefer English).
I'm sorry, but the Portuguese songs is really unpleasant.
Spanish melodious?? It's so harsh
> For my the Spanish language it's so melodious, sexy and beautiful. Similar to italian language. The Portugues language it's ok, but I prefer Spanish and Italian.
Portuguese is the best language for crying.
Similar to italian language. The Portugues language it's ok, but I prefer Spanish and Italian.
Italian doesn't have those annoying final S. Besides the alternation between simple and double consonants and open and closed e o makes it much more melodious than Spanish, but unfortunately few people can notice these basic phonological differences. Last but not least, almost all Italian words end in a vowel unlike Spanish.
Evinora estas muy alterada, yo creo que todos tienen el derecho de gustarle el idioma que desee. Lo mismo puedo decir yo de que hay alguien que esta diciendo que el castellano es un idioma desagradable con nombres diferentes (por ejemplo Melody y Chris utilizaron la misma expresion con el mismo signo de interogacion al final y ninguno utilizaron el punto).
Hay personas que prefieren el idioma castellano y otros el portugues. Que usted prefiera el portugues no significa que esa lengua tenga que ser mas bella o mejor. Simplemente es su opinion, creo que la gente deberia de dejar de imponer sus gustos, lo mismo le digo a phonology si a el no le parece que el idioma italiano y castellano son similares pues esa es su opinion. Sin embargo hay muchisima gente que confunde ambos idiomas y les parece muy similares. Cada ser humano persive las cosas de una manera diferente...
Me gusta Ivete. She is popular here in Spain, many shows in Barcelona and Madrid every year. Here in Badajoz we love the Portuguese language, we have so many Portuguese tourists here, and we can watch Portuguese tv, with all those interesting series and novelas.