Similar to italian language. The Portugues language it's ok, but I prefer Spanish and Italian.
Italian doesn't have those annoying final S. Besides the alternation between simple and double consonants and open and closed e o makes it much more melodious than Spanish, but unfortunately few people can notice these basic phonological differences. Last but not least, almost all Italian words end in a vowel unlike Spanish.
> Phonology, I said that the two languages are similar, not identical, it is obvious that there must be differences. Anyway, I prefer the Spanish songs...
Italian doesn't have those annoying final S. Besides the alternation between simple and double consonants and open and closed e o makes it much more melodious than Spanish, but unfortunately few people can notice these basic phonological differences. Last but not least, almost all Italian words end in a vowel unlike Spanish.
> Phonology, I said that the two languages are similar, not identical, it is obvious that there must be differences. Anyway, I prefer the Spanish songs...