Armenian > Armenia
Lithuanian > Lithuania
Maltese > Malta
Lithuanian > Lithuania
Maltese > Malta
language plus country
There are indeed a lot of beautiful places to visit:
Spanish > roadsides in LA where the unemployed illegals and narcos stand French > aid-infested slums of sub-Saharan Africa English > cultureless, soulless suburban trailerparks of Detroit Russian > abandoned, dilapidated, shampoo-vodka-drinking ghost towns of central Russia Portuguese > favelas of Rio Hindi > inhabited open sewers of Dehli Italian > garbage-lined streets of crumbling mafioso infected Naples Chinese > poor, shoddily built, earthquake levelled Sichuan Japanese > seedy red-light hentai infested districts of Tokyo German > local neonazi headquarters Pashtun > local square where Shari'a law executions and lashings are carried out
Some languages more than others seem to be closely associated to specific landscapes and climates.
In the German speaking area, the more you go South and the higher the elevations. Thus the winters are equally harsh over the whole territory. Spanish has a specific affinity with dry high plateaux: Castilla, La Mancha, Mexico, altiplanos (Bolivia, Peru, Chaco), mesetas etc. Italian awakes images of picturesque hills with pines and cypresses and olive groves, from the Lake of Garda to Naples. Sometimes you wonder why the language is not spoken in Istria and Dalmatia, who reproduce archetypical Italian sceneries (hey, actually, it used to be spoken there). French: wide green plains and woods, not really flat but not very hilly either (and unpredictable weather). English should be associated with the somewhat rainy English nature, but thrives remarkably well in semi-deserts (USA, Australia, South Africa).
>>Turkey > Turkish
LOL!!! Why?? Turkey is a wonderful country, I've been there and I liked it a lot. |