I think it's terrible how this forum is becoming more and more anglisiced! All I see now are English and Spanish posts. What a shame! Why only greg and Mallorquí post in French? Why nobody posts in German? What about Italian? Russian? Japanese Swedish? There are so many beautiful languages! Don't let them be forgotten. There are more international languages that English! From now on, I'm boycotting English in favor of other languages.
Please stop posting in English!
ne znam s kim bih pričao na hrvatskom kad ima 2-3 ljudi svega koji ga znaju, a nisu često ovdje... Čudno sve u svemu :-S
Hnuahil. e zuun'jiah, dirl galng 'bni. deh dalntair,
dalntair url-sim laang, g' sail cut duar hail;
Hol'tnia. e gua'snia, eurl buee quln laai zoecdirn,
gniaa cut he. hail'hnuar, kyc seq secgaic;
dalntair url-sim laang, g' sail cut duar hail;
Hol'tnia. e gua'snia, eurl buee quln laai zoecdirn,
gniaa cut he. hail'hnuar, kyc seq secgaic;
Je t'appuie Eu, «There are so many beautiful languages! Don't let them be forgotten.» Tout à fait d'accord avec toi, voyons la suite.
Как глупо. Теперь ничего не понятно. Ну, я что-то поняла по-хорватски, но вот эти иероглифы вредят глазам...
Well, I see you started out in English just in case, I guess. There is nothing wrong with using English. It gives everyone a chance to understand the topic. Often when I see a good post in another language, I want to translate it for other people to enjoy it as well. Are you also that way?
The main problem for me is not having a keyboard where I can write in various languages all at once. Now I will switch languages and write a bit in a few languages. Anyone may correct me. I am only a native speaker of English and I have never studied linguistics. What’s worse, I’m an American-by definition, a horrid barbarian!. Did I also mention that I attended a high school that was rampant with drugs and out in the country? Heck, it’s amazing that I use a comma correctly once in awhile, lol. I also live in the southern part of the United States where other Americans immediately deduct ten to twenty points off my IQ if I speak in dialect. I’m looking for pity points-obviously.
Tatoeba, ima Kanji/Hanzi wapuro ga nai node, romaji de kakenakereba narimasen.
Je voudrais bien savoir les langues que tu parles. Moi, je comprends plus que je parle. C’est souvent le cas, non? Même le professeur Chomsky n’est pas bilingue...
Welche Fremdsprache gefällt dir am besten?
Jede Sprache hat was besonderes.
Pero no voy a aprender todas las lenguas extranjeras...Basta aprender veinte...jaja.
The main problem for me is not having a keyboard where I can write in various languages all at once. Now I will switch languages and write a bit in a few languages. Anyone may correct me. I am only a native speaker of English and I have never studied linguistics. What’s worse, I’m an American-by definition, a horrid barbarian!. Did I also mention that I attended a high school that was rampant with drugs and out in the country? Heck, it’s amazing that I use a comma correctly once in awhile, lol. I also live in the southern part of the United States where other Americans immediately deduct ten to twenty points off my IQ if I speak in dialect. I’m looking for pity points-obviously.
Tatoeba, ima Kanji/Hanzi wapuro ga nai node, romaji de kakenakereba narimasen.
Je voudrais bien savoir les langues que tu parles. Moi, je comprends plus que je parle. C’est souvent le cas, non? Même le professeur Chomsky n’est pas bilingue...
Welche Fremdsprache gefällt dir am besten?
Jede Sprache hat was besonderes.
Pero no voy a aprender todas las lenguas extranjeras...Basta aprender veinte...jaja.
"Как глупо. Теперь ничего не понятно. Ну, я что-то поняла по-хорватски, но вот эти иероглифы вредят глазам... "
That's the problem, isn't it? We have to switch back to English to really communicate with everyone.
That's the problem, isn't it? We have to switch back to English to really communicate with everyone.
K. T., вы не совсем правы. Если мы будем общаться на языках МИРОВОГО ЗНАЧЕНИЯ (французский, немецкий, русский), или же на языках, которые на них похожи (итальянский, хорватский), то большинство форумчан смогут друг друга понять. Я, например, не говорю ни на одном романском языке, но я хорошо понимаю что пишут франкоязычные посетители этого форума. Что пишут испаноязычные и итальянцы для меня тоже не загадка.