many years ago, "communism" permeated into china from former USSR, I dislike it so much, just like the fictitious latinization / cyrillization of chinese writing system, always makes me feel sick to see their supporters advocating noisily about their so-called advantages.
why, Why was kanji eliminated in Korean script??????
Little Tadpole Mon Sep 07, 2009 4:20 am GMT
It's apparent that you're the one who has to live with "inferiority complex". No wonder you have such profound understanding of "inferiority complex". Believe me, seeing "inferiority complex" in other people is really nothing more than your own psychological projection.
We pity you.
It's apparent that you're the one who has to live with "inferiority complex". No wonder you have such profound understanding of "inferiority complex". Believe me, seeing "inferiority complex" in other people is really nothing more than your own psychological projection.
We pity you.
<<Inferiority complex is what makes Chinese and East Asians to lie, big time. At the price of saving face, they preferred to let 20+ million people die from famine during the Great Leap Forward (, instead of asking for food assistance. (Thank goodness North Korea learnt the lesson, and even accepted food assistance from U.S. during the last famine.) During SARS scare, they preferred to shuttle their SARS patients in Beijing in ambulances to hide them from foreign inspectors. Same thing with cover-ups in the Henan AIDS villages. Same thing with South Korea, when Hwang Woo-Suk was discovered to have fabricated data in his cloning research, people that broke the news were considered unpatriotic and traitors to the Korean nation. >>
Ho ho ho! You Westerners can't talk about face saving. The biggest face saving attempt in the world is underway right now: NATO's failed Afghanistan campaign.
You just keep on going on and on with no results to SAVE FACE because you know you can't win. The situation is worse now than ever, the Taliban is stronger now than other, the politicians are more corrupt now than ever, the elections are more fraudulent now than ever.
Ho ho ho! How many American/Nato lives will you sacrifice to save face? How many innocent civilians will you kill to save face?
Ho ho ho! You Westerners can't talk about face saving. The biggest face saving attempt in the world is underway right now: NATO's failed Afghanistan campaign.
You just keep on going on and on with no results to SAVE FACE because you know you can't win. The situation is worse now than ever, the Taliban is stronger now than other, the politicians are more corrupt now than ever, the elections are more fraudulent now than ever.
Ho ho ho! How many American/Nato lives will you sacrifice to save face? How many innocent civilians will you kill to save face?
Little Tadpole:
The fact is, ASEAN uses only one single language, and it's not Chinese. :)
And it's not just "between" Asians. Sometimes it's also "within" Asians. Tons of Chinese graduate students in the U.S. prefer to write e-mail to each other in English, same happens with electronic bulletin boards.
Inferiority complex is what makes Chinese and East Asians to lie, big time. At the price of saving face, they preferred to let 20+ million people die from famine during the Great Leap Forward (, instead of asking for food assistance. (Thank goodness North Korea learnt the lesson, and even accepted food assistance from U.S. during the last famine.) During SARS scare, they preferred to shuttle their SARS patients in Beijing in ambulances to hide them from foreign inspectors. Same thing with cover-ups in the Henan AIDS villages. Same thing with South Korea, when Hwang Woo-Suk was discovered to have fabricated data in his cloning research, people that broke the news were considered unpatriotic and traitors to the Korean nation.
East Asians: your name is Inferiority Complex.
Get over it, and you may bring brighter future to your next generation. Inferiority Complex really hurts creativity and learning. China being a nation of 1.3 billion people, has ZERO Nobel Prize winners (all Chinese Nobel Prize winners were citizens of other countries at the time of their winning). It's not because the Chinese are dumb. It's because Inferiority Complex has always been at work there.
Little Tadpole:
The fact is, ASEAN uses only one single language, and it's not Chinese. :)
And it's not just "between" Asians. Sometimes it's also "within" Asians. Tons of Chinese graduate students in the U.S. prefer to write e-mail to each other in English, same happens with electronic bulletin boards.
Inferiority complex is what makes Chinese and East Asians to lie, big time. At the price of saving face, they preferred to let 20+ million people die from famine during the Great Leap Forward (, instead of asking for food assistance. (Thank goodness North Korea learnt the lesson, and even accepted food assistance from U.S. during the last famine.) During SARS scare, they preferred to shuttle their SARS patients in Beijing in ambulances to hide them from foreign inspectors. Same thing with cover-ups in the Henan AIDS villages. Same thing with South Korea, when Hwang Woo-Suk was discovered to have fabricated data in his cloning research, people that broke the news were considered unpatriotic and traitors to the Korean nation.
East Asians: your name is Inferiority Complex.
Get over it, and you may bring brighter future to your next generation. Inferiority Complex really hurts creativity and learning. China being a nation of 1.3 billion people, has ZERO Nobel Prize winners (all Chinese Nobel Prize winners were citizens of other countries at the time of their winning). It's not because the Chinese are dumb. It's because Inferiority Complex has always been at work there.
East Asians: "It's apparent that you're the one who has to live with "inferiority complex". No wonder you have such profound understanding of "inferiority complex". Believe me, seeing "inferiority complex" in other people is really nothing more than your own psychological projection. "
The very sad thing about people with Inferiority Complex is that their behaviors are identically predictable.
I kid you not. All of them have exactly the same reaction. All of them answer with exactly the same response. It's like: "You tell me I have Inferiority Complex, I'll show you YOU have Inferiority Complex".
That's the sad part of it. Unfortunately, things don't work that way with this illness.
I've already said: I hate to have to educate every single one in the world. But I have done it thousands of times. One more time does not matter.
Throughout the years, I've met hundreds if not thousands of them. Their reaction is always: you say something to me, I'll do the exact same thing back to you.
Let me clarify one thing special about Inferiority Complex, and why it is different from all other illnesses.
People suffering from other diseases will seek help. Even people suffering from depression will talk to someone, or pick up the phone, or go to see a doctor to seek help. People suffering from cancer, often become experts in cancer. Even people suffering Autism, would often become experts in Autism (see e.g. Dr. Temple Grandin )
But people suffering from Inferiority Complex does nothing of the sort. They don't seek help. It's tautology. If they are willing to seek help, they don't have Inferiority Complex anymore.
Conversely, I know of zero person interested in studying/researching Inferiority Complex because they themselves suffer from this disease. It's very simple. If you are willing to study and look into Inferiority Complex, you CAN'T possibly have Inferiority Complex.
That's what makes Inferiority Complex different from all other illenesses. That's what makes it difficult to treat and yet fascinating.
Inferiority Complex is not just some vague concept. Psychologist Alfred Adler spent his life researching about it.
Inferiority Complex has nothing to do with whether a person is successful or not. It has nothing to do with wealth or poverty. It has nothing to do with a person's look.
Look at Susan Boyle, the 47 years old never-been-kissed lady that shook the world in the Britain's Got Talent show: , and you'll understand self-confidence has nothing to do with anything external.
Look at Randy Pausch's last lecture, and you'll know that when you don't have Inferiority Complex, you can have big smiles and lots of fun even though you are dying: .
Inferiority Complex does not have ANYTHING to do with external possessions. It has to do with only one thing: education during childhood. That's all.
When coming to dealing with Inferiority Complex, all persons familiar with Adler will tell you: prevention is much more important than treatment.
That does not mean that adults with Inferiority Complex are just hopeless. I don't believe they can ever be cured at 100% level. But they can learn to deal with it. Like so many other diseases that are not 100% curable, they can be still treated and the person will live a normal, healthy life.
So here is my very simple suggestion: when you see a letter arriving to you, don't pay all your attention and energy to the envelope. Instead, open that letter, and read the message inside. ALWAYS remember that.
That's all. As simple as that.
When Susan Boyle was being teased by Simon Cowell (one of judges) and a whole bunch of people in the audience, did she pay attention to any of it? Did she try to evade any of the nasty questions? Not at all. Her energy was focused in answering questions. Not in second-guessing what other meanings those nasty questions may have.
People with Inferioirty Complex are unable to see the message inside a letter. All their energy is focused on the outside envelope: does the envelope look pretty, or does it look ugly? If it looks pretty, what does it mean to me? If it looks ugly, what does it mean to me? And in all that process, they forget the most important thing: what's the message inside the letter?
I can keep talking all day long about Inferiority Complex, but I'll stop here.
If you can look past the envelope, then you will find out that, against all your pre-conceptions, you've got a friend over the other side, not a foe.
And this world is a much better place, than you have thought.
Have a nice day.
By the way, have you guys ever met a person like me? Even just one? Who else in the world has gone into Chinese romanization with the same depth I've done? Who else has explained Inferiority Complex and told you how to treat it, ever, in your life? Ha ha. How come I know I am the kind of one-in-a-million type of person? I am one-in-a-million type of person, and I know it. When you feel, and when you KNOW you are special, you'll have all the confidence in the world. And I just wish all kids will grow up feeling that they are that special. Everyone of us should be special. That's what makes a person confident. Instead of telling kids to do this, to do that, not to do this, not to do that, please let them develop, please let them have their creativity. Look at Randy Pausch, his parents let him draw his silly elevator door on the wall. Simple things like that in childhood, make a big difference later in life.
The very sad thing about people with Inferiority Complex is that their behaviors are identically predictable.
I kid you not. All of them have exactly the same reaction. All of them answer with exactly the same response. It's like: "You tell me I have Inferiority Complex, I'll show you YOU have Inferiority Complex".
That's the sad part of it. Unfortunately, things don't work that way with this illness.
I've already said: I hate to have to educate every single one in the world. But I have done it thousands of times. One more time does not matter.
Throughout the years, I've met hundreds if not thousands of them. Their reaction is always: you say something to me, I'll do the exact same thing back to you.
Let me clarify one thing special about Inferiority Complex, and why it is different from all other illnesses.
People suffering from other diseases will seek help. Even people suffering from depression will talk to someone, or pick up the phone, or go to see a doctor to seek help. People suffering from cancer, often become experts in cancer. Even people suffering Autism, would often become experts in Autism (see e.g. Dr. Temple Grandin )
But people suffering from Inferiority Complex does nothing of the sort. They don't seek help. It's tautology. If they are willing to seek help, they don't have Inferiority Complex anymore.
Conversely, I know of zero person interested in studying/researching Inferiority Complex because they themselves suffer from this disease. It's very simple. If you are willing to study and look into Inferiority Complex, you CAN'T possibly have Inferiority Complex.
That's what makes Inferiority Complex different from all other illenesses. That's what makes it difficult to treat and yet fascinating.
Inferiority Complex is not just some vague concept. Psychologist Alfred Adler spent his life researching about it.
Inferiority Complex has nothing to do with whether a person is successful or not. It has nothing to do with wealth or poverty. It has nothing to do with a person's look.
Look at Susan Boyle, the 47 years old never-been-kissed lady that shook the world in the Britain's Got Talent show: , and you'll understand self-confidence has nothing to do with anything external.
Look at Randy Pausch's last lecture, and you'll know that when you don't have Inferiority Complex, you can have big smiles and lots of fun even though you are dying: .
Inferiority Complex does not have ANYTHING to do with external possessions. It has to do with only one thing: education during childhood. That's all.
When coming to dealing with Inferiority Complex, all persons familiar with Adler will tell you: prevention is much more important than treatment.
That does not mean that adults with Inferiority Complex are just hopeless. I don't believe they can ever be cured at 100% level. But they can learn to deal with it. Like so many other diseases that are not 100% curable, they can be still treated and the person will live a normal, healthy life.
So here is my very simple suggestion: when you see a letter arriving to you, don't pay all your attention and energy to the envelope. Instead, open that letter, and read the message inside. ALWAYS remember that.
That's all. As simple as that.
When Susan Boyle was being teased by Simon Cowell (one of judges) and a whole bunch of people in the audience, did she pay attention to any of it? Did she try to evade any of the nasty questions? Not at all. Her energy was focused in answering questions. Not in second-guessing what other meanings those nasty questions may have.
People with Inferioirty Complex are unable to see the message inside a letter. All their energy is focused on the outside envelope: does the envelope look pretty, or does it look ugly? If it looks pretty, what does it mean to me? If it looks ugly, what does it mean to me? And in all that process, they forget the most important thing: what's the message inside the letter?
I can keep talking all day long about Inferiority Complex, but I'll stop here.
If you can look past the envelope, then you will find out that, against all your pre-conceptions, you've got a friend over the other side, not a foe.
And this world is a much better place, than you have thought.
Have a nice day.
By the way, have you guys ever met a person like me? Even just one? Who else in the world has gone into Chinese romanization with the same depth I've done? Who else has explained Inferiority Complex and told you how to treat it, ever, in your life? Ha ha. How come I know I am the kind of one-in-a-million type of person? I am one-in-a-million type of person, and I know it. When you feel, and when you KNOW you are special, you'll have all the confidence in the world. And I just wish all kids will grow up feeling that they are that special. Everyone of us should be special. That's what makes a person confident. Instead of telling kids to do this, to do that, not to do this, not to do that, please let them develop, please let them have their creativity. Look at Randy Pausch, his parents let him draw his silly elevator door on the wall. Simple things like that in childhood, make a big difference later in life.
In reality all men have inferiority complex because they are phallocentric and every men genuinely believes that his penis is small, no matter it's true in reality or not. This would be a better world if all men were castrated since birth, so no one would care about having longer penish than the rest. This lack of masculine self-confidence leads to extreme competitiveness and hunger for power, money, etc... Hitler, Mao , Pol-Pot, Stalin, Ben Laden and other evil people suffered from small penish complex.
"every men genuinely believes that his penis is small"
Not me. Nah-ah. I buy mine in any size needed.
Not me. Nah-ah. I buy mine in any size needed.
>>By the way, have you guys ever met a person like me? Even just one?
>>Who else in the world..........
Man, you are unique! A rare kind of mentally healthy person of an incommensurable modesty, an unknown genius akin to Einstein, the future savior of humanity! Messiah reborn!
>>Who else in the world..........
Man, you are unique! A rare kind of mentally healthy person of an incommensurable modesty, an unknown genius akin to Einstein, the future savior of humanity! Messiah reborn!
Poor Little Tadpole,
I can see how hard you are attempting to portray yourself as someone who is totally free of "inferiority complex" but I hate to break it to you: I still see the same old person who is constantly tortured by "inferiority complex", and tormented by self-pity, self-denial and self-hatred...A pathetic soul I would say.
<<The very sad thing about people with Inferiority Complex is that .... All of them answer with exactly the same response. It's like: "You tell me I have Inferiority Complex, I'll show you YOU have Inferiority Complex". >>
There, you said it for me even before I had the opportunity to tell you just that!
<<"People suffering from cancer, often become experts in cancer. Even people suffering Autism, would often become experts in Autism.">>
I couldn't agree more! Now it's crystal clear why you've become such an expert at "inferiority complex".
<<"How come I know I am the kind of one-in-a-million type of person? I am one-in-a-million type of person, and I know it.">>
Despite your repetitive utterances, I'm afraid I still don't see how "one-in-a million" you are; I still see the pathetic soul being tortured and tormented by self-pity, self-denial, self-hatred and severe inferiority complex.
Here is a piece of treatment advice specially for you to alleviate your "inferiority complex":
Learn to admit and accept your "inferiority complex". Repeated denial of it will only aggravate the condition.
I can see how hard you are attempting to portray yourself as someone who is totally free of "inferiority complex" but I hate to break it to you: I still see the same old person who is constantly tortured by "inferiority complex", and tormented by self-pity, self-denial and self-hatred...A pathetic soul I would say.
<<The very sad thing about people with Inferiority Complex is that .... All of them answer with exactly the same response. It's like: "You tell me I have Inferiority Complex, I'll show you YOU have Inferiority Complex". >>
There, you said it for me even before I had the opportunity to tell you just that!
<<"People suffering from cancer, often become experts in cancer. Even people suffering Autism, would often become experts in Autism.">>
I couldn't agree more! Now it's crystal clear why you've become such an expert at "inferiority complex".
<<"How come I know I am the kind of one-in-a-million type of person? I am one-in-a-million type of person, and I know it.">>
Despite your repetitive utterances, I'm afraid I still don't see how "one-in-a million" you are; I still see the pathetic soul being tortured and tormented by self-pity, self-denial, self-hatred and severe inferiority complex.
Here is a piece of treatment advice specially for you to alleviate your "inferiority complex":
Learn to admit and accept your "inferiority complex". Repeated denial of it will only aggravate the condition.
Guest Mon Sep 07, 2009 2:19 pm GMT
In reality all men have inferiority complex because they are phallocentric and every men genuinely believes that his penis is small, no matter it's true in reality or not. This would be a better world if all men were castrated since birth, so no one would care about having longer penish than the rest. This lack of masculine self-confidence leads to extreme competitiveness and hunger for power, money, etc... Hitler, Mao , Pol-Pot, Stalin, Ben Laden and other evil people suffered from small penish complex.
Wow, that's so enlightening!
So, it's in fact the penis size that really concerns Little Tadpole.
So, his excessive concern to claim that he doesn't suffer from 'inferiority complex' actually reveals his favorite fantasy about having a bigger, longer, and fatter penis.
<<This lack of masculine self-confidence leads to extreme competitiveness...>>
Gee, I can easily perceive this personality trait in Little Tadpole!
In reality all men have inferiority complex because they are phallocentric and every men genuinely believes that his penis is small, no matter it's true in reality or not. This would be a better world if all men were castrated since birth, so no one would care about having longer penish than the rest. This lack of masculine self-confidence leads to extreme competitiveness and hunger for power, money, etc... Hitler, Mao , Pol-Pot, Stalin, Ben Laden and other evil people suffered from small penish complex.
Wow, that's so enlightening!
So, it's in fact the penis size that really concerns Little Tadpole.
So, his excessive concern to claim that he doesn't suffer from 'inferiority complex' actually reveals his favorite fantasy about having a bigger, longer, and fatter penis.
<<This lack of masculine self-confidence leads to extreme competitiveness...>>
Gee, I can easily perceive this personality trait in Little Tadpole!
Tionghoa // It's not so important to understand what '孝悌忠信禮義廉恥' these days.
But what about these... (These are Asahi news article titles)
常勝の関西議席も総崩れ 公明、苦悩の野党再出発
韓国政府、増水事故で北朝鮮に「遺憾」 再発防止を要求
杉並(Sukinami(in Tokyo-to))区、住民税減税へ基金創設 10年後の実施目指す
Actually it's not important to understand what '孝悌忠信禮義廉恥'
But those kanji words filling up those sentences are currently used common words.
But what about these... (These are Asahi news article titles)
常勝の関西議席も総崩れ 公明、苦悩の野党再出発
韓国政府、増水事故で北朝鮮に「遺憾」 再発防止を要求
杉並(Sukinami(in Tokyo-to))区、住民税減税へ基金創設 10年後の実施目指す
Actually it's not important to understand what '孝悌忠信禮義廉恥'
But those kanji words filling up those sentences are currently used common words.
日産(닛산)自動車는、今年発売된 新型 원박스、『NV200바넷토』베이스에、福祉車両2타입을 設定。10月9日(金)부터 発売한다。
福祉車両의 種類는『체어캡』과『어션테스테프타입』의2種類。『체어캡』은 車両後部의 스로프부터、車椅子까지의 車内에 닿는 타입이고、主로 病院과 福祉施設의 送迎車와 介護 택시 등、法人向의 需要에 맞는 多人数乗의 仕様이다。室内레이아웃은 3種類의 仕様을 준비하여서、드라이버를 包含한 6人부터 7人이 乗車하는 것이 가능하다。
一方『어션테스텝타입』은、助手席側슬라이드 도어의 下에 電動式 슬라이드 스텝을 装備한 타입。어르신이나 작은 아이들 등의 乗降時의 負担을 軽減할 수 있다。또、病院과 福祉施設의 送迎車로 하여、乗降用의 손잡이와 스텝램프도 옵션으로 設定 되어 있다。
福祉車両의 種類는『체어캡』과『어션테스테프타입』의2種類。『체어캡』은 車両後部의 스로프부터、車椅子까지의 車内에 닿는 타입이고、主로 病院과 福祉施設의 送迎車와 介護 택시 등、法人向의 需要에 맞는 多人数乗의 仕様이다。室内레이아웃은 3種類의 仕様을 준비하여서、드라이버를 包含한 6人부터 7人이 乗車하는 것이 가능하다。
一方『어션테스텝타입』은、助手席側슬라이드 도어의 下에 電動式 슬라이드 스텝을 装備한 타입。어르신이나 작은 아이들 등의 乗降時의 負担을 軽減할 수 있다。또、病院과 福祉施設의 送迎車로 하여、乗降用의 손잡이와 스텝램프도 옵션으로 設定 되어 있다。
Hànzì: (Traditional Characters of China)
Hanja: (Characters of Korea)
Kanji: (Characters of Japan)
Hànzì=Hanja ≈ Kanji (except a few Japanese self-made Characters)
I was aware of that. Thanks for the info nevertheless.
You've shown yourself that hanja is not the same as kanji.
Hànzì: (Traditional Characters of China)
Hanja: (Characters of Korea)
Kanji: (Characters of Japan)
Hànzì=Hanja ≈ Kanji (except a few Japanese self-made Characters)
I was aware of that. Thanks for the info nevertheless.
You've shown yourself that hanja is not the same as kanji.
Tionghoa //
Somehow to understand '孝悌忠信禮義廉恥'
and to understand '環境省審議官、環境税の必要性指摘'(It's a title of a news article)
Which is more important these days?
Somehow to understand '孝悌忠信禮義廉恥'
and to understand '環境省審議官、環境税の必要性指摘'(It's a title of a news article)
Which is more important these days?
Sometimes some Koreans visit Japanese forums, and leave some thread/reply, using only hangul, without using kanji. So most of Japaneses cannot understand what they Koreans say.