They Koreans think that hangul, the korean alphabet, is the best in the world. (Actually that's not true)
why, Why was kanji eliminated in Korean script??????
East Asians: :) You have your children and grandchildren to answer to. When your grandchildren come over to ask you, "Grandpa, what does it mean when you said this thing about %$#@!" I am sure you will be very proud to give an answer. Right?
Or will what you have said haunt you for the rest of your life? :) You hope people will never find out later, right? Cross your finger?
One moment of travesty might seem fun. But it has ruined whatever you had ever tried to stand for. The more you say now, the more you will regret later. Having fun is OK when you can still claim innocence. But hopefully one day you will understand that's not a game that you can afford forever.
To start over, drop the "East Asians" thing. You are Chinese, no need to pretend you are not, and no need to pretend you can represent other Asian people except yourself. No need to lie. Just be honest. Life has very simple rules. You are not only giving a bad name to yourself, but you are being irresponsible towards your fellow citizens. Many Chinese people work very hard to dispel stereotypes. You are not helping. In fact, for all your talking, you are hurting whatever you wanted to stand for. And later you wonder why bad things happen to the Chinese? You are the image of your country, remember that.
Have a nice day.
Or will what you have said haunt you for the rest of your life? :) You hope people will never find out later, right? Cross your finger?
One moment of travesty might seem fun. But it has ruined whatever you had ever tried to stand for. The more you say now, the more you will regret later. Having fun is OK when you can still claim innocence. But hopefully one day you will understand that's not a game that you can afford forever.
To start over, drop the "East Asians" thing. You are Chinese, no need to pretend you are not, and no need to pretend you can represent other Asian people except yourself. No need to lie. Just be honest. Life has very simple rules. You are not only giving a bad name to yourself, but you are being irresponsible towards your fellow citizens. Many Chinese people work very hard to dispel stereotypes. You are not helping. In fact, for all your talking, you are hurting whatever you wanted to stand for. And later you wonder why bad things happen to the Chinese? You are the image of your country, remember that.
Have a nice day.
to "little tadpole" & "east asian":
the quarrel about chinese characters between you two is supposed to end up with a lasting peace. for so long I've been really fed up with mutual hostility and endless abuse. haven't you noticed what you were doing? mr little tadpole, we should talk about characters and latinization, that's to say, if you were proficient in chinese, just tell us your rationale for converting characters into latinized system, and you must explain it clearly, logically, and systematically, don't say anything groundless to advocate your propaganda noisily. action speaks louder than words! and mr east asian, please calm yourself down, ok?
the quarrel about chinese characters between you two is supposed to end up with a lasting peace. for so long I've been really fed up with mutual hostility and endless abuse. haven't you noticed what you were doing? mr little tadpole, we should talk about characters and latinization, that's to say, if you were proficient in chinese, just tell us your rationale for converting characters into latinized system, and you must explain it clearly, logically, and systematically, don't say anything groundless to advocate your propaganda noisily. action speaks louder than words! and mr east asian, please calm yourself down, ok?
Little Tadpole, I have to stress a point, we love using character system mainly due to it's much more suitable for Chinese writing system (of course not a lie) than unfeasible Latinization, not due to the inferiority complex or whatever else, if you insist that you're right and we're all wrong, I have nothing else to argue with you, because it's really a pointless topic and such a waste of our time and energy.
<<Tionghoa Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:51 am GMT
mr east asian, please calm yourself down, ok? >>
mr east asian, please calm yourself down, ok? >>
To East Asians:
Tionghoa Tue Sep 08, 2009 11:31 am GMT
To East Asians:
....其它国家 :)
To East Asians:
....其它国家 :)
Tionghoa: "我屡次发帖说明为何中国人要用汉字,"
原帖由 wata 于 2009-8-8 22:01 发表
You guys have been inventing lies all over places, stick words into other people's mouths. Very bad habit. If you are serious about Chinese linguistics, please join 北大中文论坛 A warning, though, any bad mouthing there and you will be terminated, no exception. Also 马甲 is not tolerated. That's how people are kept civilized there.
I do have some credibility there. And I achieve it not because of bad mouthing or being infantile, but because I provide facts. Look over all my postings there, and you will learn how to behave in a civilized way, and gain people's respect. You will also find out that I have repeatedly pointed out Inferiority Complex problem there, and you will see that this problem happens quite often with the Chinese people. (A few of them behaved the way you guys have behaved here, and were all suspended/removed by the Administrator.) I talk openly there. NEVER ONCE was I warned or rejected by bulletin board administrator. WHY? Because it's a valid and important issue to discuss. When you care about people, when you want them to succeed, this is an issue that need to be brought up to light.
I am old enough to care about the next generation. People throw all kinds of insults to me, yes. But did all those insults ever bother me? Never. Because I know exactly the root of their problems. You guys are just as much victims. Victims of a bad education system while growing up. I gain respect of other people because I care about other people. Some people in have teased me, laughed at me, but after a while now they are my friends and have become very supported, and provide me with help whenever I needed. The rules of life are very simple. You care about other people, other people will care about you.
Have a nice day.
原帖由 wata 于 2009-8-8 22:01 发表
You guys have been inventing lies all over places, stick words into other people's mouths. Very bad habit. If you are serious about Chinese linguistics, please join 北大中文论坛 A warning, though, any bad mouthing there and you will be terminated, no exception. Also 马甲 is not tolerated. That's how people are kept civilized there.
I do have some credibility there. And I achieve it not because of bad mouthing or being infantile, but because I provide facts. Look over all my postings there, and you will learn how to behave in a civilized way, and gain people's respect. You will also find out that I have repeatedly pointed out Inferiority Complex problem there, and you will see that this problem happens quite often with the Chinese people. (A few of them behaved the way you guys have behaved here, and were all suspended/removed by the Administrator.) I talk openly there. NEVER ONCE was I warned or rejected by bulletin board administrator. WHY? Because it's a valid and important issue to discuss. When you care about people, when you want them to succeed, this is an issue that need to be brought up to light.
I am old enough to care about the next generation. People throw all kinds of insults to me, yes. But did all those insults ever bother me? Never. Because I know exactly the root of their problems. You guys are just as much victims. Victims of a bad education system while growing up. I gain respect of other people because I care about other people. Some people in have teased me, laughed at me, but after a while now they are my friends and have become very supported, and provide me with help whenever I needed. The rules of life are very simple. You care about other people, other people will care about you.
Have a nice day.
All of you Shut....(huuuuuuuuh!) Be quiet!!!
Why are you keeping posting reply out of topic in this thread?? Uh?!
Haven't you forgot the topic of this thread? Maybe.. did you forget?
Its topic was about the Korean kanji mixed script! Understand?! Although it's about 漢字, it's not your business, Chineses!! It's the problem between Japanese and Korean.
And plus, all forum boards including this forum, is not for hurting anyone.
Where is 'report' button in this site!!!!!!!!!!!!??????
What are admins doing????
To whom wrote '你是日本朋友'
All of you Shut....(huuuuuuuuh!) Be quiet!!!
Why are you keeping posting reply out of topic in this thread?? Uh?!
Haven't you forgot the topic of this thread? Maybe.. did you forget?
Its topic was about the Korean kanji mixed script! Understand?! Although it's about 漢字, it's not your business, Chineses!! It's the problem between Japanese and Korean.
And plus, all forum boards including this forum, is not for hurting anyone.
Where is 'report' button in this site!!!!!!!!!!!!??????
What are admins doing????
To whom wrote '你是日本朋友'
DD_Shimakaze Tue Sep 08, 2009 3:32 pm GMT
All of you Shut....(huuuuuuuuh!) Be quiet!!!
Why are you keeping posting reply out of topic in this thread?? Uh?!
Haven't you forgot the topic of this thread? Maybe.. did you forget?
Its topic was about the Korean kanji mixed script! Understand?! Although it's about 漢字, it's not your business, Chineses!! It's the problem between Japanese and Korean.
And plus, all forum boards including this forum, is not for hurting anyone.
Where is 'report' button in this site!!!!!!!!!!!!??????
What are admins doing????
To whom wrote '你是日本朋友'
Well, this is the good thing about Antimoon Forum, I think. Sometimes, we stray from a subject and once in a while an argument gets out of hand, but that's only human nature. If everybody were not given any freedom to express themselves and had to be reported constantly for trivial matters, do you think Antimoon Forum would still be such a popular forum? I wouldn't frequent this forum for sure if such restriction were imposed.
Besides, how do you define "hurting"? In my opinion, when you "hu!?" and "uh!?" and when you make a remark like "it's not your business, Chineses!!", you are hurting people. When you shout "What are admins doing????", you are hurting people. I believe it's their idea of providing a forum with more freedom and less restriction, and I think they've done a really good job.
Oh c'mon, we're all adults! We don't just get hurt because someone says something. I suppose we have the maturity to shrug off those remarks that we do not welcome.
Well, you may feel that I'm trying to hurt you but honestly I'm not. It's just my opinion and it's up to you to decide if you really want to get hurt. :)
And by the way, the Chinese would probably have a hard time figuring out what "日本系米国人" is.
I am a Kanji lover like you and I do hope that they will revive the use of Kanji in the future. This is not very likely though and it's their own right to choose what's good for them. Maybe their government should allow the people the freedom to choose which writing system to use. I mean some people may prefer purely Hangul writing system and some may prefer a Kanji-mixed script. However, that will bring about the problem of unity. If they really revived the use of kanji, I believe this would encourage many more Chinese and Japanese to learn their language and to understand their culture. This would really be good for their economy.
(Yeah, yeah, yeah.... I know, I know Chinese characters are called Hanja, and not Kanji, in Korea, but I'm talking to a Japanese, OK?)
All of you Shut....(huuuuuuuuh!) Be quiet!!!
Why are you keeping posting reply out of topic in this thread?? Uh?!
Haven't you forgot the topic of this thread? Maybe.. did you forget?
Its topic was about the Korean kanji mixed script! Understand?! Although it's about 漢字, it's not your business, Chineses!! It's the problem between Japanese and Korean.
And plus, all forum boards including this forum, is not for hurting anyone.
Where is 'report' button in this site!!!!!!!!!!!!??????
What are admins doing????
To whom wrote '你是日本朋友'
Well, this is the good thing about Antimoon Forum, I think. Sometimes, we stray from a subject and once in a while an argument gets out of hand, but that's only human nature. If everybody were not given any freedom to express themselves and had to be reported constantly for trivial matters, do you think Antimoon Forum would still be such a popular forum? I wouldn't frequent this forum for sure if such restriction were imposed.
Besides, how do you define "hurting"? In my opinion, when you "hu!?" and "uh!?" and when you make a remark like "it's not your business, Chineses!!", you are hurting people. When you shout "What are admins doing????", you are hurting people. I believe it's their idea of providing a forum with more freedom and less restriction, and I think they've done a really good job.
Oh c'mon, we're all adults! We don't just get hurt because someone says something. I suppose we have the maturity to shrug off those remarks that we do not welcome.
Well, you may feel that I'm trying to hurt you but honestly I'm not. It's just my opinion and it's up to you to decide if you really want to get hurt. :)
And by the way, the Chinese would probably have a hard time figuring out what "日本系米国人" is.
I am a Kanji lover like you and I do hope that they will revive the use of Kanji in the future. This is not very likely though and it's their own right to choose what's good for them. Maybe their government should allow the people the freedom to choose which writing system to use. I mean some people may prefer purely Hangul writing system and some may prefer a Kanji-mixed script. However, that will bring about the problem of unity. If they really revived the use of kanji, I believe this would encourage many more Chinese and Japanese to learn their language and to understand their culture. This would really be good for their economy.
(Yeah, yeah, yeah.... I know, I know Chinese characters are called Hanja, and not Kanji, in Korea, but I'm talking to a Japanese, OK?)
Tionghoa Tue Sep 08, 2009 11:31 am GMT
汉字的好与否其实是因人而异的。就拿我个人来说吧,虽然求学时使用的语言主要是英语,但我反而觉得学习中文对我来说更容易上手和牢记,我只能解释说,可能汉字比较适合这样的脑部结构的我吧…… 英文字看久了,容易让我感觉困和疲倦,可能是单调的二十六个字母重复使用的催眠效果吧,看中文时这个问题则相对的比较轻微。还有我阅读时比较缺乏耐性,喜欢跳过啰嗦或不重要的部分,而阅读中文时进行快速阅读或搜寻重点,就比起阅读英文时来得得心应手……看说明书或阅报时,如果有中英文的选择,我总会下意识地选择中文版的,但这不是因为我的中文比较强的原因,我也无法解释为什么…… 有时候我会这样比拟,英文就像花店里的花,全部排得整整齐齐的,看起来显得单调,容易感到枯燥,而中文则像花园里的花,自然的生长,看起来比较赏心悦目……
我不知道是否已经有人在进行…. 其实应该设立一些研究小组,针对汉字和拉丁字母进行比较客观和科学性的研究……总好过这样以个人的喜好和自尊为出发点,争论个不休……
但无可否认的,一些谬论,例如哪儿听到的什么“中国人坚持使用汉字是自卑情结在作祟”,的确可以提供不少的娱乐…… :)
汉字的好与否其实是因人而异的。就拿我个人来说吧,虽然求学时使用的语言主要是英语,但我反而觉得学习中文对我来说更容易上手和牢记,我只能解释说,可能汉字比较适合这样的脑部结构的我吧…… 英文字看久了,容易让我感觉困和疲倦,可能是单调的二十六个字母重复使用的催眠效果吧,看中文时这个问题则相对的比较轻微。还有我阅读时比较缺乏耐性,喜欢跳过啰嗦或不重要的部分,而阅读中文时进行快速阅读或搜寻重点,就比起阅读英文时来得得心应手……看说明书或阅报时,如果有中英文的选择,我总会下意识地选择中文版的,但这不是因为我的中文比较强的原因,我也无法解释为什么…… 有时候我会这样比拟,英文就像花店里的花,全部排得整整齐齐的,看起来显得单调,容易感到枯燥,而中文则像花园里的花,自然的生长,看起来比较赏心悦目……
我不知道是否已经有人在进行…. 其实应该设立一些研究小组,针对汉字和拉丁字母进行比较客观和科学性的研究……总好过这样以个人的喜好和自尊为出发点,争论个不休……
但无可否认的,一些谬论,例如哪儿听到的什么“中国人坚持使用汉字是自卑情结在作祟”,的确可以提供不少的娱乐…… :)
East Asians // Somehow we had better be more careful in forum boards...
"I'm talking to a Japanese, OK?"
Well... Exactly I'm not 100% Japanese.
I'm a Japanese-American日本系米国(→美国?)人
"I'm talking to a Japanese, OK?"
Well... Exactly I'm not 100% Japanese.
I'm a Japanese-American日本系米国(→美国?)人