The Subjunctive mood expresses doubt, uncertainty, hope, fear, possibility, opinions, etc. and is used much more frequently in Italian. It is mainly used in dependent clauses (sentences introduced by a conjunction that do not have a complete meaning) that are introduced by che.
The "congiuntivo" is also required with particular expressions such as:
Impersonal forms » è necessario che, bisogna che, è importante che... tu venga al cinema - it's necessary that, it's important that... you come to the movie
Comparative clauses » è il film più interessante che abbia visto - it is the most interesting movie that I saw
Sentences introduced by » affinché - perché (so that), tranne che (a part that), a meno che (unless), sebbene - malgrado - nonostante (altough), purché - a patto che (provided that), come se (as if)
Sentences introduced by the adjectives or pronouns » qualsiasi - qualunque (any), chiunque (whoever), dovunque (anywhere)
Sentences introduced by the adjectives or pronouns » niente che - nulla che (nothing that), nessuno che (nobody that), l'unico/a che - il solo/a che (the only one that)
Italian subjunctive has four forms. The two first ones (Present and Imperfect Subjunctive) are simple tenses, with their own inflections:
» Present Subjunctive (Congiuntivo presente)
» Imperfect Subjunctive (Congiuntivo Imperfetto)
And the last compound tenses (congiuntivo passato and congiuntivo trapassato) are made in the same way as the indicative ones (auxiliary verb + past participle of the main verb), though the two auxiliaries essere and avere use subjunctive inflections.
» Perfect (Past) Subjunctive (Congiuntivo Passato)
» Pluperfect (Congiuntivo trapassato
The Subjunctive mood expresses doubt, uncertainty, hope, fear, possibility, opinions, etc. and is used much more frequently in Italian. It is mainly used in dependent clauses (sentences introduced by a conjunction that do not have a complete meaning) that are introduced by che.
The "congiuntivo" is also required with particular expressions such as:
Impersonal forms » è necessario che, bisogna che, è importante che... tu venga al cinema - it's necessary that, it's important that... you come to the movie
Comparative clauses » è il film più interessante che abbia visto - it is the most interesting movie that I saw
Sentences introduced by » affinché - perché (so that), tranne che (a part that), a meno che (unless), sebbene - malgrado - nonostante (altough), purché - a patto che (provided that), come se (as if)
Sentences introduced by the adjectives or pronouns » qualsiasi - qualunque (any), chiunque (whoever), dovunque (anywhere)
Sentences introduced by the adjectives or pronouns » niente che - nulla che (nothing that), nessuno che (nobody that), l'unico/a che - il solo/a che (the only one that)
Italian subjunctive has four forms. The two first ones (Present and Imperfect Subjunctive) are simple tenses, with their own inflections:
» Present Subjunctive (Congiuntivo presente)
» Imperfect Subjunctive (Congiuntivo Imperfetto)
And the last compound tenses (congiuntivo passato and congiuntivo trapassato) are made in the same way as the indicative ones (auxiliary verb + past participle of the main verb), though the two auxiliaries essere and avere use subjunctive inflections.
» Perfect (Past) Subjunctive (Congiuntivo Passato)
» Pluperfect (Congiuntivo trapassato