To flirt in different languages
I'd like to know some phrases in different languages that you can say to a girl in a pub.
For example:
Hi, you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen!
Hola, tu eres la chica mas linda que he visto jamas!
Hola, tu eres la chica mas linda que he visto jamas!
Eso se lo dices a todas!
Здравствуйте, вы феноменально красивая девушка! Ваши большие глаза сводят меня сума ещё больше, чем ваша большая жопа/грудь!
Zdrastvyte, vy fenomenal'no krasivaya devushka! Vashi bol'shie glaza svodyat menya suma eshyo bol'she, chem vasha bol'shaya zhopa/grud'!
Hello, you are a phenomenally beautiful girl! Your big eyes make me go crazy almost as much as your big ass/breast does!
It should be written "tú eres...". Tú is a pronoun, therefore it should be accentuated. Otherwise it means "your". En ese contexto, "tú" es un pronombre, por lo tanto debe acentuarse, de otro modo tiene un significado posesivo. Por ejemplo: Tú eres muy estúpido para escribir en un español decente. El otro ejemplo con "tu" sin acento sería "tu estupidez es muy clara cuando escribes en español".
Hola, tu eres la chica mas linda que he visto jamas!>>
"Hola, eres la chica más linda que jamás he visto."
Would sound more natural
It's best not to pick up girls in a pub, but if you must, think about them as people. What things do they want to hear? Your collection of piropos? Probably not.
Ask them things like "What do you call that?" (maybe referring to some tapas you see)...
Try things that are easy to say and non-threatening. "I'm a student. What do you do?" and see how it goes. Make sure that you look and smell good. Ask Uriel in the English section. I'll bet she has an opinion.
I'm not of the school that quantity is better, quality is.
Some women will fall for lines, that is certain, but you may not really want that kind.
¿Qué estudias? What are you studying? (familiar)
¿Qué piensas de______________? What do you think about_______________?
¿Cuánto tiempo te vas a quedar? (How long are you here for or How long are you staying?)
Estoy aquí por _______días. (I’m here for _____days.)
¿Cómo se llama esto? What’s this called?
Remember, you may want to practice your language skills and make a friend, so don’t get too sweet too fast.
In Brazilian:
Tu é baita de uma rapariga, eu quero comer sua bunda/buceta.
(You're a nice streetwalker, I wanna screw your ass/pussy).
<<<<< In Brazilian:
Tu é baita de uma rapariga, eu quero comer sua bunda/buceta.
(You're a nice streetwalker, I wanna screw your ass/pussy). >>>>>
Thanks, I am going to use that line to get some Brazilian A*^. Those Brazilian chicks are super HOTTTT.
>>Try things that are easy to say and non-threatening. "I'm a student. What do you do?" and see how it goes. Make sure that you look and smell good. Ask Uriel in the English section. I'll bet she has an opinion. <<
I'll second that.
And I'll also second that, for example, my university sets up the first pub. It just takes too much time and is too tiresome for me to ... not even pursue girls, but just to talk to them. I can end up talking a lot and still can't go anywhere further than that, because I'm not on the right topics, and not with the right people.
My German experience offers me so many inflections, one aspect being this kind of socializing. Maybe I shouldn't say pick up, but just to meet properly. To meet, as my foreign guy friends had already implied, you need a right place (lecture room is generally OK, but difficult), a right time (not in lecture time probably), and etc.
Back in Germany, although there were very few girls available (even for talking), I found it much easier to be in a dorm. The thing is, whether you know someone (male/female) for anything, it doesn't work anyway if you can't meet them often enough, just as how you can't remember a language well without enough repetitions.
Back in Hong Kong, I'm in the same difficult situation again. Even the girls I've known for more than 2 years don't show up that often now. Everybody is so occupied with schoolwork and has no time at all for socializing. Poor Chinese guys and girls.
^but i must say these are huge cultural differences. I'm so depressed to see the district near the university rejects setting up a bar (to make it quiet for the neighborhood).
Many Chinese (say in HK) are now in a desperate situation of staying single indefinitely. Let us not count the nerds who are crazy about AGC stuff. There are such people, and obnoxious. But instead, there are many who work all the day and have no time at all to socialize, even if they have the money to ask anybody out. What if you work for 12-14 hours a day? Most probably you'd be too absorbed to go anywhere except home late at midnight. This has been true for some in HK. And second, there are proportionally more people who claim chastity (and actually accept and perform) for being Christian. And those who care about family and never get out of the family (highly cultural).
I'm afraid that many foreign guys don't or can't understand Chinese girls very well when it comes to picking up or just meeting. You may find it easy, but later on, they could end up asking for more, particularly monetary gains. And I can't deny the existence of those who actually ask for marriage, say after graduation if she were an undergraduate. This would be where expectations don't converge, a source of break-up.
In Europe, people say the divorce rates keep on rising. In China, ditto. But what's more, there are more and more single AND grumbling people. I often wondered, therefore, that if the Chinese are more interested in the pub culture (it does exist, not non-existent), probably they'd find it easier to meet more people. It doesn't work if you always speak of taboos or no-no's all the time... people often say "I'm too busy with work", or too ugly, or too dull, or unattractive... I know the consequences of alcohol use, but at least with optimal use it makes many things easier.
sorry, let us stick to the topic.
I don't know at all the flirting lingo in my own language. I know it better in both English and German. Indeed, flirting isn't universally encouraged in my culture. Ultimately, culture really decides.
<<Hi, you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen! >>
In Mandarin, it's:
Hai! Muyecha dou bini mei shangshibei! Gun yuan yidianr! Bie daizhe nazhang lian daochu xiaren!
<<Hi, you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen! >>
Hahaha what a shitty pickup line!