Ich bin daran interessiert, den Geschlechtsakt mit dir zu vollziehen.
Works every time.
Ich bin daran interessiert, den Geschlechtsakt mit dir zu vollziehen.
Works every time.
To flirt in different languages
Ich bin daran interessiert, den Geschlechtsakt mit dir zu vollziehen. Works every time.
>>In Mandarin, it's:
嗨!母夜叉都比你美上十倍!滚远一点儿!别带着那张脸到处吓人! Hai! Muyecha dou bini mei shangshibei! Gun yuan yidianr! Bie daizhe nazhang lian daochu xiaren! << Why should you write that long if you can speak less? 屌你老母! is enough.
Ich bin daran interessiert, den Geschlechtsakt mit dir zu vollziehen.
ich will dich ficken Which is the translation, please?
Voulez vous coucher avec moi, avec mon mari, ou un menage à trois?
You will not get any girl (maybe exept for the ugliest, which I hope you're not aiming for) using the lines above.
An attractive girl gets like 10 lines of that type ("you are the most beautiful...") every night she goes out. How are you going to be different from all those previous guys that had used the same line? Even if the girl won't ignore you and engages in some sort of conversation with you, you probably will ask her the standard couple of questions everybody asks in the bars. So you should avoid asking the following: 1. Can I buy you a drink? 2. What's your name? 3. Where do you live? 4. Where do you study/work? 5. What kind of music you listen to? 6. What are your hobbies? 7. Please give me your phone number. I'm not saying that you shouldn't take any interest in the girl, but abstain from asking her the questions she hears every Friday night from the same loosers.
>>Ich bin daran interessiert, den Geschlechtsakt mit dir zu vollziehen.
ich will dich ficken Which is the translation, please?<< They mean the same. But if you ask me, the second one is a bit too casual. After all, you don't want to scare her away, right?
"maybe exept for the ugliest, which I hope you're not aiming for"
Why do you hope so? Do you hate ugly girls so much that nobody should want them?
I don't have any negative or positive feelings towards them, which doesn't change the fact that I wouldn't waste my time flirting with them.
Ugly chicks are the best fucks you can get, they do it with soul (not too ugly though, he, he).
I dont like fat ones myself :(
Brazilian translation:
1. Can I buy you a drink? Eu posso comprar um drinque pra você? 2. What's your name? Como é seu nome? 3. Where do you live? Aonde você mora? 4. Where do you study/work? Aonde você estuda/trabalha? 5. What kind of music you listen to? Que tipo de música você ouve? 6. What are your hobbies? Quais são seus hobbys? 7. Please give me your phone number. Por favor me dá seu número (de telefone/celular).
If you want to know what girls like to hear, you should try to be friendly and non-threatening with the ones you already know now, so you can get a window into how women think. I'm not saying that all women think in the same way, but most don't like conversation that implies they are dumb or a prostitute.
Fais l'amour avec moi Viens dormir mon amour Je t'aime me donner ton coeur ce soir... |