How do you pronounce ''amen''?

Richard   Tue Oct 24, 2006 10:31 pm GMT
<<I have a dream for all the foreign learners. It is that the spelling of some or most words become easier to write in favor to the pronunciation.

If I said "your, yours, and yourselves", I'd certainly know they are written as "yor, yorz, or yorselvz".>>

This thread isn't about spelling reform. Why are you mentioning it?
Mannix JC   Wed Oct 25, 2006 1:55 am GMT
Just curious Lazar, how do you pronounce the following words:


For me, both of them rhyme with "car" and not with "sore". Could the pronunciations of those two words perhaps give some explanation as to why we both seem to have something "strange" going on with drawer, yet our accents seem historically unrelated? Does a similar thing happen to those words in your speech as does to your "drawer" pronunciation?
Mannix   Wed Oct 25, 2006 1:57 am GMT
Also, how is your name pronounced? Does it rhyme with "quasar"?
Btw   Wed Oct 25, 2006 3:38 am GMT
by the way, Jews tend to pronounce Amein as [AmeIn] (Ahmayn)
candie   Mon Nov 27, 2006 2:37 am GMT
Q   Mon Nov 27, 2006 4:04 am GMT
>> Just curious Lazar, how do you pronounce the following words:


For me, both of them rhyme with "car" and not with "sore" <<

Interesting. I say the first as "or" dinosore, and "dinosars" would sound quite off. For the second, I would say "centar", but it's certainly not a word I would say that often. I say the word "thesaurus" as "thuhsoreuhs'.
John Bonda   Sun Jan 07, 2007 2:45 am GMT
Hello, I used to have a Bible with the mark over the letters to tell correct way to pronounce - IT was a as in father for amen!
Uriel   Sun Jan 07, 2007 8:01 am GMT
If I recall correctly, Lazar does rhyme his name with "quasar".
Lazar   Sun Jan 07, 2007 8:47 am GMT
<<Just curious Lazar, how do you pronounce the following words:


For me, both of them rhyme with "car" and not with "sore".>>

Both of those words rhyme with "sore" for me.

<<Does a similar thing happen to those words in your speech as does to your "drawer" pronunciation?>>

No, "drawer" is basically just an anomaly in my speech. (I've read that my pronunciation of "drawer" to sound like "draw" is a feature of the Northeast, found from New Jersey to New England.)

<<Also, how is your name pronounced? Does it rhyme with "quasar"?>>

Yes, my name does rhyme with "quasar".
Damian in Scotland   Sun Jan 07, 2007 3:16 pm GMT
Aaaaah! Men!
Mike   Sun Jan 07, 2007 6:03 pm GMT
<<No, "drawer" is basically just an anomaly in my speech. (I've read that my pronunciation of "drawer" to sound like "draw" is a feature of the Northeast, found from New Jersey to New England.)>>

That's interesting. What about "drawers" (as in underpants)? I've heard AAVE speakers around here say /drAz/ for that, but I've never "drawer" itself pronounce like "draw".
Lazar   Sun Jan 07, 2007 7:00 pm GMT
<<What about "drawers" (as in underpants)?>>

Yes, I'd pronounce that the same way: ["dr\Qz].
kyle   Fri Apr 27, 2007 12:09 am GMT
the hebrew pronunciation is ah-main
Shatnerian   Fri Apr 27, 2007 3:09 am GMT
I grew up Lutheran, and it was always "ah-men". The only time I remember hearing "ay-men" was on television.
Phil   Sat Apr 28, 2007 11:01 am GMT
Amen is a drawn out AHH MENNNNN, for me. It's a bit like when your doctor asks to look in our mouth and says "say ahh".

I heard an archbishop say it more like a question: Amen?. Does anyone know why he'd say it like that?.

Dinosaur is Dine-a-sore, for me.