Is there a gay accent in English?

Jasper   Tue Nov 24, 2009 12:01 am GMT
Well, no answers, marrying one's cousin might be widespread; like homosexuality, I just don't care very much who a person sleeps with or who he marries. There are a lot of other topics in life that I find infinitely more interesting.

I am afraid that I am losing interest in this non-issue. On that note, I pass the baton to someone else.
Guest   Tue Nov 24, 2009 1:38 am GMT
Incest provokes defective descendence, for example George Bush was the result of an incetuous relation. It should be banned.
God bless America.
???   Tue Nov 24, 2009 10:18 pm GMT
There's not a gay accent in English, as I doubt there can be in any language.

But what there is, and I assume this must be regardless of language, is a typical gay intonation of speech. Just like male and female intonation will always tend to differ, so SOME gay men will speak in a more sing-songy intonation and SOME gay women will tend to speak in a more monotone way. That's simply how it is. I've spent enough time around gay people, as well as being a bisexual woman myself, to recognise this. I myself have a flatter intonation to my own pattern of speech than the average straight woman, despite liking men as well as women. And I can't change that, even if I might like to.
???   Tue Nov 24, 2009 10:26 pm GMT
And I meant I can't change the intonation of my speech in case any homophobes were thinking I was wishing to change my sexual preferances lol
shawn skinner   Thu Dec 03, 2009 6:07 pm GMT
I love u all and god bless u