James, working languages in EU should be important languages in the EU! Italian in the EU has 60mm speakers while spanish 45mm..
German is prettier and more important than Sp and Fr
Italian has more native speakers in Europe, but Spanish has more secondary speakers than Italian in Europe.
I agree Italian has 15 million more mother tongue speakers in Europe than Spanish but Spanish is more learned in schools in Europe than Italian.
And I really like Italian, it just that it's not that much important outside of Italy. If Italian had like 80 milion speakers I would say let's include Italian in the EU working languages. Or if Italian was an official language in more than three or two important countries outside Europe I would have also want to see Italian as one of the working languages of Europe.
And I really like Italian, it just that it's not that much important outside of Italy. If Italian had like 80 milion speakers I would say let's include Italian in the EU working languages. Or if Italian was an official language in more than three or two important countries outside Europe I would have also want to see Italian as one of the working languages of Europe.
I didn't know Italian was at only the sixth place in the EU, even behind Russian. It looks like having English, French and German as the working languages is really the saner choice.
Secondo un sondaggio dell'Unione europea a 15, relativo al 2001, l'italiano è al secondo posto per numero di parlanti madrilingua in ambito comunitario (16%), dopo il tedesco (24%) e accanto a francese e inglese, ma è quarta (18%) come lingua parlata. Un sondaggio più recente dell'Unione europea a 25, effettuato su un campione di 28.694 cittadini europei e relativo al 2006, ha confermato la seconda posizione dell'italiano quanto a numero di madrelingua comunitari, preceduta solo dal tedesco (18%), a pari merito con l'inglese (13%), e davanti al francese (12%), mentre lo colloca al sesto posto fra gli idiomi più parlati come lingua straniera (3%), preceduto da inglese (38%), francese (14%), tedesco (14%), spagnolo (6%) e russo (6%)[4].
Secondo un sondaggio dell'Unione europea a 15, relativo al 2001, l'italiano è al secondo posto per numero di parlanti madrilingua in ambito comunitario (16%), dopo il tedesco (24%) e accanto a francese e inglese, ma è quarta (18%) come lingua parlata. Un sondaggio più recente dell'Unione europea a 25, effettuato su un campione di 28.694 cittadini europei e relativo al 2006, ha confermato la seconda posizione dell'italiano quanto a numero di madrelingua comunitari, preceduta solo dal tedesco (18%), a pari merito con l'inglese (13%), e davanti al francese (12%), mentre lo colloca al sesto posto fra gli idiomi più parlati come lingua straniera (3%), preceduto da inglese (38%), francese (14%), tedesco (14%), spagnolo (6%) e russo (6%)[4].
<<Who cares is Spanish has more speakers if most of them are peasants? >>
No me llames Dolores llamame Lola.
Yes Lola you're right. An example of Spanish peasants.
but what a peasant,eh!
No me llames Dolores llamame Lola.
Yes Lola you're right. An example of Spanish peasants.
but what a peasant,eh!
<< Italian has more native speakers in Europe, but Spanish has more secondary speakers than Italian in Europe. >>
You must be joking.
The first foreign language of Albania is Italian 80% of them.
Croatia, and Slovenia contain sizable number of ethnic Italians and Italian is widely spoken by as a secondary language there.
In Hungary and Slovakia, Italian is catching up with German as a popular foreign language and it even outdo FRench in those two countries.
Italian is the fourth most popular foreign language in Romania after English, French, and German.
You must be joking.
The first foreign language of Albania is Italian 80% of them.
Croatia, and Slovenia contain sizable number of ethnic Italians and Italian is widely spoken by as a secondary language there.
In Hungary and Slovakia, Italian is catching up with German as a popular foreign language and it even outdo FRench in those two countries.
Italian is the fourth most popular foreign language in Romania after English, French, and German.
Spanish Fly:
Spanish Fly:
I don't see this point.
German and Spanish are becoming regional languages, and both people know that.
German is a language spoken only in Central Europe by some 100 million people. The little area of this language is similar to Vietnamese or Thai. All of them are regional languages, of course.
Besides, German and Spanish are overshadowed by English and French, the only lingua francae of Europe, from Ireland to Russia.
An example, Germans prefer to study English, French, Russian, and Italian as foreign languages at school and not Spanish.
Fremdsprachenunterricht in Deutschland
Bis in die neunziger Jahre wurde die erste Fremdsprache (überwiegend Englisch) in deutschen Schulen ab der fünften Klasse, also nach Abschluss der Grundschule unterrichtet. Lediglich das Saarland bot ab der dritten Klasse Französisch-Unterricht an. Dies hat sich jedoch 1998/99 geändert, als mit der Einführung des Englisch-Unterrichts ab der dritten Klasse in Hamburg begonnen wurde. Ab dem Schuljahr 2004/2005 wird nun auch flächendeckend Englischunterricht in allen deutschen Bundesländern angeboten, in 9 von 16 Bundesländern Französisch und Italienisch und Russisch in Thüringen. In Baden-Württemberg ist der Englisch-Unterricht bereits ab der ersten Klasse Pflicht.
Teaching Languages in Germany
Until the nineties, English was mainly the first foreign language in German schools from the fifth grade up to say after completion of primary school. Only in Saar offered from the third grade of French lesson. However, this has changed in 1998/99, when it was started to introduce the teaching of English from the third class in Hamburg. From school year 2004/2005 is now also teaching English is now offered covering all German federal states, in 9 out of 16 federal states, French and Italian are taught and Russian in Thuringia. In Baden-Wuerttemberg the teaching of English is already is already required in first grade.
At the same time, Spaniards people prefer to study also English and French, and not German.
German and Spanish are becoming regional languages, and both people know that.
German is a language spoken only in Central Europe by some 100 million people. The little area of this language is similar to Vietnamese or Thai. All of them are regional languages, of course.
Besides, German and Spanish are overshadowed by English and French, the only lingua francae of Europe, from Ireland to Russia.
An example, Germans prefer to study English, French, Russian, and Italian as foreign languages at school and not Spanish.
Fremdsprachenunterricht in Deutschland
Bis in die neunziger Jahre wurde die erste Fremdsprache (überwiegend Englisch) in deutschen Schulen ab der fünften Klasse, also nach Abschluss der Grundschule unterrichtet. Lediglich das Saarland bot ab der dritten Klasse Französisch-Unterricht an. Dies hat sich jedoch 1998/99 geändert, als mit der Einführung des Englisch-Unterrichts ab der dritten Klasse in Hamburg begonnen wurde. Ab dem Schuljahr 2004/2005 wird nun auch flächendeckend Englischunterricht in allen deutschen Bundesländern angeboten, in 9 von 16 Bundesländern Französisch und Italienisch und Russisch in Thüringen. In Baden-Württemberg ist der Englisch-Unterricht bereits ab der ersten Klasse Pflicht.
Teaching Languages in Germany
Until the nineties, English was mainly the first foreign language in German schools from the fifth grade up to say after completion of primary school. Only in Saar offered from the third grade of French lesson. However, this has changed in 1998/99, when it was started to introduce the teaching of English from the third class in Hamburg. From school year 2004/2005 is now also teaching English is now offered covering all German federal states, in 9 out of 16 federal states, French and Italian are taught and Russian in Thuringia. In Baden-Wuerttemberg the teaching of English is already is already required in first grade.
At the same time, Spaniards people prefer to study also English and French, and not German.
German is the third not Spanish most studied and taught foreign language worldwide after English and French.
So why the hell are the hispanics are making an alliance with German in this thread. Nobody likes them even their closest cousins the Lussophones. The Itlians just tolerate them nothing else.
So why the hell are the hispanics are making an alliance with German in this thread. Nobody likes them even their closest cousins the Lussophones. The Itlians just tolerate them nothing else.
"So why the hell are the hispanics are making an alliance with German in this thread."
Uh-oh, looks like Hispanics will then invade France, Germany will have to follow them to honor the alliance, and we all know how quick France will give up !
Uh-oh, looks like Hispanics will then invade France, Germany will have to follow them to honor the alliance, and we all know how quick France will give up !