Is my Spanish understandable?
...what is your native language?
Beaumarchais is French, right? What does his name mean?
<< ..what is your native language? >>
You can't tell??
...You can't tell either?
Is your native language Spanish (and you're faking the accent)?
Wow, that's cool, you think I could be native. No, my native language is not Spanish.
Man maxwell blanck is kidding.
Pay attention, i am brasilian and i can understand some spanish.
But u dont speak like an hispanic u have a freak thick accent, i think that u began to learn Spanish a week ago.
I do not know where it is but is not from one spanish.
Ese sitio de mierda tiene virus. ¿Por qué no usás Youtube (pero sin que tengamos que ver tu jeta, claro está)?
There's nothing wrong with that site. Recording it as a video would be quite a pain. But if you want to do it for me, that would be fine.
mi nombre, eres un virus...
Aren't you the same guy who faked a Japanese accent when speaking French so people couldn't tell his native language was actually... English, if I remember well? Your voice and your accent remind me of him.
So it's no recognizable accent of any kind?
Unfortunately your Spanish in the recording is bad. I had to listen 3 times and still have some trouble understanding it.
I could pick a few words here and there. But you're reading random quotations, so it's hard to guess by the context.
My guess is that your native language is not European. Maybe African or South-East Asian.