Islam Sucks

Familia sancta   Fri May 21, 2010 3:16 pm GMT
Islam sucks because it has no Holy Family, doesn't it?

Everyone can see Christianity's universal appeal: Holy Father, Holy Mother and Holy Child. Appeals to both parents and children. Plus Joseph and Mary is a great love story (and moral education of all fathers.)

And of course the great truth of life: "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life." (John 3:16.) That only love is the force that can transcend death, that can save and is larger than life. Only love can set you free. As humans we know that deep down.

What can Islam offer? Only a boring monotheistic God. And a guy who was his prophet only according to himself.
Matematik   Fri May 21, 2010 4:14 pm GMT
Muslims aren't exactly family value people though, they base their life around attaining 47 virgins in paradise.

From a mythological point of few, Christianity is far more interesting than Islam. Islam is a new religion and is far less substantial than Christianity.
Franco   Fri May 21, 2010 4:14 pm GMT
Yeah, Virgin Mary holding Child Jesus is lovely, but not all Christians believe in that. Protestants don't worship the Virgin , She is irrelevant for them. So in that sense they are pretty much like the Mulisms. I would say that for a Catholic Virgin Mary is even more important than abstract God.
Crapshit   Fri May 21, 2010 4:21 pm GMT
It's stupid and naïve to judge a different religion by what it says or proclaim... Especially when there are visoble and obvious links with Christianity - Jesus as a prophet, Mary, angels, some ideas... Of course maniac are always dangerous, but all taht religious wars and anti Christian & anti Muslim attitudes are created by those who make profits of Jews fighting against Arabs, etc...They all laugh at our faces, because all they care is the money. I don't know who they really are , but certainly not freemasons, not NWO followers, something's wrong with the world today...
Crapshit   Fri May 21, 2010 4:22 pm GMT
* visible
Franco   Fri May 21, 2010 4:28 pm GMT
Primitive Christianism (the one practised in Judea afte Christ died) and today Christianism have pretty much nothing in common. I see Islam as a more genuine Semitic religion than Christianism, and far more similar to Hebraic religion. Christianism as we know it today is an European product, it has been shaped by the Greeks, Romans and other indigenous pagans.
Crapshit   Fri May 21, 2010 4:31 pm GMT
@ Franco , you are right and to add something mine, I must say that Christianity is full of pagan influencies, just concider - why people choose 25th December as Xmas?
Matematik   Fri May 21, 2010 4:34 pm GMT
Crapshit, I find it very interesting how leftists like you attack Christianity with glee, but don't dare say a bad word against Islam.
Crapshit   Fri May 21, 2010 4:44 pm GMT
@ Matematik, you are so wrong right now! Man, I'm closer to a fascist than a leftie, I hate lefties and all that political correctness. I wanted to say that both Muslim and Christianity are bad if taken too seriously and if someone tries to make Christians and Muslims and enemies... You want to read something negative about Muslims? Ok, here we go:

1> there's to much Muslims in Europe, most of them should be put into the plane and sent back to Africa nad Middle East
2> they all should assimialte if they want live in Western Europe, unless people will burn mosques and kick their asses
3>I hate their clothes and
4> they are violent people

P.S. never call me a leftie again, I don't like Arabs, Muslims, Ukrainians,chavs, commies, old and religious people
Franco   Fri May 21, 2010 5:06 pm GMT
A video of a Muslim getting angry because he wanted to pray in the middle of a class and teacher didn't allow him to do so. This happened in Netherlands:
Matematik   Fri May 21, 2010 5:16 pm GMT
What the fuck? The whole class sits there and does nothing as he starts attacking the teacher quite frankly. He doesn't look particularly well built either.

The UK is far from vertebrate in this matter, but if a Muslim in a full class started doing this in the UK he'd probably get jumped. I'm shocked at just how spineless the Dutch are.
irksome infidel   Fri May 21, 2010 5:18 pm GMT
<<but don't dare say a bad word against Islam. >>

It's far too dangerous to say anything bad about Islam -- the religous "police" are likely to come and behead you, burn you alive, or worse.

On the other hand, what would Christians do? -- would the Pope put out a contract on you (like a fatwah/fatwa)? Maybe things were different centuries ago.
Baldewin   Fri May 21, 2010 5:45 pm GMT
Problem is, as a child PC indoctrinates non-Muslim white children to always be tolerant, never form groups and to never defend yourself and find non-violent solutions. This clearly doesn't work with the so-called 'weak groups' (they're officially called such).
Familia sancta   Fri May 21, 2010 5:57 pm GMT
Hello, this is not a political topic about Islamification or Fundamentalism, but merely about Islam being inferior to Christianity from a religious point of view.
Familia sancta   Fri May 21, 2010 6:31 pm GMT
Franco wrote:
««Yeah, Virgin Mary holding Child Jesus is lovely, but not all Christians believe in that. Protestants don't worship the Virgin , She is irrelevant for them»»

I am Protestant myself, and like many Protestants I have a yearning for the forgotten, obscurized, side-lined Mother of God. Perhaps my thinking so little of Islam really is a kind of self-hate?