Pronunciation of 'France'

Guest   Fri Jan 27, 2006 10:47 am GMT
You racist!!! That's discrimination, bigotry and defamation!!!!

I call indictable offense!
Guest   Fri Jan 27, 2006 10:51 am GMT
<You racist!!! That's discrimination, bigotry and defamation!!!!

I call indictable offense! >

Guest   Fri Jan 27, 2006 11:02 am GMT
I am Latino! Et je sais que tu n'es pas d'origine latine !

Rot in prison, racist!!! You'll never rule the world with your racism!!!
Gjones2   Fri Jan 27, 2006 1:01 pm GMT
>they're generally free of trolls [Kirk]

It's not just the persons who post insulting posts who are sabotaging this forum. It's also those who use this forum to advertise their own forum, shamelessly drawing away persons such as Johannes who could contribute to the success of this one. This forum is being used as an anteroom for Langcafe, and I don't understand why the moderators allow it. That's like Coca-Cola financing a program, and allowing Pepsi-Cola (an obvious competitor) to use it -- for free -- to advertise its product. If Antimoon were strong and untroubled, then maybe it could afford to allow such posts, but it isn't.

Antimoon is getting hit with a one-two punch. First there are the insulting posts from anonymous persons (and there's no way of knowing whether some of them come from Langcafe as well). Then there's the ad for Langcafe. How many times have we seen this happen! Because Langcafe isn't directly accessible from the net, it can't attract as many new persons as Antimoon can. Instead Langcafe acts as a leech, sucking up the new persons who are the life's blood that this forum needs to sustain itself.

I don't see much chance of its improving if this continues. The insults are annoying, but even without resorting to other methods of control, they might be overcome just with periodic deletions -- provided there were enough good posts to make them seem insignificant! The fewer the members here and the fewer the posts, though, the more conspicuous a few insulting ones will be. If this forum were allowed to grow in the normal way, the good posts would end up greatly outnumbering the bad, and the entire tone of the forum would change. How can that be done if new members are continually being sucked away by these blatantly exploitative ads?
Gjones2   Fri Jan 27, 2006 1:11 pm GMT
>interesting and sincere people [Kirk]

Some of those "sincere" people allowed demonstrably false allegations that I disguised my IP and used an assumed name over there to go unrefuted, leading to an obvious miscarriage of justice. And afterwards was there any effort to remedy this injustice? No. Was there any kind of apology for it? No.

I personally resent the way Antimoon is being used to promote Langcafe. By writing posts here, I (a person who has been deemed unworthy to post at Langcafe) help keep this forum going, help make it good enough to cause new members to linger at least for a while -- long enough for them to encounter the insults and then be lured away by ads for Langcafe. I'm not going to continue to try to serve Antimoon if, in reality, the forum I'm really serving is Langcafe.

I don't say that persons who put Langcafe ads on this forum are on the same level as those who sabotage it directly, but you're obviously harming it too, seriously, perhaps as much as those who are posting the insults. Without the ads, people may stay and try to overcome the insults. With the ads that's much less likely.
Cromwell   Fri Jan 27, 2006 2:00 pm GMT

What is a 'NORWAGIAN'?
Cromwell   Fri Jan 27, 2006 2:04 pm GMT
It seems that it isn't just Anti-Anglo but Anti-Germanic vitriol from the languages forum that is spilling over into the English forum.
greg   Fri Jan 27, 2006 2:26 pm GMT
mjd — Brennus : endlich tut ihr was !
Adam   Fri Jan 27, 2006 6:12 pm GMT
"La racisme, la xénophobie, l'ignorance et la sottise à la Adam y prospèrent comme de l'ivraie "

You've no room to talk about xenophobia. You're the one who refuses to speak English.
Kirk   Fri Jan 27, 2006 6:22 pm GMT
Gjones, this forum has been in deep trouble since long before Langcafe was around (which is, in fact, why Langcafe was created, originally as a temporary Antimoon when Antimoon was completely shut down for a few weeks due to massive troll attacks mid-2005). I do not condone random advertising of Langcafe (we asked the person on this forum who was doing that to stop) but when people express frustration over this forum I don't have a problem telling them about other language forums (you'll notice I also mentioned Unilang and Candy mentioned the ESL Cafe one) since this one is so chaotic.

<<Without the ads, people may stay and try to overcome the insults. With the ads that's much less likely.>>

People who register for another language forum often post on both sites. Also, as I said before, this forum was in about the same state and even worse before anyone started recommending other forums to check out so your claim doesn't seem like an accurate assessment of things. Since I've seen how it was here on Antimoon (the same) before Langcafe/Unilang/Dave's ESL Cafe/etc. were ever being mentioned here, that's not the case .

Anyway, this is certainly not the venue for discussing grievances about other websites so this is my only word on the subject.
Gjones2   Fri Jan 27, 2006 7:35 pm GMT
I've heard from others who have been here a long time, though, that there were times when this forum was much better. The question is whether people are going to stay here and try to overcome the current disruptions, or go elsewhere to escape them. There's no doubt that this forum is serving as an anteroom to Langcafe. Adding ads for other forums as well doesn't make the harm any less. All such ads are harmful to this forum.

The situation here isn't hopeless. It doesn't take many persons to make major changes in a forum. Ten -- maybe just five who post assiduously -- could transform this forum in a dramatic way. I'll not willing to let a few disruptions drive me away. This is not to say that I'll stay here no matter what, though. I have other sites where I post, though I've never advertised them here. I've been making many posts here lately partly because I believe this forum needs posts, partly because I still enjoy it. If I decide that it's likely that this forum will continue to serve primarily as the noisy and mud-tracked entrance to Langcafe -- and that my role is that of doorman for Langcafe -- then I'm out of here.

This forum has potential, though. Its posts are included in the net search engines, and its potential audience and membership are very large. I'm disappointed that so many persons seem willing to give up so easily.
Jason   Fri Jan 27, 2006 7:55 pm GMT
I recently wrote: <<I've been thinking about teaching ESL in Greece on the side. My grammar is excellent, my vocabulary is rich and colourful, and I even have a nice RP accent. The only problem is that the salary is deplorable. Are the salaries any better in Germany? Do you think that there is ANY chance that I would be able to secure employment teachimg ESL in the UK? I've been told by many Britons that my English is exemplary. (You've probably already read that). In spite of that, I think that most UK schools would be hesitant to hire a "non-Brit" regardless of how nice he/she sound. Of course, I could be wrong.>>

There were two typos. "teachimg" should have been "teaching" and "he/she sound" should have been "he/she sounds". I just didn't want anyone thinking I'm stupid. They really were just typos. My English may be good but my typing is not.
Jason   Fri Jan 27, 2006 8:08 pm GMT
<<LOL Candy that question wasn't from me. It was from our Greek friend 'Jason'.>>

So what/who the hell did I type all that info for last night?? Was that just a total waste of my time?>>

NO, Candy! It was NOT a waste of time! I read and appreciated your message. I was flattered that you think my English is exemplary and I DO plan to take a look at that website you mentioned. Thanks again.

I would just like to say how saddening it is to read some of the remarks I've read on this thread.

Incidentally, when I interviewed for a position teaching English in Crete, the schoolmistress wanted me to teach the most advanced courses (you have to be familiar with all the fancy vocabulary words - which I am). She kept saying how "British" my accent sounded and how I have native-like control of the language (LOL). While that may have been very flattering, the 10 euros an hour I was offered was not. However, despite all my erudition, that is the highest salary that any private language school can afford to pay so it really wasn't her fault. It's just the way things are...
Candy   Fri Jan 27, 2006 8:43 pm GMT
<<NO, Candy! It was NOT a waste of time! I read and appreciated your message. I was flattered that you think my English is exemplary and I DO plan to take a look at that website you mentioned. Thanks again.>>

No probs, Jason! I thought it was just a troll, hence my reaction. But I don't mind answering genuine questions! :) Feel free to ask me anything else.

<<I would just like to say how saddening it is to read some of the remarks I've read on this thread.>>

It's terrible, isn't it? I keep posting because, as Gjones said, we need some normal people with interesting things to say to counteract all the trolls. They've been pretty bad the last couple of days. What sad little people they must be. (No doubt I'll get lots of insults directed at me now, but I couldn't care less).
Johannes   Fri Jan 27, 2006 10:07 pm GMT
Kirk thanks for the links to the other forums. I will check them out.

Gjones2 I will continue coming to this site. Just like the realworld every site has it's trolls and this won't scare me in anyway.

I think we should stop discussing about trolls as it seems it's provoking them to invade other threads.

Back to the topic.
Jason and Candy what qualifications did you have earn inorder to be offered positions at English teaching schools?

I read many schools perfer Native English speakers to teach their students. Candy as you are in Germany were you to have some knowledge of the German language to get your job in Germany?