In Latin America: Mexico, of course! Maybe because it's "attached" to the US's engine.
In what we call here "Iberoamerica" (Latin America and Iberia): Spain.
In what we call here "Iberoamerica" (Latin America and Iberia): Spain.
Your Language Rank
In Latin America: Mexico, of course! Maybe because it's "attached" to the US's engine.
In what we call here "Iberoamerica" (Latin America and Iberia): Spain.
I'm running the website This is a language exchange community. There are about 11000 members and I can provide you with some statistics. - Statistics are based on 9584 members - SharedTalk is available in french and in english - SharedTalk is european-based, a part of its advertisement campaign is also european-based. - The numbers preceding languages are the numbers of members who speak/learn these languages. Top 20 native languages : 1816 - French 1668 - Spanish 1463 - English 1317 - Chinese (Mandarin) 411 - Portuguese 286 - Russian 248 - German 231 - Italian 194 - Chinese (Cantonese) 188 - Arabic (Moroccan) 165 - Japanese 164 - Turkish 138 - Polish 132 - Korean 103 - Arabic (Middle Eastern) 88 - Dutch 86 - Arabic (Egyptian) 79 - Hebrew 62 - Catalan 54 - Romanian Top 20 learned languages : 4946 - English 849 - Spanish 792 - French 558 - German 528 - Japanese 340 - Italian 309 - Chinese (Mandarin) 250 - Russian 209 - Portuguese 112 - Arabic (Middle Eastern) 62 - Korean 54 - Dutch 49 - Arabic (Moroccan) 43 - Chinese (Cantonese) 38 - Arabic (Egyptian) 36 - Swedish 30 - Greek 25 - Finnish 23 - Norwegian 22 - Turkish Bernard - SharedTalk Webmaster
In my opinion, French has a decreasing fascination for learners, all due to 3 reasons,
one is that French is only too difficult to pronounce expertly and accurately for non-European learner, it might takes much more energy and time of learners to adapt themselves to French special pronunciation, sometimes they even need to look up the dictionary for phonetic symbol. two is that French is undoubted one of the powerful countries in Europe, as well as Switzerland, Belgium, and Quebec of Canada, but besides, the rest of African countries are almost not worthy of being mentioned about. And it's obviously not the reason why people like to learn French. so, Hispanic world seems stronger than whole Francophone world. three is that French as well as Italian is much more valuable and remarkable on Architecture,Painting,Fashion,Music,literature,sightseeing,and French is also widely used in International meetings, but it seems NOT very useful and helpful on technology,science,photics,electron,trading,economy,and it's NOT easy to find a French-related Job in Asian, as much as I know.
1. English - the world's most important language.
2. Spanish - the #2 language in the US, spoken by most of South America & Mexico, and a significant EU language. 3. French - although it's in decline, it's still one of the most important languages in Europe. 4. German - the other most important European language. 5. Mandarin - #1 in number of speakers. 6. Arabic - important for political reasons. Important language for a major religion. 7. Russian - fairly important in Eastern Europe. 8. Portuguese - important language in South America.
My list
1. English -the language spoken in the United States of America, the worlds only superpower that controls the entire global economic system, the reason why we are writing in that language today. 2. Castilian - The first language of the American continent, with Spanish speaking communities from Point Barrow, Alaska to Punta Arenas, Chile. The second language of the United States, after the aforementioned language. Within the US, Castilian is the first language of 1 in 5 residents and spoken in every state, and the second most language in 43 states in the US. Within the top 5 in Canada. Significant presence in Europe and very minor in Africa, Asia, Oceania, and Antarctica. 3. Mandarin- wherever you go in the world, you will find a Chinese, usually with some business. If China is able to displace the US as the greatest superopower, then we will be speaking Mandarin instead of English in 2026... All other languages are insignificant .
Has France even bothered to learn Spanish?
Maybe it has lately... But ONLY RECENTLY, BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOTICED SPANISH IS CHALLENGING ENGLISH... THEIR ENEMY. Too late. I feel that France has always looked at Spain as an "inferior country" and at Portugal as "Spain's suburbs". Wasn't Spain part of Africa according to Napoleon? Since France has had frustrated attempts to colonize other lands... IT TRIED TO "HANG" FROM THE SUCCESS OF OTHER COUNTRIES. THIS IS THE CASE OF MEXICO, FRANCE WANTED TO CONTROL MEXICO BY CLAIMING "LATINITY" AND USE MEXICANS TO FIGHT THEIR ENGLISH ENEMIES (AND EXPANSION) FOR THEM. Guess what? DIDN'T WORK! Now that French's status is gowing down, France's government is trying desperately to make foreigners learn it... IF IT WEREN'T FOR FRANCE'S GOVERNMENT, FRENCH WOULD PROBABLY VANISH. The government of Quebec also ensures that everything is written in French first (like street signs and food labels) and that the letter size is considerably big compared to other languages. Nowadays Spanish is way more important and useful than French and once again Francophones are claiming common "Latinity", but after French overcomes its enemy (English) with the help of Spanish IT WILL PROBABLY CLAIM SUPERIORITY AND FORGET ALL THE "LATINITY". THIS IS, OF COURSE, MY OPINION and I see no reason for it to be deleted. As far as I'm concerned my opinion is very accurate and I'm judging anyone, I'm not saying the French are the "bad guys" or anything, I'm just expressing the facts I have seen as a Latin American and Hispanic.
Will the French get jealous or annoyed when Spanish surpasses French as the most-spoken romance language in Canada?
" Hi,
I'm running the website This is a language exchange community. There are about 11000 members and I can provide you with some statistics." Ce bernard n'est pas le vrai bernard.... On est donc deux maintenant ! Oh non....
Except for Romanian, would Italian secondly be considered as the least useful one among Romance languages?
Romanain is more important than Italian. More people want to understand dragostae din tei than leonadro da vinci any day.
Your facetious comparison is very comprehensible, but I think Italian economy capability and national power as well as the population amount, make Italy hold a more important advantage position than Romanian.
As a matter of fact, within the limits of Europe, Italy has been playing a more important role than Spain or Portugal in so many respects.
But within the limits of Latin America, lacking for Italian-speaking countries put Italy at a very disadvantage position. So if Latin American people all speak Italian instead of Spanish or Portuguese, Italian would be the most popular and useful one among Romance languages, but it's just an impractical imagination.
Sander Sun Feb 05, 2006 12:14 pm GMT
It's 'Guten Tag'.That lowers your ability to speak German to ... 0 ? I don't care because I'm not planning to speak it one day lol "I can tell you that German probably outweighs Russian in global importance (It's a modern country)." please don't judge my personal opinion and don't compare Russia with Germany. Even if Germany is one of the richest countries, there are few people who speak or learn German in the world. (German is useless, even more than French). "CHINESE Sun Feb 05, 2006 11:41 am GMT According to my above post, I will be able to educe that French almost don't have any advantage of its colonies, and I think Francophonic colonies should be much worse than the Hispanic Latin American world. So, if France compared with only Spain, France sure will win! But if Francophonic world compared with Hispanic world, French will lose!" Can you stop compraring French language with Spanish one? Everybody knows Spanish is more useful than French these days because of increasing number of its speakers in the US! If you don't like French, it's your problem but stop telling in all your posts "French is useless, French is useless, Spanish is better, Spanish is better" ok? C'est pas parce que tu aimes pas le français que tout le monde doit être du même avis que toi ok? alors arrête de parler de la France et de ses colonies dans tous tes posts et de les comprarer avec l'Espagne et l'Amérique Latine, tout ça même si j'adore le monde hispanophone!
First of all, I would like to apologize for my harmless prejudice toward French, if you were hurt to some extent by my post. And I don't think, German is an useless language, it's very much false! At least in China, besides English, German is still more important than other European languages. |