Your Language Rank
=>I don't care because I'm not planning to speak it one day lol <=
Is this worth knowing for me? I merely reduced your claim of being able to say 'hello/good day' in German.I don't care about your personal 'life'.
Ich kann nicht sehr gut Deutsch sprechen aber Deutsch gefällt mir
Native: Japanese
1, English
2, Chinese
3, German
4, Spanish
5, French
6, Portuguese
7, Korean
In Brazil, there're many Japanese immigrants living and working.
This is my "chart"
1 English (the most important!!!)
2 Spanish (I tkink, it's the 2nd important, but in Spain there isn't only the Spanish(Castillian), but they also speak Catalan, Basque etc.)
3 French (the old Lingua Franca; i think it isn't correct to say that NOW is in decline, because French lost many learners in the years 70', 80' 90',and only in US. And I think, now the decline is "end" and french will be in 3rd position forever.
4 Arabic Because it's got many native-speakers, but itsn't very important and it's very difficult to learn.
5 Mandarin I know that in China there isn't onlt the Mandarin so it isn't correct to say that 1,000,000,000 of people speak it.
6 German It's speak only in Germany, Austria and in a part of Switzerland
7 Portuguese it's speak only in Portugal and Brazil
8 Hindi In India, English is an official language and there are many dialects very different from Hindi, so i think that very few Indian speak Hindi
9 Italian It's my language and i think it's very unuseful! In fact Italian is speak only in Italy and in a small region of switzerland (Ticino)
Excuse me for my English!!!!!!!!
About Italian... What about Slovenia? There's also San Marino and Croatia... and also a significant amount of speakers in Malta and Libya.
inutile = not useful... "I do not think it's very useful"
San Marino is a very small state, it's got only 40,000 inhabitants, in slovenia and Croatia Italian it isn't an official language (however I think it's official in Istria, a part of Croatia), and in malta, they speak Maltese and English, but I know there Italian is "famous". But in general it's got a very small number of speakers.
@Tiffany. Are you Italian?
My language rank:
1.) Chickasaw
2.) Mongolian
3.) Old Norse
4.) Coptic
5.) Elvish
6.) Piedmontese
7.) Icelandic (not quite as important as Old Norse, but close)
Vital languages for dynamic folk:
1) Kashubian
2) Faorese
3) Apache
4) Manx
5) Livonian
6) Carib
7) An Indian tribal language
8) KhoiKhoi
9) Any made up language
10) Whale
Sono una straniera, ma mio marito e' italiano. In realta', italiano e' una lingua ufficiale in Slovenia, ma come Croatia, solamente in qualche provincia (tre).