Sorin   Tue Mar 21, 2006 1:26 am GMT
Tiffany, please ignore the Latin American trolls...I've never said - I dislike Italian. I like any Romance language, from Aromanian to Asturian, and from Sicilian to Sardinian. And I can speak 4 of them. However I enjoy fighting the trolls, genuine Italians please don’t feel offended !

grazie !
Octavian   Tue Mar 21, 2006 1:28 am GMT
am plecat in o mie noua sute noazeci-s patru din Timisoara si am aterizat in Toronto. Nu am mai avut ocazia sa ma intorc la o visita, dar am rude si familie in toate partile Romaniei.
Jr   Tue Mar 21, 2006 1:35 am GMT
augustin717; Thanks, for elaborating. I see Romanian has a lot of Idioms within dialects and general -Romanian-. Thanks.

Sorin, no, that was SIMPLY racist;

YOU could've said "black or african" but no, you had to use the "colonial" or insulting term, your lucky there aren't any african-americans et al in here. I think you're rascist, considering you despise & make fun of "latin-americans & italians and now africans." I think the "term" or "reference" -DICTATOR- suits you best.

A more PROPER term would be "LATIN AMERICANS" instead of "Latinos" because 'latinos' refers to all whom speak an LATIN-DERIVED-LANGUAGE.

Bra? what is that? I think your refering to "bro" Wow, sorin your downfall SURE looks "broader" and closer, even now.
Sorin   Tue Mar 21, 2006 1:40 am GMT
Din Timisoara in Toronto ? dupa peste zece ani, vorbesti foarte bine limba Romana...dar cunosti si gramatica, care e destul de grea. Eu sunt din Arad, sper sa mai vorbim pe forum !

Salut ! O seara buna!
Octavian   Tue Mar 21, 2006 1:41 am GMT
Am studiat multa istorie aci sau aici in Canada. dar nu numa Romaniei. Istorie Romana, si Greaca si ma intereseaza limbele latine. Eu numa stiu Limba de nastere cu care am plecat si am uitat multe cuvinte. De aia este foarte dificil sa colaborez in limba Romana normal. Deci eu vorbesc Romana exact cum imi suna in engleza. Este foarte trist si tragic dar mai invat.
Octavian   Tue Mar 21, 2006 1:50 am GMT

Imi pare bine

Am un profesor exact aici in Canada care este din Arad. Deci se pare ca toti trei Romani; Eu, Sorin si Augustin depe forum suntem din Banat.

Salut si Noapte Buna Fratilor Romani

And good night/evening/ afternoon to all on this Forum
augustin717   Tue Mar 21, 2006 2:03 am GMT
Augustin nu-i tumna din Banat. Din Crisana/Ardeal mai iute. De p-acole de pa hotaru dintre ele.
S.P.Q.R   Tue Mar 21, 2006 6:50 am GMT
To Sorin:
Note well, i ddin't supported that o \os endings in italian descend from archaic latin, in fact this isn't true.
JR   Tue Mar 21, 2006 10:09 pm GMT
I dont think anyone did. This is simply a coincidence.
Sorin   Wed Mar 22, 2006 2:11 am GMT
The western Romance was heavily influenced by the Late Vulgar Latin and Medieval Latin that transformed the CL. Latin “AU” diphthong into “O” and also the “UM / US” endings were transformed into “O” endings. Romanian however preserved the words almost intact…Along with the “AU” diphthong and partially “U” endings.


Latin Classical --------AURUM

Italian ------OrO

As a general rule (with some exceptions that confirm the rule) Vulgar Late Latin and therefore the Western Romance simplified and transformed the Classical Latin words as following:

CL.LATIN ----------------------------------------------AURUM-(Gold)
1. (AU) diphthong replaced with “O”--------(AU)RUM = ORUM
2. (UM/US) endings replaced with “O”-------OR(UM) = ORO

Italian --------OrO (gold)

However, Portuguese also attempted to preserve the “AU” diphthong into “OU”


Latin Classical --------AURUM
Latin Classical --------AUGUST

Italian ------AgOstO

Animals in Italian, Spanish and Portuguese









to be continued....
augustin717   Wed Mar 22, 2006 3:17 am GMT
Gringo   Wed Mar 22, 2006 9:22 am GMT
««However, Portuguese also attempted to preserve the “AU” diphthong into “OU” Portuguese----Ouro»»

In Portuguese the diphthong "OU" alternates with the diphthong "OI", there is no phonetic explanation for this.
You can say or write it in both ways:

ouro or oiro
touro or toiro
louro or loiro
cousa or coisa
S.P.Q.R   Wed Mar 22, 2006 12:10 pm GMT
audire C:latin becomes udire standard italian
Capra C. Latin becomes capra standard italian
peter   Fri Mar 24, 2006 4:51 pm GMT
Hey Sorin, you Romanians are a bunch of idiots for allowing scumbags like Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife to run your stupid Dracula country for so damn long! Why didn't you cowardly idiots kick those bastards out long ago? As far as the Italian language is concerned, Italian is considered, by many linguists to be the most beautiful language in the world. Italy is the homeland of the Latin language. And it is a fact that, in Romania, up until the 1800's, the majority of speech was predominately Slavic. Romanian was heavily re-Romanized in the mid to late 19th century. The Romanian language as we know it today did not evolve naturally like the other Romance languages did. The only good thing to come out of Romania is Nadia Comaneci, and she's fat and ugly.
augustin717   Fri Mar 24, 2006 7:30 pm GMT
As far as the Italian language is concerned, Italian is considered, by many linguists to be the most beautiful language in the world.

This single sentece would be enough to demonstrate that you, Peter, don't have a clue about linguistics.
There are no linguistic means whereby one could determine the beauty of a language. That's not even the linguistics' business.