Angry Chirac leaves EU summit as Frenchman speaks English.

Adam   Sun Apr 09, 2006 5:21 pm GMT
"don't you think chriac was being passionate about french. maybe he was trying to defend french. why do many people say chirac is bad? "

He was acting immature, more like.
lu   Tue Apr 11, 2006 8:27 am GMT
That's very interesting.
Jim C, York   Wed Apr 12, 2006 4:30 pm GMT
I get the feeling he is a Lanc bastard, so you can expect this attitude from Adam.

Adam, Britain and France are like two little pups fighting over a pebble. With the two big bears of China and the USA fighting over a mountain behind them. We dont matter anymore in this world, which is why the EU is so important, put our differences behind us I say. And get on with makeing Europe a better place to live.

Bring the Euro to the UK NOW!
Damian en Edimbourg   Wed Apr 12, 2006 6:08 pm GMT
I wonder why M.Greg gets so wound up over the British scene.....I've yet to see him pour such negative bile on any other country. I'm sure he had a bad experience in England one dark, foggy somebody jumped out at him from behind a bush or something....or served him up a bad ratatouille.
Jim C, York   Wed Apr 12, 2006 6:56 pm GMT
I wish I spoke old Yorkshire, then I could be like Greg and use my language to piss people that cant read it off. Its obvious he speaks English, so why doesn't he be nice and help us poor ill-educated "rosbeuuufs" out.

Excuse me while I go burn my useless Frech-English Dictionary,
Jim C, York   Thu Apr 13, 2006 4:38 pm GMT
I think that would be best, have a translation underneath, then we are all happy.
Damian in Edinburgh   Thu Apr 13, 2006 9:32 pm GMT
The situation is this Forum now is a wee bit complicated.....I have to resort to a sport of cherry picking policy as I scroll down the postings.....avidly reading all the English Language English Only Forum ones, and mentally blanking out all Non English Language aka Foreign Language postings. Sorry, but I legitimately claim this right in this part of the Antimoon Forum. Take me to the bloody European Court of Human Rights at Strasbourg.... (is it Strasbourg? or is it Brussels? Or Luxembourg? Or maybe it's Muenchen Gladbach?...anyway, it's some foreign place) .... if you like, but I dinnae give a toss one way or the other.
Jim C, Eofforwic   Thu Apr 13, 2006 9:47 pm GMT
The Hague traditionaly. fair enough use your language, but translate for us so we can join in on the conversation. If you can't say so, and I am more than happy to use my dictionary, as I have in the past.
I resent people that use their language as a weapon, like the odd welsh lad that will call you an arse hole in welsh (one of the few words a know in welsh) when he hears your english accent in a pub.
Damian in Dun Eidann   Thu Apr 13, 2006 9:53 pm GMT
sport = sort (typo)

***it doesn't look like you have much else to read then** policy leaves me sod all to read a lot of the time with all this foreign encroachment.
french   Fri Apr 14, 2006 8:27 am GMT
We (spanish or french-)Basques also resist, not to the evil capitalism but to you jacobins, so proud of your own language than you ignore to the others the right to live.

Etorri behar lukete. Pentsatu nahi dut estatua pausoak egiten joango dela. Ez dakit nola gauzatuko den, baina aldaketak egin behar direla argi daukat. Tristea iruditzen zait egoera honetara arte, su-eteneko egoera honetara arte itxarotea espetxe politika hori aldatzeko.

We too are proud of our language but you spit at our face because acording to you we speak "patois". So why do you want other people respect your language if you don't respect the other languages spoken for ages in the same territory.

Long live the Basques, Occitans, Catalans, Corsicans, Bretons, Alsatians, Flemish, Arpitans !
Damian in Alba   Fri Apr 14, 2006 8:53 am GMT
OK's the Hague....I never knew that, but I was right...another foreign place. ffs I sound like Adam now! ;-) But I'm making a point here.

Of course I respect all other Languages, but all I was bitching about was the deliberate use of foreign Languages (with NO translation to English) in this Forum which, as the title clearly implies, is to be conducted in the English Language only. We discuss every Language under the sun, and everything connected with them, but written in English and no other Language according to the rules of the Forum. There is a separate Language Forum for every other Language, from Serbo Croat to Gujurati and everything in between.

I'm off to Wales now to learn some Welsh swear words I can then use in here (with no translation)...that'll taigle them.
french and ...   Sat Apr 15, 2006 10:18 am GMT
Cela s'adresse aux français un peu trop nationalistes et "franchouillards" à mon goût.

This message was for those French who are too much nationalistic for me. They must know and recognize that in France other languages are spoken. If they want we respect french on an international scale, they must respect and recognize OFFICIALLY the other languages of France first.
Adam   Sun Apr 16, 2006 4:10 pm GMT
" resent people that use their language as a weapon, like the odd welsh lad that will call you an arse hole in welsh (one of the few words a know in welsh) when he hears your english accent in a pub. "

That's happened to me.

I know someone who went into a shop in Wales and the shopkeeper spoke in English to all the Welsh customers who were served before him. But when it was his turn to be served, the shopkeeper spoke to him in Welsh.
Irish Guy   Sun Apr 16, 2006 6:59 pm GMT
lu   Mon Apr 17, 2006 12:40 am GMT
What is Welsh like?
Far different from English??