What is your favorite Spanish variation? (no Spanish haters)
Thank you for these clips :)
I think the Mexican-spanish clip sounds the uppermost neutral of them all. I just don't like how they -say / use- "okay" (few english neologisms) as their mean of communication. Whereas Colombian-spanish wouldn't do so, and is perhaps conversative then Mexican-spanish due to its geography, however, both possess equal or similiar phonology.
Side note: I think Castillian-spanish has a lovely upbeat, swift and intelligible way of pronouncing spanish.
"Franco, ami tambien me caga el acento argentino, pero bueno que se le va a hacer.
So... to all NON-NATIVE spanish speaker, which one did you like the best? which one was the most Neutral and which one the Nicest?"
Some notes on the Spanish accents: The Argentine accent was very clear and didn't sound like Platenense. I didn't here many "ll" and "y" pronunciations. I thought the accent from Spain was way too clear. I usually have a hard time with Spain Castellano accents. He wasn't speaking as fast has I've heard most Spaniards before and there wasn't any alveolar "s" pronunciations which I normally hear especially in Madrileno that usually aids to the confusion when I here them talk. To me the Colombian and Argentinean accents where the most clear. The Mexican was clear but a little too clear. The one's I hear around my community don't talk like that. I don't fancy the Mexican accents too much because it is too hick sounding to my ears (ie. redneck Castellano). But of course that is just my opinion.
Here are some more Spanish examples:
Puerto Rican Spanish ( though there is not as much aspiration of the "s"
more examples.....
Panamanian Spanish (This is very Panamanian!! Funny thing is that I think the girl in this commercial is my cousin (hah!). Very traditional and reflects the traditional dress and music of Panama).
Chilean Spanish ( fuzzy clip but this is a good example of Don Francisco and his very strong Chilean accent. Definitely far from neutral.)
I tried to find an example of that alveolar "s" pronunciation of the accent I always heard in Spain but I couldn't find it. What a bummer.
My favourite Spanish variations are: Spanish from United States, from Belize, from Morocco, from Equatorial Guinea, from Israel, from Philippines, and from Andorra:D
>The Mexican was clear but a little too clear. The one's I hear around my community don't talk like that. I don't fancy the Mexican accents too much because it is too hick sounding to my ears (ie. redneck Castellano). But of course that is just my opinion.<
I agree with this, however, I've noticed Mexicans whom possess this 'hick' like sound -as you've said- is more common in upper, coastal and lower Mexico. In addition the central variant of Mexico, preferably from: Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, Jalisco, Colima and parts of Michoacan tend to have a clearer and jovial tone then the rest. Furthermore I've noticed inhabitants from Jalisco (preferably girls) who have a equal, similiar or better intonation then this girl:
{Side note: I think the reason why these states have a clearer pronunciation of Spanish is due to their demography, that is to say, there's perhaps a stronger European presence there with minimal indigenous attributes in their discourse.}
Also many Mexican-americans (again, preferably girls) have this clear & pleasant intonation probably due to English interference they've gained since childhood, as their primary language, and so when they speak / pronounce Spanish their intonation is much clearer and understandable then their parents' Spanish, due to English's phonology.
My favorite Spanish versions are Asturian and Aragonese and I'm glad that they are given status along with Catlan, Basque, Galician, and Leonese in Spain.
*****Asturian Text*****
La Oficina de Política de Llingüística del Principáu d'Asturies ye un Serviciu dependiente de la Dirección Xeneral de Promoción Cultural y Política Llingüística (dirixida por Carlos Madera González), dientro la Conseyería de Cultura, Comunicación Social y Turismu, de la que ye titular Ana Rosa Migoya Diego. Creóse pol Decretu 85/2003, del 29 de xunetu (BOPA del 30 de xunetu del 2003), que se refier a la estructura orgánica básica de la mentada Conseyería. D'acordies col antedichu Decretu, "La Oficina de Política Llingüística desarrolla las funciones relativas a le ejecución, coordinación con otras administraciones, control y evaluación de los programas necesarios para el desarrollo de una política lingüística que garantice y normalice socialmente el uso del asturiano, así como las necesarias para su protección, promoción y difusión". La creación de la Oficina de Política Llingüística ye'l primer puntu del Acuerdu de Gobiernu ente'l PSOE y IX-BA: "Creación de la Dirección Xeneral de Promoción Cultural y Política Llingüística y de la Oficina de Política Llingüística, instrumentos políticos y administrativos de planificación y execución qu'aseguren la coordinación coles distintes administraciones públiques, igual que'l control y la evaluación d'estos programes". El Xefe de la Oficina de Política Llingüística ye Ramón d'Andrés Díaz, profesor titular de Filoloxía Española y Asturiana na Universidá d'Uviéu, miembru de númberu de l'Academia de la Llingua Asturiana, patronu de la Fundación "Caveda y Nava" y autor d'abondos llibros, artículos y estudios sobre la llingua asturiana y la so realidá llingüística y social.
*****Aragonese Text*****
O Consello d'a Fabla Aragonesa fa o clamamiento d'o VII Premio "O Gua" ta niños e ninas, correspondién á o 2007, que se reglará por os regles siguiens:
1º. O premio se fa cada tres añadas. Iste sieteno clamamiento corresponde á o 2007.
2º. Os treballos que se i presienten serán inéditos e pueden estar un solo cuento u falordia, u bien diferens narrazions curtas.
3º. Podrán estar escritos en cualsiquier bariedá d'aragonés, pero en toz os casos, siguindo correutamén as normas gráficas de l'aragonés.
4º. As falordias u narrazions serán ta niños e ninas e mozez e mozetas de 6 ta 12 añadas. Se balurará muito espezialmén o caráuter didautico, asinas como l'achustamiento d'o bocabulario e as construzions á ra edá.
5º. L'amplaria d'o testo será d'entre 20 e 50 fuellas, á dople espazio (entre 50.000 e 125.000 carauters).
6º. Os treballos podrán lebar debuxos (á una tinta, de 14 zm. d'amplaria por 14 zm. d'altaria, u proporzional á ixas midas, tanto en bertical como en orizontal). Encara que no ye obligatorio, ye consellable que biengan con debuxos. O Churato balurará a suya calida e a conchunzión con o testo.
7º. Os treballos podrán estar feitos por una sola presona u por barias.
8º. Os treballos s'endrezarán ta: CONSELLO D'A FABLA ARAGONESA, trestallo postal 147, 22080 UESCA. No se i meterá o nombre d'os autors u autoras. S'achuntará una carpeta zarrata, con o tetulo d'a obra en o esterior, drento d'a que se cuaternarán os datos d'os autors u autoras (espezificando-bi quí ha feito ro testo e quí os debuxos).
9º. O plazo d'entrega d'orichinals rematará o día 30 de setiembre de l'añada 2007.
10º. A dezisión d'o Churato, que ye inapelable, asinas como a composizión d'íste, se ferá publica en o mes d'otubre de l'añada 2007.
11º. O premio consistirá en a edizión d'a obra ganade- ra y un premio en metálico de 600 euros. A edizión, con un menimo de 500 exemplars, se ferá por a editorial Publicazions d'o Consello d'a Fabla Aragonesa d'alcuerdo con as normas graficas de l' aragonés emologatas en abril de 1987. As obras no pas premiatas quedarán en propiedá d'o Consello d'a Fabla Aragonesa de no meyar demanda en contra por parti d'os autors u autoras drento d'o plazo d'un mes dende que se faiga publica la dezisión d'o Churato.
12º. O Churato podrá no atorgar o premio á denguna d'as obras preséntalas u atorgar bel aczésit, si lo creye combenién.
13º. O feito de partezipar en iste premio presuposa L'azeutazión d'istos regles de partezipazión.
"The Mexican was clear but a little too clear. The one's I hear around my community don't talk like that. I don't fancy the Mexican accents too much because it is too hick sounding to my ears (ie. redneck Castellano). But of course that is just my opinion"
>>That's mainly because the Mexicans in the States, come from the lowest social status in Mexico (otherwise they wouldn't have to emigrate), therefore I don't think you can ask those people to have a good intonation, however most Mexicans (in Mexico), will have a neutral accent, just like the girl in the commercial, especially the young ones, in urban areas.