The Future of Russian

Guest   Wed Mar 21, 2007 6:45 am GMT
<<Oh yes, russian language. It will soon be dead, all right. How can chinese possibly learn russian? You know they have a hard time learning foreign languages. So, they will "kill" it! >>

Shut up! They can never kill the Russian language. As far as I know your language is the one that is being threatwnd by Chinese. Go to hell!
Franco   Wed Mar 21, 2007 8:20 am GMT
The attitude of Russian speakers in this thread epitomises the reason why Russian will disappear. Russians simply cannot accept critisism of any kind, and will always offer excuses and avoidances rather than accept that there is a problem and work at trying to fix it.

For Russians there is no problem, so there is nothing to fix.

Obviously they are too lazy and apathetic and too busy wallowing in pain to try to do something. They isn't capable of believeing that anything the Westerners (or Easterners depending on your point of view) is not an attak on their country, even if it is the truth.
Vlad   Wed Mar 21, 2007 8:38 am GMT
Excuse me Frankie but don't throw the issue to others. The hispanics are the ones who will disappear.
Vlad   Wed Mar 21, 2007 8:39 am GMT
All you wish is to take the lands of the Anglo-Saxons and the Russophones to turn them inot hispanic playground because all it is in yur mind is to have fun and vanity instead of being productive. That is why hiospanic countries are living in poverty.
Franco   Wed Mar 21, 2007 11:05 am GMT
I'm not even a hispanic fanatic, so your attack is impotent.

Just accept Russia has problems and that's half way to solving them.
Linguist   Wed Mar 21, 2007 12:28 pm GMT
Vlad - заткнись ублюдок и не позорь Россию, не надоело метать бисер перед свиньями?

Первое правило русского националиста: никогда не пытайся доказать свою точку зрения иностранцу, страйся не вступать с ними в споры.

Никогда не высказывайся оскорбительно об инородцах вообще. Человек, который это делает постоянно, обычно оказывается либо недалеким, либо сознательным провокатором.


эта тема создана, чтобы спровоцировать неговование русских, а потом над ними же и поржать, или ты сам тоже провокатор?
Aunt Stalin   Fri Mar 23, 2007 2:17 am GMT
Whatever is that Uncle Lenin wrote (up), at least he had the courage to write something, and not just F... everybody in here. What did you write, dear uncle Lenin? What? Uncle Leeeniiiiiinnnn!!!!! Uncle Leeeenniiiiinnn....

It's me...aunt Staaaaaliiiinnn...
Boris   Fri Mar 23, 2007 3:20 pm GMT
Russian language has a space! Other than that...well, sorry guys but it is a gonner. It will die before you know it. I give it 100 years. Maybe it will happen in less time.
a.p.a.m.   Fri Mar 23, 2007 5:40 pm GMT
Russian will not die out. Those Russians are clever, just when you think they're on the brink of calamity and collapse, they manage to revive themselves. There's an old saying from the early days of the Russian Communist Party: "When you are weak, feign strength. When you are strong, feign weakness". Sly little chess players.
Guest   Fri Mar 23, 2007 5:51 pm GMT
Sacunnu mia u russu nun mori, ma puoi cchinni (o chi ni, bho!) sacciu! Certu fussi bellu sapillu parrarri, ma camarora m'accuntientu ri parrari a mo lingua. ciau!
PS: scrissi na puocu ri cosi a muzzu (praticamenti na puocu ri minciati :=)) accussì tantu ppi scriviri coccaccosa macari iu no forum!
Kiss Kiss   Sat Mar 24, 2007 5:53 am GMT
I love you too.
Franco   Mon Mar 26, 2007 2:50 am GMT
Все русские скоро исчезнут с лица мира насовсем. Мы долго ждали такого дня...

Ha ha just kidding, take no notice. I am sadenned by the dissapearence of Russian, but it is inevitable.
Belgian   Mon Mar 26, 2007 5:18 am GMT
"Первое правило русского националиста: никогда не пытайся доказать свою точку зрения иностранцу, страйся не вступать с ними в споры. "

...потому что так или иначе, русский всё равно проиграет спор, ибо точка зрения националиста всегда приходит в тупик!
Vlad   Mon Mar 26, 2007 11:35 am GMT
<<Ha ha just kidding, take no notice. I am sadenned by the dissapearence of Russian, but it is inevitable. >>

Hahahahahhahahaha. The Russians will not dissappear. It's the Hispanics that will disappear because whitin a fw generations they will evolve into different ethnic groups just like from Romans to Neo-Latins like French, Hispanics, Italians, Portuguese, Romanians and we will be waiting for that day to come. Adios Hispanicos de tercer mundo! And Frankenstein don't you ever deny that you are Hispanic.

My friends and neighbors are having a big family. So there is no truth behind that Russina population is declining it is a black propaganda of Western nations.

The US, Canada, Australia, NZ and other English speaking countries are the ones that experience in their population growth. They are growing because of immigrtaion coming from Asian countries.
nicoleabell   Mon Mar 26, 2007 6:04 pm GMT
what is this for?