Hi; I would like to know how do you answer to the phone in your language, in your country?
I know that in England they say: Hello?
In Spain they say: Dica me!
And what about all other countries? For example: in Italy? in Portougal? In Croatia? in China? in Japan? etc etc etc
is it "Dica me"? I thought "Diga me"
Anyway, in Korea you say "Yoboseyo!"
Spain: Si? Digame? Dime? Or an combination of "Si, digame?" etc.
Mexico: Bueno? Si? Alo? Digame? Or an combination of "Si, bueno?" etc.
U.S.A: Hello? Yupp? Yeahh?
Why the post "american" has been deleted? What an enlighted demonstration of freedom!!!! Like usual! Fear to hear the truth???
En català:
Què mana?, Sí?
Miquel Adrover - Mallorca
U.S.A: Hello? / Yeah?/ Yeep? / Yeah, what's up?
Mexico: Si, bueno? / Bueno? / Aló? / Si, quién es? / Digame?
Spain: Si, Diga? / Diga(me)? / Si? / Si, quién es?
Italy: Pronto!
Colombia: Pronto! A ver? Si hable?
Cuba: Oigo!
Chile: Aló?
Argentina: Holá?
France: Allô!
Germany: Hallo!
In the US , everyone says "Hello". I've never heard of anyone saying , "Yeep?" or "Yeah"? I mean, there is caller ID, and people would only say that if they knew who was calling and was expected it.
Yeah? = is used in California. (either by people we know or don't)
In Peru it's almost invariably "Aló?" which is a gallicism. Very rarely I hear a "Si?". That's that.
Pedro de Peru
I'm from California, and I always answer "Hello?"
here in Brazil we say: ALÔ? or PRONTO?
In the Catalan we speak in the Valencian Country we often say: "Qui és?" (who is it?)
In Russia they say:
Бля, что за черт хочешь? Хуй тебе, я занят. Если у тебя нет водки, то заткнись.
In Spain:
Soy español! Quieres salir a hacer cosas tontas hasta las 5 de la mañana? No voy a trabajar hoy ni mañana, solo quiero parecer un imbécil.
In France:
Bonjour, je ne se que je sois.
In Germany:
Das ist fantastiche, ja! Glocken!
In Japan:
Watashi no penisu o tabete kudasai, onegaishimasu!
In Argentina:
Quieres hacer el amor conmigo. No importa que eres del mismo sexo, solo quiero aliviar mis deseos sexuales.
In Greece: Parakalô! = please!
In Italy: Pronto! = ready
Hi Marc,
>Mexico: Si, bueno? / Bueno? / Aló? / Si, quién es? / Digame?
Nobody says Aló? in Mexico. This is considered extremely pedantic.
>Cuba: Oigo!
Plus: ¡Hable! (imperative.... sounds too rude to my ears...)