What is your first language?
"Yes, there are many many English accents, but there is a standard such as the English spoken on the BBC and in Oxford. Everyone in the U.K strives to speak like that. I was born and raised in London in an upper class family, so that is how I speak."
Dear JLK
you must be a childish and frustrated guy, Why on earth do you need to invent new identities everyday?
I'm from Japan and my first language is Japanese.
<<Yes, there are many many English accents, but there is a standard such as the English spoken on the BBC and in Oxford. Everyone in the U.K strives to speak like that.>>
Not quite, not anymore. Just think of public school educated musicians like Lily Allen and Luke Pritchard who desperately want to sound street-wise. Even younger members of the Royal Family speak, well, if not Estuary but a much more relaxed type of English than conservative RP.
"Estuary but a much more relaxed type of English than conservative RP".
What a pity! That conservative English sounds beautiful
"Dear JLK
you must be a childish and frustrated guy, Why on earth do you need to invent new identities everyday?"
Sorry, I have only one identity. With the screen name, 'guest', I take it you have none. You won't start crying will you...?
I spik sudakachilikitinii
Ich hasse diesen boesen Typ
Je déteste ce vilain mec
odeio esse rapaz tao tolo
odio a esse tio tan bobo
ja nenavizhu etovo glupovo mal'chika
I hate this stupid guy
odio mortalment aquest buit noi
ezet a butat utàlom
I'm from Serbia, my native languages are Sebian, Croatian, Bosnian, Montenegrin. I can also speak Romanian fluently, English and some Italian
"I'm from Serbia, my native languages are Sebian, Croatian, Bosnian, Montenegrin. I can also speak Romanian fluently, English and some Italian."
You don't speak Herzegovinan too? LOL. Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian and Montenegrin are all the same language.
Guest: <Ich hasse diesen boesen Typ
Je déteste ce vilain mec
odeio esse rapaz tao tolo
odio a esse tio tan bobo
ja nenavizhu etovo glupovo mal'chika
I hate this stupid guy
odio mortalment aquest buit noi
ezet a butat utàlom>
Do you know that many languages? That's amazing!
In what languages are the sentences <ja nenavizhu etovo glupovo mal'chika > and <ezet a butat utàlom>?
Why do you hate me? I'm a cultured and amicable person among other virtues.
Neither of the above posts are mine.
"Why do you hate me? I'm a cultured and amicable person among other virtues."
"Virtues" was used incorrectly in the second sentence. You could have said 'things'. No one can be a virtue...LOL
"So am I"
LOL, you forgot to end the sentence with a period. I'm about to fall off my chair because of laughter. I never realized stupidity could be so amusing. Hahahahahaha....
"I'm about to fall off my chair because of laughter."
So am I..............................................................................................................................................