once you've learnt a slavonic language, the others are a piece of cake. My favourite slavonic languages are Russian and Polish
what's your favourite Slavic language?
Le polonais. Je connais certains mots. Je peux le lire même sans comprendre ce que je dis.
Comment se fait-il que tu le lises sans comprendre ce que tu lis?? Est-ce que tu connais les règles de prononciation de la langue polonaise??
Comment se fait-il que tu le lises sans comprendre ce que tu lis?? Est-ce que tu connais les règles de prononciation de la langue polonaise??
My favorite Slavic language is Russian, because of its nice soft consonants.
I'd have to go with Russian too. The soft palatalized consonant sounds are awesome and unique to Russian. It's also the most useful language Slavic language. Russian has a cool factor, not just because of it's difficulty but it's association with espionage and the cold war.
Neither of the above posts belong to me. Haha...moron. You corrected the wrong JLK.
My order regarding slavic languages is:
Serbo- Croat
the others not realy heard!
Serbo- Croat
the others not realy heard!
Stupid italian boy. Don't you know that Romanian is a latin language??
Bye from Rome
Bye from Rome
It's far from perfect and by 'it' I'm referring to you.
Why don't you reveal yourself? What screen name do you usually post under? I know you admire me and my mastery of the English language, but those are not good enough reasons to steal my identity. Are you the Puerto Rican who got so offended by my comments earlier on? Don't tell me you're still thinking about that Belgian languages thread. I must left a good impression...
Why don't you reveal yourself? What screen name do you usually post under? I know you admire me and my mastery of the English language, but those are not good enough reasons to steal my identity. Are you the Puerto Rican who got so offended by my comments earlier on? Don't tell me you're still thinking about that Belgian languages thread. I must left a good impression...
Why are you calling me stupid? I have been rading so many postings saying that Romanian is slavic and although by listening I understood somewhat Romanian, I thought it is just an international loan for both, Italian and Romanian...I'm not a linguist!
You are stupid and rude!
You are stupid and rude!
I have been rading so many postings saying that Romanian is slavic
well, you're stupid twice! You ought to know that most people on this forum are ignorant and uneducated! Before posting, take a look at a good book of linguistics next time!
well, you're stupid twice! You ought to know that most people on this forum are ignorant and uneducated! Before posting, take a look at a good book of linguistics next time!