Using "vos" instead of "tú" in Spanish
<< VOS never appears in sitcoms and soap operas made in Chile >>
That's not true. Sorry. I was a bit exaggerating.
In Chile, VOS is used, but only like when you're mad, or when you are really good friends.
"Vos no sabís nada!!"
Quite emotional..
<< Te felicito por tus ganas de aprender español y mirá ve, que visités Colombia y usés el voseo. >>
Gracias, Rodrigo!
<< It should be "hables" with no accent, I believe. There is no subjunctive conjugation for vos. >>
There is.
In Central America it's normal to use the VOS subjunctive conjugation.
<< I studied for 3 years in high school... our text books always provided the "vosotros" conjugations, but we never actually learned them, and they were not used in the lessons (at least, not any of the lessons we actually studied). As far as I can recall, "vos" got no mention, but that's not too surprising. >>
That is actually quite surprising. Considering that the number of the voseantes exceeds the vosotroseantes by far.
I highly doubt that there are more voseantes . Most of Mexico is not voseante.
I meant compared to the number of people who use "vosotr@s".
I don't think that it is the case either. Voseo is mainly used in Argentina and Uruguay, which combined have no more population than Spain where vosotros is used.
OMG this sh*t again?! just let it die!
Die you. This is an interesting subject.
We've had like 10 mf thread about the same thing for god's sake!
This is the 11th. Enjoy it.
''which combined have no more population than Spain where vosotros is used.''
In many parts of Spain vosotros is not used at all and
in many parts of Central America vos is used (including Chapas state of Mexico and Western part of Venezuela)
And in many parts of Central America and Argentina vos is not used. Anyway Vosotros is the standard in Spain, so people when want to sound formal use it despite they wouldn't in other contexts.
<< I don't think that it is the case either. Voseo is mainly used in Argentina and Uruguay, which combined have no more population than Spain where vosotros is used. >>
All in all the number of voseantes exceeds the number of those who use vosotr@s.
The population of Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Central America, and many regions in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia certainly exceeds the population of Spain.
Chile is not voseante. According to wikipedia, voseante people are 30% of the Hispanic World.