Hello friends! What do you think about the future of russian language in the republic of moldova, given the fact that moldova is an independent country now, and moldovans are romanian native speakers? Thanks.
the future of russian language in the rep. of moldova
i don`t think that russia will re-annex moldova... at least not in the 21 century
The Romanian spoken in Moldova will probably be strongly influenced by Russian and Ukrainian. In the distant future, I won't be surprised to see a new "Moldovan" language, fusing Romanian and Russian together.
I don't think so Hutch, Now that Moldovans reverted back to lain script, with the use of modern means of communication and since Moldova borders Romania, the deifferences between to variants of the same language will be narrowed and standardized in the near future. After all, Moldova's heritafe is Latin(Romania) not Slavic.
Hutch, romanian and russian will not mix. moldova was under russian ocupation ihn the last two centuries and the romanian language spoken there is diffrent only in terms of accent and few lexical terms. romanian spoken in moldova is 99.9999% identical with romanian spoken in romania. But suposing that romanian and russian will form another language.. that will happen is such a distant future that you will never see.. simply because it could happen in 3-4 centuries.
Moldovan's have had enough of Russian oppression and occupation. I think the best way for them is to join the free Europe by joining Romania, which is not part of the EU.
i think russian language will be less used in the future. english is becoming more and more popular in moldova
i think russian language will be less used in the future. english is becoming more and more popular in moldova
Нет, не врите, русский язык всегда остается самым важным языком по всей восточной европе. Почему же вы думаете что его влияние уменшится? Это ерунда, извините, но вы просто витаете в облаках.
Pienso que la nacion Moldavia, cada dia se harà mas autònoma y volvera a sus raices latinas, utilizara el alfabeto latino, y aunque existe muy poca diferencia con la lengua rumana, esta ya no se fusionaran, Moldavia es una nacion independizada del yugo rumano y del yugo ruso, seguira teniendo relaciones estrategicas y comerciales consus vecinos froterizos: Ukarania, Rusia, Rumania y Bulgaria. Pero ya conocen los moldavos el sabor de llamarse nacion independiente y con autodeterminacion de su futuro economico y social. Pentu Moldova, Inselest. Frumoss Moldova.
Ха ха сергуей, не говори глупости. Мы все знаем, что русский язык считается языком Бога в Молдавии. Что касается меня, я бы хотел общаться на языком Бога больше чем на простом человеческом языке.
Moldova nu se va mai uni niciodata cu Romania .Suntem satui de apucaturile lor si suntem oricum mult prea saraci ca sa ii mai ducem in spate si pe ei. Sunt liberi sa vorbeasca ce limba vor si sa o numeasca cum vor ei,atata timp cat nu au pretentia ca vorbesc romaneste si o rup pe pasareasca lor sau oricare amalgam rusofon.
Наши молдавские девушки пользуются большим спросом на рынке секс-рабов и рабынь. Только украинки пользуются большим спросом в мире. Каждая седьмая девушка в Молдавии становится проституткой и секс-рабыней за границей.